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Proposals/Agenda item

World Radiocommunication Conference 2003 (WRC-03)

Note : the Proposals are automatically extracted from the Contributions, which remain the reference documents.

Agenda Item Proposals
Agenda Item 1

1   on the basis of proposals from administrations and the Report of the Conference Preparatory Meeting, taking account of the results of WRC-2000, and with due regard to the requirements of existing and future services in the bands under consideration, to consider and take appropriate action with respect to the following items:

No documents available
Agenda Item 1.1

1   on the basis of proposals from administrations and the Report of the Conference Preparatory Meeting, taking account of the results of WRC-2000, and with due regard to the requirements of existing and future services in the bands under consideration, to consider and take appropriate action with respect to the following items:

1.1   requests from administrations to delete their country footnotes or to have their country name deleted from footnotes, if no longer required, in accordance with Resolution 26 (Rev.WRC-97)

AFS/211/1 - AFS/211/2 - ARB/27A1/1 - ASP/25A1/1 - ASP/25A1/2 - ASP/25A1/3 - ASP/25A1/4 - ASP/25A1/5 - ASP/25A1/6 - ASP/25A1/7 - ASP/25A1/8 - ASP/25A1/9 - ASP/25A1/10 - AUT/11/1 - AUT/11/2 - AUT/14/1 - AUT/14/2 - AUT/14/3 - AUT/14/4 - BLR/88/1 - BLR/88/2 - BLR/88/3 - BOT/143/1 - BOT/143/2 - BOT/143/3
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Agenda Item 1.2

1   on the basis of proposals from administrations and the Report of the Conference Preparatory Meeting, taking account of the results of WRC-2000, and with due regard to the requirements of existing and future services in the bands under consideration, to consider and take appropriate action with respect to the following items:

1.2   to review and take action, as required, on No. 5.134 and related Resolutions 517 (Rev.WRC-97) and 537 (WRC-97) and Recommendations 515 (Rev.WRC-97), 517 (HFBC-87), 519 (WARC-92) and Appendix 11, in the light of the studies and actions set out therein, having particular regard to the advancement of new modulation techniques, including digital techniques, capable of providing an optimum balance between sound quality, bandwidth and circuit reliability in the use of the HF bands allocated to the broadcasting service

AFCP/57/1 - AFCP/57/2 - AFCP/57/3 - ARB/27A2/1 - ARB/27A2/2 - ARB/27A2/3 - ARB/27A2/3A - ARB/27A2/4 - ARB/27A2/5 - ARB/27A2/6 - ARB/27A2/7 - ARB/27A2/8 - ARB/27A2/9 - ARB/27A2/10 - ARB/27A2/11 - ARB/27A2/12 - ARB/27A2/13 - ARB/27A2/14 - ARB/27A2/15 - ARB/27A2/16 - ARB/27A2/17 - ASP/25A2/11 - ASP/25A2/12 - ASP/25A2/13 - ASP/25A2/15
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Agenda Item 1.3

1   on the basis of proposals from administrations and the Report of the Conference Preparatory Meeting, taking account of the results of WRC-2000, and with due regard to the requirements of existing and future services in the bands under consideration, to consider and take appropriate action with respect to the following items:

1.3   to consider identification of globally/regionally harmonized bands, to the extent practicable, for the implementation of future advanced solutions to meet the needs of public protection agencies, including those dealing with emergency situations and disaster relief, and to make regulatory provisions, as necessary, taking into account Resolution 645 (WRC-2000)

AFS/64A1/1 - AFS/64A1/2 - AFS/64A1/3 - AFS/64A1/4 - AFS/64A1/5 - AFS/64A1/6 - ARB/27A3/1 - ASP/25A3/28 - ASP/25A3/29 - ASP/25A3/29A - ASP/25A3/29B - ASP/25A3/29C - ASP/25A3/29D - ASP/25A3/30 - CME/42/1 - EENA/24/12 - EGY/48/1 - EUR/13A3/1 - EUR/13A3/2 - IAP/5A2/47 - IAP/5A2/48 - IAP/5A2/49 - IND/62/8 - IND/62/9 - IRN/32/2
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Agenda Item 1.4

1   on the basis of proposals from administrations and the Report of the Conference Preparatory Meeting, taking account of the results of WRC-2000, and with due regard to the requirements of existing and future services in the bands under consideration, to consider and take appropriate action with respect to the following items:

1.4   to consider the results of studies related to Resolution 114 (WRC-95), dealing with the use of the band 5 091-5 150 MHz by the fixed-satellite service (Earth-to-space) (limited to non-GSO MSS feeder links), and review the allocations to the aeronautical radionavigation service and the fixed-satellite service in the band 5 091-5 150 MHz

AFCP/57/4 - AFCP/57/5 - AFCP/57/6 - ARB/27A4/1 - ARB/27A4/2 - ARB/27A4/3 - ASP/25A4/31 - ASP/25A4/32 - ASP/25A4/33 - EENA/24/13 - EUR/13A4/1 - EUR/13A4/2 - EUR/13A4/3 - IAP/5A2/50 - IAP/5A2/51 - IAP/5A2/52 - IND/62/10 - IRN/32/3 - KEN/34/8 - MEX/40/2 - TZA/131/13 - UKR/89/10 - USA/12/19 - USA/12/20 - USA/12/21
Agenda Item 1.5

1   on the basis of proposals from administrations and the Report of the Conference Preparatory Meeting, taking account of the results of WRC-2000, and with due regard to the requirements of existing and future services in the bands under consideration, to consider and take appropriate action with respect to the following items:

1.5   to consider, in accordance with Resolution 736 (WRC-2000), regulatory provisions and spectrum requirements for new and additional allocations to the mobile, fixed, Earth exploration-satellite and space research services, and to review the status of the radiolocation service in the frequency range 5 150-5 725 MHz, with a view to upgrading it, taking into account the results of ITU-R studies

AFS/64A2/1 - AFS/64A2/2 - AFS/64A2/3 - AFS/64A2/4 - AFS/64A2/5 - AFS/64A2/6 - AFS/64A2/7 - AFS/64A2/8 - AFS/64A2/9 - ARB/27A5/1 - ARB/27A5/2 - ARB/27A5/3 - ARB/27A5/4 - ARB/27A5/5 - ARB/27A5/5A - ARB/27A5/6 - ARB/27A5/7 - ASP/25A5/34 - ASP/25A5/34A - ASP/25A5/34B - ASP/25A5/34C - ASP/25A5/34D - ASP/25A5/34E - ASP/25A5/34F - ASP/25A5/35
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Agenda Item 1.6

