Committed to connecting the world


ITU Regional Standardization Forum
Kampala, Uganda, 23-25 June 2014


Day 1, Monday 23 June 2014

​08:30 - 09:00Registration
​09:00 - 09:30​Opening Session

​09:30 - 09:50Coffee Break
​09:50 - 11:00 Session 1: ITU Activities on Bridging the Standardization Gap (BSG)

This session will be directed to the activities of TSB to the implementation of the Bridging Standardization Gap Programme. The session will provide participants with an overview of how developing countries could also participate more effectively in the ICT standardization process in ITU-T.

Moderator: Patrick Mwesigwa, Director, Technology, Network and Services, Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) [ Biography ]

​11:00 - 12:20 ​Session 2: Setting up a National Standardization Secretariat for ITU-T

This session will be an interactive session on how countries in the African region could establish a national standardization secretariat.

Moderator: Patrick Mwesigwa, Director, Technology, Network and Services, Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) [ Biography ]

​12:20 - 13:00 ​Session 3: Tutorial on ITU-T Study Group Working Methods: Rapporteurs and Editors

This tutorial will be ITU-T specific, focusing on issues that concern rapporteurs and editors:

Speakers: Hiroshi Ota [ Biography ] and Vijay Mauree, TSB, ITU [ Biography ]

​13:00 - 14:00 ​Lunch Break
​14:00 - 15:45

Session 3: Tutorial on ITU-T Study Group Working Methods: Rapporteurs and Editors (continued)

​15:45 - 16:00 ​Coffee Break
​16:00 - 17:30 Session 3: Tutorial on ITU-T Study Group Working Methods: Rapporteurs and Editors (continued)

 *To be confirmed

Day 2, Tuesday 24 June 2014

​09:00 - 10:45Session 3: Tutorial on ITU-T Study Group Working Methods: Rapporteurs and Editors (continued)
​10:45 - 11:00 ​Coffee Break
​11:00 - 12:30Session 4: E-Waste and Climate Change

This session will look at the role of ICTs as an enabler for sustainable development and the associated environmental challenges and opportunities related with the global uptake of ICTs. Aspects to be discussed in the session will include the use of ICTs to monitor, mitigate and adapt to climate change and improve resource efficiency, and the impacts of e-waste.

Moderator: Ahmed Zeddam, Chairman of ITU-T SG5 [ Biography ]

12:30 - 13:00​Session 5: Smart Water Management

This session will provide an insight into the activities of the ITU-T Focus Group on Smart Water Management (SWM) and the role of ICTs in smart water management.

Moderator: Vijay Mauree, TSB, ITU [ Biography | Presentation | Presentation FR ]


​13:00 - 14:00​Lunch Break
​14:00 - 15:00 Session 6: Human exposure to EMF

The proliferation of radiocommunication stations in urban environments has raised a need to address public concern regarding human exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) and possible health effects.  This session will provide a general overview of the problem and will present ITU-T SG5’s activities in this area.

Moderator: Ahmed Zeddam,  Chairman of ITU-T SG5: Overview of ITU-T Study Group 5 “Environment and Climate Change”  [ Biography  | Presentation | Presentation FR]

​15:00 - 16:00

Session 7: Quality of Service Regulatory Aspects 

This session will discuss regulatory aspects in the quality of service of mobile and broadband services; in help of the new ITU-T Supplement.9 (E. Series): “Guidelines on Regulatory Aspects of QoS” and some best practices worldwide. 

Moderator: Kwame Baah-Acheamfuor, Chairman ITU-T SG12   [ Biography ]

​16:00 - 16:15 ​Coffee Break
​16:15 - 17:15 ​Session 8: Uganda Case Study: Monitoring and Enforcement of the Quality of Service in Telecommunication Networks

This session will focus on the QoS monitoring framework methodology, QoS evaluation methods and measured QoS parameters for
telecommunication networks (such as Mobile networks and so on) in Uganda from an operator and regulator perspective.

Moderator: Hiroshi Ota, Counselor, TSB, ITU [ Biography ]


 *To be confirmed

Day 3, Wednesday 25 June 2014

​09:00 - 11:00Session 9: QoS Monitoring and Functions of Mobile Networks Application of Mobile QoS (E.MQoS)

This session will focus more on the new consented ITU-T Recommendations (E. MQoS), QoS Aspects for Popular Services in Mobile Networks. This new Recommendation provides a set of QoS parameters from an end-user perspective for the operational aspects of mobile communication. And, as services per se are not standardized, it focuses on popular services, which means commonly or widely used services.

Moderator: Kwame Baah-Acheamfuor, Chairman ITU-T SG12 [ Biography ]

​11:00 - 11:15​Coffee Break
​11:15 - 12:15 Session 10 A: QoS Monitoring and functions of Internet

This session will focus on the applicability of international standards (e.g:  ITU-T Recommendation Y.1545 and so on) developed on the QoS Management and Monitoring of IP-based networks. The session will also discuss the parameters for evaluating the QoS of Internet. 

Moderator: Joachim Pomy, ITU-T SG12 [ Biography ]


Quality of Service (QoS) Monitoring and Functions of Internet: Yvonne Umutoni, Chair QSDG [ Biography | Abstract | Presentation | Presentation FR ]
​12:15 - 13:15Session 10 B: Applicability of the ITU-T Recommendation E.807

This session will focus on the