1   on the basis of proposals from administrations and the Report of the Conference Preparatory Meeting, taking account of the results of WRC-2000, and with due regard to the requirements of existing and future services in the bands under consideration, to consider and take appropriate action with respect to the following items:

1.6   to consider regulatory measures to protect feeder links (Earth-to-space) for the mobile-satellite service which operate in the band 5 150-5 250 MHz, taking into account the latest ITU?R Recommendations (for example, Recommendations ITU-R S.1426, ITU-R S.1427 and ITU-R M.1454);

AFCP/57/7 - ARB/27A6/1 - ARB/27A6/2 - ARB/27A6/3 - ASP/25A6/44 - ASP/25A6/45 - ASP/25A6/46 - ASP/25A6/47 - EENA/24/18 - EENA/24/19 - EUR/13A6/1 - EUR/13A6/2 - EUR/13A6/3 - IRN/32/10 - KOR/109A4/1 - KOR/109A4/2 - KOR/109A4/3 - KOR/109A4/4 - TZA/131/17 - UKR/89/15 - UKR/89/16
Agenda Item 1.7

1   on the basis of proposals from administrations and the Report of the Conference Preparatory Meeting, taking account of the results of WRC-2000, and with due regard to the requirements of existing and future services in the bands under consideration, to consider and take appropriate action with respect to the following items:

1.7   to consider issues concerning the amateur and amateur-satellite services

No documents available
Agenda Item 1.7.1

1   on the basis of proposals from administrations and the Report of the Conference Preparatory Meeting, taking account of the results of WRC-2000, and with due regard to the requirements of existing and future services in the bands under consideration, to consider and take appropriate action with respect to the following items:

1.7   to consider issues concerning the amateur and amateur-satellite services

1.7.1   possible revision of Article 25

ARB/27A35/1 - ARB/27A35/2 - ARB/27A35/3 - ARB/27A35/4 - ARB/27A35/5 - ARB/27A35/6 - ARB/27A35/7 - ARB/27A35/8 - ARB/27A35/9 - ARB/27A35/10 - ARB/27A35/11 - ARB/27A35/12 - ARB/27A35/13 - ASP/25A7/48 - ASP/25A7/49 - ASP/25A7/50 - ASP/25A7/51 - ASP/25A7/52 - ASP/25A7/53 - ASP/25A7/54 - ASP/25A7/55 - ASP/25A7/56 - ASP/25A7/57 - ASP/25A7/58 - ASP/25A7/60
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Agenda Item 1.7.2

1   on the basis of proposals from administrations and the Report of the Conference Preparatory Meeting, taking account of the results of WRC-2000, and with due regard to the requirements of existing and future services in the bands under consideration, to consider and take appropriate action with respect to the following items:

1.7   to consider issues concerning the amateur and amateur-satellite services

1.7.2   review of the provisions of Article 19 concerning the formation of call signs in the amateur services in order to provide flexibility for administrations

AFCP/57/8 - AFCP/57/9 - AFCP/57/10 - ASP/25A7/61 - ASP/25A7/62 - ASP/25A7/63 - EUR/13A7/14 - EUR/13A7/15 - EUR/13A7/16 - EUR/13A7/17 - EUR/13A7/18 - EUR/13A7/19 - EUR/13A7/20 - EUR/13A7/21 - EUR/13A7/22 - EUR/13A7/23 - EUR/13A7/24 - EUR/13A7/25 - EUR/13A7/26 - G/105/1 - IAP/5A1/13 - IAP/5A1/14 - IAP/5A2/71 - KEN/34/16 - KEN/34/17
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Agenda Item 1.7.3

1   on the basis of proposals from administrations and the Report of the Conference Preparatory Meeting, taking account of the results of WRC-2000, and with due regard to the requirements of existing and future services in the bands under consideration, to consider and take appropriate action with respect to the following items:

1.7   to consider issues concerning the amateur and amateur-satellite services

1.7.3   review of the terms and definitions of Article 1 to the extent required as a consequence of changes made in Article 25

AFCP/57/11 - ARB/27A35/14 - ASP/25A7/64 - EUR/13A7/27 - EUR/13A7/28 - IAP/5A1/15 - IAP/5A1/16 - IAP/5A1/17 - IAP/5A1/18 - KEN/34/18 - TZA/131/30 - USA/12/38 - USA/12/39
Agenda Item 1.8

1   on the basis of proposals from administrations and the Report of the Conference Preparatory Meeting, taking account of the results of WRC-2000, and with due regard to the requirements of existing and future services in the bands under consideration, to consider and take appropriate action with respect to the following items:

1.8   to consider issues related to unwanted emissions

No documents available
Agenda Item 1.8.1

1   on the basis of proposals from administrations and the Report of the Conference Preparatory Meeting, taking account of the results of WRC-2000, and with due regard to the requirements of existing and future services in the bands under consideration, to consider and take appropriate action with respect to the following items:

1.8   to consider issues related to unwanted emissions

1.8.1   consideration of the results of studies regarding the boundary between spurious and out?of-band emissions, with a view to including the boundary in Appendix 3

AFCP/57/12 - ARB/27A7/1 - ARB/27A7/2 - ASP/25A8/65 - ASP/25A8/65A - ASP/25A8/66 - ASP/25A8/66A - ASP/25A8/67 - ASP/25A8/68 - ASP/25A8/69 - ASP/25A8/70 - ASP/25A8/71 - ASP/25A8/72 - ASP/25A8/73 - ASP/25A8/74 - ASP/25A8/75 - ASP/25A8/76 - ASP/25A8/77 - EENA/24/21 - EUR/13A8/1 - EUR/13A8/2 - EUR/13A8/3 - EUR/13A8/4 - EUR/13A8/5 - EUR/13A8/6
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Agenda Item 1.8.2

1   on the basis of proposals from administrations and the Report of the Conference Preparatory Meeting, taking account of the results of WRC-2000, and with due regard to the requirements of existing and future services in the bands under consideration, to consider and take appropriate action with respect to the following items:

1.8   to consider issues related to unwanted emissions

1.8.2   consideration of the results of studies, and proposal of any regulatory measures regarding the protection of passive services from unwanted emissions, in particular from space service transmissions, in response to recommends 5 and 6 of Recommendation 66 (Rev.WRC-2000)

ARB/27A8/1 - ASP/25A8/78 - ASP/25A8/79 - ASP/25A8/80 - ASP/25A8/80A - ASP/25A8/81 - ASP/25A8/82 - ASP/25A8/83 - ASP/25A8/84 - ASP/25A8/85 - ASP/25A8/86 - ASP/25A8/87 - ASP/25A8/88 - ASP/25A8/89 - ASP/25A8/89A - ASP/25A8/90 - ASP/25A8/90A - ASP/25A8/91 - ASP/25A8/92 - CAN/43/2 - CAN/43/3 - CAN/43/4 - CAN/43/5 - EENA/24/22 - EUR/13A8/8
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Agenda Item 1.9

1   on the basis of proposals from administrations and the Report of the Conference Preparatory Meeting, taking account of the results of WRC-2000, and with due regard to the requirements of existing and future services in the bands under consideration, to consider and take appropriate action with respect to the following items:

1.9   to consider Appendix 13 and Resolution 331 (Rev.WRC-97) with a view to their deletion and, if appropriate, to consider related changes to Chapter SVII and other provisions of the Radio Regulations, as necessary, taking into account the continued transition to and introduction of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS)

AFCP/57/13 - ARB/27A9/1 - ASP/25A9/93 - ASP/25A9/94 - ASP/25A9/95 - ASP/25A9/96 - ASP/25A9/97 - ASP/25A9/98 - ASP/25A9/99 - ASP/25A9/100 - ASP/25A9/101 - EENA/24/23 - EENA/24/24 - EENA/24/25 - EUR/13A9/1 - EUR/13A9/2 - EUR/13A9/3 - EUR/13A9/4 - EUR/13A9/5 - EUR/13A9/6 - EUR/13A9/7 - EUR/13A9/8 - EUR/13A9/9 - EUR/13A9/10 - EUR/13A9/11
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Agenda Item 1.10

1   on the basis of proposals from administrations and the Report of the Conference Preparatory Meeting, taking account of the results of WRC-2000, and with due regard to the requirements of existing and future services in the bands under consideration, to consider and take appropriate action with respect to the following items:

1.10   to consider the results of studies, and take necessary actions, relating to:

No documents available
Agenda Item 1.10.1

1   on the basis of proposals from administrations and the Report of the Conference Preparatory Meeting, taking account of the results of WRC-2000, and with due regard to the requirements of existing and future services in the bands under consideration, to consider and take appropriate action with respect to the following items:

1.10   to consider the results of studies, and take necessary actions, relating to:

1.10.1   exhaustion of the maritime mobile service identity numbering resource (Resolution 344 (WRC-97))

AFCP/57/14 - ARB/27A10/1 - ARB/27A10/2 - ARB/27A10/3 - ARB/27A10/4 - ARB/27A10/5 - ARB/27A10/6 - ARB/27A10/7 - ARB/27A10/8 - ARB/27A10/9 - ARB/27A10/10 - ARB/27A10/11 - ARB/27A10/12 - ARB/27A10/13 - ASP/25A10/102 - ASP/25A10/103 - ASP/25A10/103A - ASP/25A10/104 - ASP/25A10/105 - ASP/25A10/106 - ASP/25A10/107 - ASP/25A10/108 - ASP/25A10/109 - ASP/25A10/110 - ASP/25A10/111
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Agenda Item 1.10.2

1   on the basis of proposals from administrations and the Report of the Conference Preparatory Meeting, taking account of the results of WRC-2000, and with due regard to the requirements of existing and future services in the bands under consideration, to consider and take appropriate action with respect to the following items:

1.10   to consider the results of studies, and take necessary actions, relating to:

1.10.2   shore-to-ship distress communication priorities (Resolution 348 (WRC-97))

ARB/27A11/1 - EENA/24/27 - EUR/13A10/24 - TZA/131/36 - UKR/89/25
Agenda Item 1.11

1   on the basis of proposals from administrations and the Report of the Conference Preparatory Meeting, taking account of the results of WRC-2000, and with due regard to the requirements of existing and future services in the bands under consideration, to consider and take appropriate action with respect to the following items:

1.11   to consider possible extension of the allocation to the mobile-satellite service (Earth-to-space) on a secondary basis in the band 14-14.5 GHz to permit operation of the aeronautical mobile-satellite service as stipulated in Resolution 216 (Rev.WRC-2000)

AFCP/57/15 - AFCP/57/16 - ARB/27A36/1 - ARB/27A36/2 - ARB/27A36/3 - ARB/27A36/4 - ARB/27A36/5 - ARB/27A36/6 - ARB/27A36/7 - ASP/25A11/114 - ASP/25A11/114A - ASP/25A11/115 - ASP/25A11/116 - ASP/25A11/117 - AUS/59A2/1 - AUS/59A2/2 - AUS/59A2/3 - CHN/87/1 R1 - CHN/87/2 R1 - CHN/87/3 R1 - CME/42A1/41 - CME/42A1/42 - CME/42A1/43 - CME/42A1/44 - CME/42A1/45
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Agenda Item 1.12

1   on the basis of proposals from administrations and the Report of the Conference Preparatory Meeting, taking account of the results of WRC-2000, and with due regard to the requirements of existing and future services in the bands under consideration, to consider and take appropriate action with respect to the following items:

1.12   to consider allocations and regulatory issues related to the space science services in accordance with Resolution 723 (Rev.WRC-2000) and to review all Earth exploration-satellite service and space research service allocations between 35 and 38 GHz, taking into account Resolution 730 (WRC-2000)

ARB/27A12/1 - ARB/27A12/2 - ARB/27A12/3 - ARB/27A12/4 - ARB/27A12/5 - ARB/27A12/6 - ARB/27A12/7 - ARB/27A12/8 - ARB/27A12/9 - ARB/27A12/10 - ARB/27A12/11 - ARB/27A12/12 - ARB/27A12/13 - ARB/27A12/14 - ARB/27A12/15 - ARB/27A12/16 - ARB/27A12/17 - ARB/27A12/18 - ARB/27A12/19 - ARB/27A12/20 - ARB/27A12/21 - ASP/25A12/118 - ASP/25A12/118A - ASP/25A12/118B - ASP/25A12/119
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Agenda Item 1.13

1   on the basis of proposals from administrations and the Report of the Conference Preparatory Meeting, taking account of the results of WRC-2000, and with due regard to the requirements of existing and future services in the bands under consideration, to consider and take appropriate action with respect to the following items:

1.13   to consider regulatory provisions and possible identification of existing frequency allocations for services which may be used by high altitude platform stations, taking into account No. 5.543A and the results of the ITU-R studies conducted in accordance with Resolutions 122 (Rev.WRC-2000) and 734 (WRC-2000)

AFCP/57/17 - AFCP/57/18 - AFCP/57/19 - AFCP/57/20 - ASP/25A13/130 - ASP/25A13/131 - ASP/25A13/132 - EENA/24/34 - EENA/24/35 - EENA/24/36 - EENA/24/37 - EUR/13A13/1 - EUR/13A13/2 - EUR/13A13/3 - EUR/13A13/4 - EUR/13A13/5 - EUR/13A13/6 - EUR/13A13/7 - IAP/5A2/127 - IAP/5A2/128 - IAP/5A2/129 - IAP/5A2/130 - IAP/5A2/131 - IAP/5A2/132 - IAP/5A2/133
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Agenda Item 1.14

1   on the basis of proposals from administrations and the Report of the Conference Preparatory Meeting, taking account of the results of WRC-2000, and with due regard to the requirements of existing and future services in the bands under consideration, to consider and take appropriate action with respect to the following items:

1.14   to consider measures to address harmful interference in the bands allocated to the maritime mobile and aeronautical mobile (R) services, taking into account Resolutions 207 (Rev.WRC?2000) and 350 (WRC-2000), and to review the frequency and channel arrangements in the maritime MF and HF bands concerning the use of new digital technology, also taking into account Resolution 347 (WRC-97)

AFCP/57/21 - AFCP/57/22 - AFCP/57/23 - ASP/25A14/133 - ASP/25A14/133A - ASP/25A14/134 - ASP/25A14/135 - ASP/25A14/136 - ASP/25A14/136A - ASP/25A14/137 - EENA/24/38 - EENA/24/39 - EENA/24/40 - EUR/13A14/1 - EUR/13A14/2 - EUR/13A14/3 - EUR/13A14/4 - EUR/13A14/5 - EUR/13A14/6 - EUR/13A14/7 - EUR/13A14/8 - IAP/5A2/141 - IAP/5A2/142 - IAP/5A2/143 - IAP/5A2/144
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Agenda Item 1.15

1   on the basis of proposals from administrations and the Report of the Conference Preparatory Meeting, taking account of the results of WRC-2000, and with due regard to the requirements of existing and future services in the bands under consideration, to consider and take appropriate action with respect to the following items:

1.15   to review the results of studies concerning the radionavigation-satellite service in accordance with Resolutions 604 (WRC-2000), 605 (WRC-2000) and 606 (WRC-2000)

AFCP/57/24 - AFCP/57/25 - ASP/25A15/138 - ASP/25A15/139 - ASP/25A15/140 - ASP/25A15/141 - ASP/25A15/142 - ASP/25A15/143 - ASP/25A15/144 - ASP/25A15/145 - ASP/25A15/146 - AUS/59A3/1 - BFA/193/1 - CME/42/5 - CME/42/6 - CME/42/7 - EENA/24/41 - EENA/24/42 - EENA/24/43 - EENA/24/44 - EENA/24/45 - EST/210/1 - EUR/13A15/1 - EUR/13A15/2 - EUR/13A15/3
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Agenda Item 1.16

1   on the basis of proposals from administrations and the Report of the Conference Preparatory Meeting, taking account of the results of WRC-2000, and with due regard to the requirements of existing and future services in the bands under consideration, to consider and take appropriate action with respect to the following items:

1.16   to consider allocations on a worldwide basis for feeder links in bands around 1.4 GHz to the non-GSO MSS with service links operating below 1 GHz, taking into account the results of ITU-R studies conducted in response to Resolution 127 (Rev.WRC-2000), provided that due recognition is given to the passive services, taking into account No. 5.340

ARB/27A14/1 - ARB/27A14/2 - ASP/25A16/147 - ASP/25A16/148 - BOT/143/4 - BOT/143/5 - CME/42/8 - CTI/69/1 - EENA/24/46 - EUR/13A16/1 - EUR/13A16/2 - IAP/5A2/155 - IAP/5A2/156 - IAP/5A2/157 - IND/62/15 - INS/61/1 - INS/61/2 - INS/61/3 - INS/61/4 - INS/61/5 - IRN/32/32 - IRN/32/33 - KEN/33/15 - KEN/33/16 - TZA/131/53bis C1
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Agenda Item 1.17

1   on the basis of proposals from administrations and the Report of the Conference Preparatory Meeting, taking account of the results of WRC-2000, and with due regard to the requirements of existing and future services in the bands under consideration, to consider and take appropriate action with respect to the following items:

1.17   to consider upgrading the allocation to the radiolocation service in the frequency range 2 900-3 100 MHz to primary

AFCP/57/26 - ARB/27A15/1 - ARB/27A15/2 - ASP/25A17/149 - ASP/25A17/150 - AUS/59A4/1 - EENA/24/47 - EUR/13A17/1 - IAP/5A2/158 - IAP/5A2/159 - IND/62/16 - IND/62/17 - IRN/32/34 - IRN/32/35 - KEN/34/33 - MEX/40/3 - TZA/131/54 - UKR/89/44 - USA/12/93 - USA/12/94
Agenda Item 1.18

1   on the basis of proposals from administrations and the Report of the Conference Preparatory Meeting, taking account of the results of WRC-2000, and with due regard to the requirements of existing and future services in the bands under consideration, to consider and take appropriate action with respect to the following items:

1.18   to consider a primary allocation to the fixed service in the band 17.3-17.7 GHz for Region 1, taking into account the primary allocations to various services in all three Regions

AFCP/57/27 - ARB/27A16/1 - ASP/25A18/151 - EENA/24/48 - EUR/13A18/1 - IRN/32/36 - KEN/34/34 - NIG/223/1 - NIG/223/2 - SEN/17/9 - TZA/131/55 - UKR/89/45 - UZB/7/17 C1
Agenda Item 1.19

1   on the basis of proposals from administrations and the Report of the Conference Preparatory Meeting, taking account of the results of WRC-2000, and with due regard to the requirements of existing and future services in the bands under consideration, to consider and take appropriate action with respect to the following items:

1.19   to consider regulatory provisions to avoid misapplication of the non-GSO FSS single-entry limits in Article 22 based on the results of ITU-R studies carried out in accordance with Resolution 135 (WRC-2000)

AFCP/57/28 - ARB/27A17/1 - ARB/27A17/2 - ARB/27A17/3 - ARB/27A17/4 - ARB/27A17/5 - ARB/27A17/6 - ARB/27A17/7 - ASP/25A19/152 - EENA/24/49 - EUR/13A19/1 - EUR/13A19/2 - EUR/13A19/3 - EUR/13A19/4 - EUR/13A19/5 - EUR/13A19/6 - EUR/13A19/7 - IAP/5A1/22 - IAP/5A1/23 - IRN/32/37 - KEN/33/17 - UGA/63/7 - UKR/89/46 - USA/12/95
Agenda Item 1.20

1   on the basis of proposals from administrations and the Report of the Conference Preparatory Meeting, taking account of the results of WRC-2000, and with due regard to the requirements of existing and future services in the bands under consideration, to consider and take appropriate action with respect to the following items:

1.20   to consider additional allocations on a worldwide basis for the non-GSO MSS with service links operating below 1 GHz, in accordance with Resolution 214 (Rev.WRC-2000)

AFCP/57/29 - ARB/27A18/1 - ARB/27A18/2 - ASP/25A20/153 - ASP/25A20/154 - B/35/5 - B/35/6 - BOT/153/1 - BOT/153/2 - BOT/153/3 - CAN/43/6 - CAN/43/7 - CTI/49/3 - EENA/24/50 - EUR/13A20/1 - EUR/13A20/2 - IND/62/18 - IRN/32/38 - IRN/32/39 - KEN/34/35 - TZA/131/56 - UKR/89/47
Agenda Item 1.21

1   on the basis of proposals from administrations and the Report of the Conference Preparatory Meeting, taking account of the results of WRC-2000, and with due regard to the requirements of existing and future services in the bands under consideration, to consider and take appropriate action with respect to the following items:

1.21   to consider progress of the ITU-R studies concerning the technical and regulatory requirements of terrestrial wireless interactive multimedia applications, in accordance with Resolution 737 (WRC-2000), with a view to facilitating global harmonization

AFCP/57/30 - ARB/27A19/1 - ASP/25A21/156 - EENA/24/51 - EUR/13A21/1 - IAP/5A2/160 - IAP/5A2/161 - IRN/32/40 - MEX/40/4 - TZA/131/57 - UKR/89/48 - USA/12/96 - USA/12/97
Agenda Item 1.22

1   on the basis of proposals from administrations and the Report of the Conference Preparatory Meeting, taking account of the results of WRC-2000, and with due regard to the requirements of existing and future services in the bands under consideration, to consider and take appropriate action with respect to the following items:

1.22   to consider progress of ITU-R studies concerning future development of IMT-2000 and systems beyond IMT-2000, in accordance with Resolution 228 (WRC-2000)

AFCP/57/31 - AFCP/57/32 - AFS/64A3/1 - AFS/64A3/2 - ARB/27A20/1 - ASP/25A22/157 - CAN/43/8 - EENA/24/52 - EUR/13A22/1 - EUR/13A22/2 - IAP/5A2/162 - IAP/5A2/163 - IND/62/19 - IRN/32/41 - ISR/56/3 - ISR/56/4 - KEN/34/36 - MEX/40/5 - NZL/97/6 - TZA/131/58 - TZA/131/59 - UKR/89/49 - USA/12/98 - USA/12/99
Agenda Item 1.23

1   on the basis of proposals from administrations and the Report of the Conference Preparatory Meeting, taking account of the results of WRC-2000, and with due regard to the requirements of existing and future services in the bands under consideration, to consider and take appropriate action with respect to the following items:

1.23   to consider realignment of the allocations to the amateur, amateur-satellite and broadcasting services around 7 MHz on a worldwide basis, taking into account Recommendation 718 (WARC-92)

AFCP/57/32bis - ARB/27A21/1 - AUS/59A5/1 - CME/42/9 - EENA/24/53 - EUR/13A23/1 - EUR/13A23/2 - EUR/13A23/3 - EUR/13A23/4 - EUR/13A23/5 - EUR/13A23/6 - EUR/13A23/7 - EUR/13A23/8 - EUR/13A23/9 - EUR/13A23/10 - EUR/13A23/11 - IAP/5A2/164 - IAP/5A2/165 - IAP/5A2/166 - IAP/5A2/167 - IAP/5A2/168 - IAP/5A2/169 - IAP/5A2/170 - IAP/5A2/171 - INS/126/1
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Agenda Item 1.24

1   on the basis of proposals from administrations and the Report of the Conference Preparatory Meeting, taking account of the results of WRC-2000, and with due regard to the requirements of existing and future services in the bands under consideration, to consider and take appropriate action with respect to the following items:

1.24   to review the usage of the band 13.75-14 GHz, in accordance with Resolution 733 (WRC?2000), with a view to addressing sharing conditions

AFCP/57/33 - AFCP/57/34 - AFCP/57/35 - AFS/64A4/1 - ARB/27A22/1 - ARB/27A22/2 - ARB/27A22/3 - ARB/27A22/4 - ARB/27A22/5 - ARB/27A22/6 - ARB/27A22/7 - ASP/25A24/158 - ASP/25A24/159 - ASP/25A24/160 - ASP/25A24/161 - ASP/25A24/162 - ASP/25A24/162A - B/35A2/27 - B/35A2/28 - B/35A2/29 - B/35A2/30 - CHN/83/1 - CME/42/10 - EENA/24/54 - EUR/13A24/1
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Agenda Item 1.25

1   on the basis of proposals from administrations and the Report of the Conference Preparatory Meeting, taking account of the results of WRC-2000, and with due regard to the requirements of existing and future services in the bands under consideration, to consider and take appropriate action with respect to the following items:

1.25   to consider, with a view to global harmonization to the greatest extent possible, having due regard to not constraining the development of other services, and in particular of the fixed service and the broadcasting-satellite service, regulatory provisions and possible identification of spectrum for high-density systems in the fixed-satellite service above 17.3 GHz, focusing particularly on frequency bands above 19.7 GHz

AFS/64A5/1 - AFS/64A5/2 - AFS/64A5/3 - AFS/64A5/4 - AFS/64A5/5 - AFS/64A5/6 - AFS/64A5/7 - ARB/27A23/1 - ASP/25A25/163 - ASP/25A25/163A - ASP/25A25/164 - ASP/25A25/165 - ASP/25A25/166 - ASP/25A25/167 - ASP/25A25/168 - ASP/25A25/169 - ASP/25A25/169A - ASP/25A25/170 - ASP/25A25/171 - ASP/25A25/172 - ASP/25A25/173 - ASP/25A25/174 - B/35A1/17 - B/35A1/18 - B/35A1/19
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Agenda Item 1.26

1   on the basis of proposals from administrations and the Report of the Conference Preparatory Meeting, taking account of the results of WRC-2000, and with due regard to the requirements of existing and future services in the bands under consideration, to consider and take appropriate action with respect to the following items:

1.26   to consider the provisions under which earth stations located on board vessels could operate in fixed-satellite service networks, taking into account the ITU-R studies in response to Resolution 82 (WRC-2000)

AFS/64A6/1 - AFS/64A6/2 - AFS/64A6/3 - AFS/64A6/4 - AFS/64A6/5 - AFS/64A6/6 - ARB/27A37/1 - ARB/27A37/2 - ARB/27A37/3 - ARB/27A37/4 - ARB/27A37/5 - ARB/27A37/6 - ASP/25A26/175 - ASP/25A26/176 - ASP/25A26/176A - ASP/25A26/176B - ASP/25A26/176C - ASP/25A26/178 - ASP/25A26/179 - ASP/25A26/180 - CME/42/17 - CME/42/18 - CME/42/19 - CME/42/20 - CME/42/21
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Agenda Item 1.27

1   on the basis of proposals from administrations and the Report of the Conference Preparatory Meeting, taking account of the results of WRC-2000, and with due regard to the requirements of existing and future services in the bands under consideration, to consider and take appropriate action with respect to the following items:

1.27   to review, in accordance with Resolutions 540 (WRC-2000) and 735 (WRC-2000), the ITU-R studies requested in those resolutions, and modify, as appropriate, the relevant regulatory procedures and associated sharing criteria contained in Appendices 30 and 30A and in the associated provisions

ARB/27A24/1 - ARB/27A24/2 - ARB/27A24/3 - ARB/27A24/4 - ARB/27A24/5 - ARB/27A24/6 - ARB/27A24/7 - ARB/27A24/8 - ARB/27A24/9 - ARB/27A24/10 - ARB/27A38/1 - ARB/27A38/2 - ARB/27A38/3 - ARB/27A38/4 - ASP/25A27/181 - ASP/25A27/182 - ASP/25A27/184 - ASP/25A27/186 - ASP/25A27/187 - ASP/25A27/188 - ASP/25A27/189 - ASP/25A27/190 - ASP/25A27/191 - ASP/25A27/192 - ASP/25A27/193
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Agenda Item 1.28

1   on the basis of proposals from administrations and the Report of the Conference Preparatory Meeting, taking account of the results of WRC-2000, and with due regard to the requirements of existing and future services in the bands under consideration, to consider and take appropriate action with respect to the following items:

1.28   to permit the use of the band 108-117.975 MHz for the transmission of radionavigation satellite differential correction signals by ICAO standard ground-based systems

AFCP/57/36 - ARB/27A25/1 - ARB/27A25/2 - ARB/27A25/3 - ASP/25A28/196 - ASP/25A28/196A - ASP/25A28/197 - EENA/24/59 - EUR/13A28/1 - EUR/13A28/2 - EUR/13A28/3 - IAP/5A2/201 - IAP/5A2/202 - IAP/5A2/203 - IND/62/20 - IND/62/21 - IND/62/22 - IRN/32/69 - ISR/56/6 - KEN/34/41 - KEN/34/42 - RUS/30/18 - RUS/30/19 - TZA/131/71 - UKR/89/56
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Agenda Item 1.29

1   on the basis of proposals from administrations and the Report of the Conference Preparatory Meeting, taking account of the results of WRC-2000, and with due regard to the requirements of existing and future services in the bands under consideration, to consider and take appropriate action with respect to the following items:

1.29   to consider the results of studies related to Resolutions 136 (WRC-2000) and 78 (WRC-2000) dealing with sharing between non-GSO and GSO systems

AFCP/57/37 - ARB/27A26/1 - ARB/27A26/2 - ARB/27A26/3 - ARB/27A26/4 - ASP/25A29/198 - B/35/7 - B/35/8 - CHN/80/1 - EENA/24/60 - EUR/13A29/1 - EUR/13A29/2 - EUR/13A29/3 - EUR/13A29/4 - IAP/5A1/24 - IAP/5A2/204 - IAP/5A2/205 - IAP/5A2/206 - IRN/32/70 - IRN/32/71 - J/58A5/1 - J/58A5/2 - KEN/34/43 - KEN/34/44 - KOR/109A10/1
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Agenda Item 1.30

1   on the basis of proposals from administrations and the Report of the Conference Preparatory Meeting, taking account of the results of WRC-2000, and with due regard to the requirements of existing and future services in the bands under consideration, to consider and take appropriate action with respect to the following items:

1.30   to consider possible changes to the procedures for the advance publication, coordination and notification of satellite networks in response to Resolution 86 (Minneapolis, 1998);

ARB/27A27/1 - ARB/27A27/2 - ARB/27A27/3 - ARB/27A27/4 - ARB/27A27/5 - ARB/27A27/6 - ARB/27A27/7 - ARB/27A27/8 - ARB/27A27/9 - ARB/27A27/10 - ARB/27A27/11 - ARB/27A27/12 - ARB/27A27/13 - ARB/27A27/14 - ARB/27A27/15 - ASP/25A30/199 - ASP/25A30/200 - ASP/25A30/201 - ASP/25A30/201A - ASP/25A30/202 - ASP/25A30/203 - ASP/25A30/204 - ASP/25A30/205 - ASP/25A30/206 - ASP/25A30/206A
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Agenda Item 1.31

1   on the basis of proposals from administrations and the Report of the Conference Preparatory Meeting, taking account of the results of WRC-2000, and with due regard to the requirements of existing and future services in the bands under consideration, to consider and take appropriate action with respect to the following items:

1.31   to consider the additional allocations to the mobile-satellite service in the 1-3 GHz band, in accordance with Resolutions 226 (WRC-2000) and 227 (WRC-2000)

ARB/27A28/1 - ARB/27A28/2 - ARB/27A28/3 - ARB/27A28/4 - ARB/27A28/5 - ARB/27A28/6 - ARB/27A28/7 - ARB/27A28/8 - ARB/27A28/9 - ARB/27A28/10 - ARB/27A28/11 - ARB/27A28/12 - ARB/27A28/13 - ARB/27A28/14 - ARB/27A28/15 - ARB/27A28/16 - ARB/27A28/17 - ASP/25A31/218 - ASP/25A31/218A - ASP/25A31/219 - ASP/25A31/220 - ASP/25A31/221 - ASP/25A31/222 - ASP/25A31/223 - ASP/25A31/224
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Agenda Item 1.32

1   on the basis of proposals from administrations and the Report of the Conference Preparatory Meeting, taking account of the results of WRC-2000, and with due regard to the requirements of existing and future services in the bands under consideration, to consider and take appropriate action with respect to the following items:

1.32   to consider technical and regulatory provisions concerning the band 37.5-43.5 GHz, in accordance with Resolutions 128 (Rev.WRC-2000) and 84 (WRC-2000)

AFCP/57/38 - AFCP/57/39 - ARB/27A29/1 - ARB/27A29/2 - ARB/27A29/3 - ARB/27A29/4 - ARB/27A29/5 - ARB/27A29/6 - ARB/27A29/7 - ARB/27A29/8 - ARB/27A29/9 - ARB/27A29/10 - ARB/27A29/11 - ARB/27A29/12 - ARB/27A29/13 - ARB/27A29/14 - ARB/27A29/15 - ARB/27A29/16 - ARB/27A29/17 - ASP/25A32/239 - ASP/25A32/240 - ASP/25A32/241 - ASP/25A32/242 - ASP/25A32/243 - ASP/25A32/244
More... (104)
Agenda Item 1.33

1   on the basis of proposals from administrations and the Report of the Conference Preparatory Meeting, taking account of the results of WRC-2000, and with due regard to the requirements of existing and future services in the bands under consideration, to consider and take appropriate action with respect to the following items:

1.33   to review and revise technical, operational and regulatory provisions, including provisional limits in relation to the operation of high altitude platform stations within IMT-2000 in the bands referred to in No. 5.388A, in response to Resolution 221 (WRC-2000)

AFCP/57/40 - ARB/27A30/1 - ARB/27A30/2 - ASP/25A33/250 - ASP/25A33/251 - ASP/25A33/252 - ASP/25A33/253 - ASP/25A33/254 - ASP/25A33/255 - EENA/24/73 - EUR/13A33/1 - EUR/13A33/2 - EUR/13A33/3 - IAP/5A2/246 - IRN/32/83 - KEN/34/49 - TZA/131/76 - UKR/89/63
Agenda Item 1.34

1   on the basis of proposals from administrations and the Report of the Conference Preparatory Meeting, taking account of the results of WRC-2000, and with due regard to the requirements of existing and future services in the bands under consideration, to consider and take appropriate action with respect to the following items:

1.34   to review the results of studies in response to Resolution 539 (WRC-2000) concerning threshold values for non-GSO BSS (sound) in the band 2 630-2 655 MHz, and to take actions as required

AUS/59A6/1 - AUS/59A6/2 - AUS/59A6/3 - AUS/59A6/4 - AUS/59A6/5 - AUS/59A6/6 - CHN/85/1 - CHN/85/2 - CHN/85/3 - CHN/85/4 - CHN/85/5 - CHN/85/6 - CHN/85/7 - CHN/85/8 - CHN/85/9 - CHN/85/10 - CHN/85/11 - CHN/85/12 - CTI/49/4 - EENA/24/74 - EUR/13A34/1 - EUR/13A34/2 - EUR/13A34/3 - EUR/13A34/4 - EUR/13A34/5
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Agenda Item 1.35

1   on the basis of proposals from administrations and the Report of the Conference Preparatory Meeting, taking account of the results of WRC-2000, and with due regard to the requirements of existing and future services in the bands under consideration, to consider and take appropriate action with respect to the following items:

1.35   to consider the report of the Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau on the results of the analysis in accordance with Resolution 53 (Rev.WRC-2000) and take appropriate action

CME/42A3/57 - EUR/13A35/1 - EUR/13A35/2 - EUR/13A35/3 - EUR/13A35/4 - EUR/13A35/5 - EUR/13A35/6 - EUR/13A35/7 - EUR/13A35/8 - IAP/5A2/247 - IAP/5A2/248 - IAP/5A2/249 - IAP/5A2/250 - IAP/5A2/251 - IRN/32/87 - IRN/32/88
Agenda Item 1.36

1   on the basis of proposals from administrations and the Report of the Conference Preparatory Meeting, taking account of the results of WRC-2000, and with due regard to the requirements of existing and future services in the bands under consideration, to consider and take appropriate action with respect to the following items:

1.36   to examine the adequacy of the frequency allocations for HF broadcasting from about 4 MHz to 10 MHz, taking into account the seasonal planning procedures adopted by WRC-97

AFCP/57/41 - ASP/25A36/256 - CME/42/36 - EENA/24/75 - EUR/13A36/1 - IAP/5A2/252 - IRN/32/89 - TZA/131/77 - UKR/89/65 - USA/12A5/220 R1 - USA/12A5/221 R1 - USA/12A5/222 R1 - USA/12A5/223 R1 - USA/12A5/224 R1 - USA/12A5/225 R1 - USA/12A5/226 R1 - USA/12A5/227 R1 - USA/12A5/228 R1 - USA/12A5/229 R1 - USA/12A5/230 R1 - USA/12A5/231 R1 - USA/12A5/232 R1 - USA/12A5/233 R1 - USA/12A5/234 R1 - USA/12A5/235 R1
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Agenda Item 1.37

1   on the basis of proposals from administrations and the Report of the Conference Preparatory Meeting, taking account of the results of WRC-2000, and with due regard to the requirements of existing and future services in the bands under consideration, to consider and take appropriate action with respect to the following items:

1.37   to consider the regulatory and technical provisions for satellite networks using highly elliptical orbits

AFCP/57/42 - ARB/27A31/1 - ARB/27A31/2 - ARB/27A31/3 - ARB/27A31/4 - ARB/27A31/5 - ASP/25A37/257 - ASP/25A37/258 - ASP/25A37/259 - B/35A1/15 - B/35A1/16 - EENA/24/76 - EUR/13A37/1 - EUR/13A37/2 - EUR/13A37/3 - EUR/13A37/4 - EUR/13A37/5 - EUR/13A37/6 - EUR/13A37/7 - EUR/13A37/8 - EUR/13A37/9 - EUR/13A37-A1/10 - EUR/13A37-A1/11 - EUR/13A37-A1/12 - EUR/13A37-A1/13
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Agenda Item 1.38

1   on the basis of proposals from administrations and the Report of the Conference Preparatory Meeting, taking account of the results of WRC-2000, and with due regard to the requirements of existing and future services in the bands under consideration, to consider and take appropriate action with respect to the following items:

1.38   to consider provision of up to 6 MHz of frequency spectrum to the Earth exploration-satellite service (active) in the frequency band 420-470 MHz, in accordance with Resolution 727 (Rev.WRC-2000)

ARB/27A32/1 - ARB/27A32/2 - ASP/25A38/260 - ASP/25A38/260A - ASP/25A38/260B - ASP/25A38/261 - ASP/25A38/262 - B/35/9 - B/35/10 - B/35/11 - B/35/12 - CAN/43/9 - CAN/43/10 - CAN/43/11 - CAN/43/12 - CHN/86/1 - CHN/86/2 - CME/42/37 - CME/42/38 - CME/42/39 - CME/42/40 - EENA/24/77 - EUR/13A38/1 - EUR/13A38/2 - EUR/13A38/3
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Agenda Item 1.39

1   on the basis of proposals from administrations and the Report of the Conference Preparatory Meeting, taking account of the results of WRC-2000, and with due regard to the requirements of existing and future services in the bands under consideration, to consider and take appropriate action with respect to the following items:

1.39   to examine the spectrum requirements in the fixed-satellite service bands below 17 GHz for telemetry, tracking and telecommand of fixed-satellite service networks operating with service links in the frequency bands above 17 GHz

ARB/27A33/1 - EENA/24/78 - EUR/13A39/1 - IAP/5A1/25 - IRN/32/96 - KOR/109A13/1 - UKR/89/68 - USA/12/149
Agenda Item 2

2   to examine the revised ITU-R Recommendations incorporated by reference in the Radio Regulations communicated by the Radiocommunication Assembly, in accordance with Resolution 28 (Rev.WRC-2000), and to decide whether or not to update the corresponding references in the Radio Regulations, in accordance with principles contained in the Annex to Resolution 27 (Rev.WRC-2000)

AFCP/57/43 - ASP/25A40/263 - ASP/25A40/264 - ASP/25A40/265 - ASP/25A40/265A - ASP/25A40/265B - ASP/25A40/265C - ASP/25A40/265D - ASP/25A40/265E - ASP/25A40/266 - ASP/25A40/266A - ASP/25A40/266B - ASP/25A40/266C - ASP/25A40/266D - ASP/25A40/266E - ASP/25A40/266F - ASP/25A40/266G - ASP/25A40/266H - ASP/25A40/266I - ASP/25A40/266J - ASP/25A40/266K - ASP/25A40/266L - ASP/25A40/266M - ASP/25A40/266N - ASP/25A40/266O
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Agenda Item 3

3   to consider such consequential changes and amendments to the Radio Regulations as may be necessitated by the decisions of the conference

No documents available
Agenda Item 4

4   in accordance with Resolution 95 (Rev.WRC-2000), to review the resolutions and recommendations of previous conferences with a view to their possible revision, replacement or abrogation

AFCP/57/44 - ARB/27A34/1 - ARB/27A34/2 - ARB/27A34/3 - ARB/27A34/4 - ARB/27A34/5 - ARB/27A34/6 - ARB/27A34/7 - ARB/27A34/8 - ARB/27A34/9 - ARB/27A34/10 - ARB/27A34/11 - ARB/27A34/12 - ARB/27A34/13 - ARB/27A34/14 - ARB/27A34/15 - ARB/27A34/16 - ARB/27A34/17 - ARB/27A34/18 - ARB/27A34/19 - ARB/27A34/20 - ARB/27A34/21 - ARB/27A34/22 - ARB/27A34/23 - ARB/27A34/24
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Agenda Item 5

5   to review, and take appropriate action on, the report from the Radiocommunication Assembly submitted in accordance with Nos. 135 and 136 of the Convention

No documents available
Agenda Item 6

6   to identify those items requiring urgent action by the radiocommunication study groups in preparation for the next world radiocommunication conference

No documents available
Agenda Item 7

7   in accordance with Article 7 of the Convention

No documents available
Agenda Item 7.1

7   in accordance with Article 7 of the Convention

7.1   to consider and approve the Report of the Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau on the activities of the Radiocommunication Sector since WRC-2000, including on any difficulties or inconsistencies encountered in the application of the Radio Regulations, and action in response to Resolution 80 (Rev.WRC-2000)

AFCP/57/45 - AFCP/57/46 - AFCP/57/47 - AFCP/57/48 - AFCP/57/49 - AFCP/57/50 - AFCP/57/51 - AFCP/57/52 - ASP/25A45/274 - ASP/25A45/275 - ASP/25A45/276 - ASP/25A45/277 - ASP/25A45/278 - ASP/25A45/279 - ASP/25A45/280 - ASP/25A45/281 - ASP/25A45/281A - ASP/25A45/282 - ASP/25A45/282A - ASP/25A45/283 - CAN/43A3/37 - CME/42A3/58 - EUR/13A41/1 - EUR/13A41/2 - EUR/13A41/3
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Agenda Item 7.2

7   in accordance with Article 7 of the Convention

7.2   to recommend to the Council items for inclusion in the agenda for the next WRC, and to give its views on the preliminary agenda for the subsequent conference and on possible agenda items for future conferences, taking into account Resolution 801 (WRC-2000)

AFCP/57/53 - AFCP/57/54 - ARB/27A39/1 - ARB/27A39/2 - ARB/27A39/3 - ARB/27A39/4 - ARB/27A39-A1/4A - ARB/27A39/5 - ARB/27A39-A1/6 - ARB/27A39-A1/7 - ASP/25A46/284 - ASP/25A46/285 - ASP/25A46/286 - ASP/25A46/287 - ASP/25A46/288 - ASP/25A46/289 - ASP/25A46/290 - AUS/59A7/1 - AUS/59A7/2 - AUS/59A7/3 - B/35/13 - B/35/14 - CAN/43A2/28 - CAN/43A2/29 - CAN/43A2/30
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Not assigned to any Agenda item AFCP/57/53 - AFCP/57/54 - ARB/27A39/1 - ARB/27A39/2 - ARB/27A39/3 - ARB/27A39/4 - ARB/27A39-A1/4A - ARB/27A39/5 - ARB/27A39-A1/6 - ARB/27A39-A1/7 - ASP/25A46/284 - ASP/25A46/285 - ASP/25A46/286 - ASP/25A46/287 - ASP/25A46/288 - ASP/25A46/289 - ASP/25A46/290 - AUS/59A7/1 - AUS/59A7/2 - AUS/59A7/3 - B/35/13 - B/35/14 - CAN/43A2/28 - CAN/43A2/29 - CAN/43A2/30
More... (76)


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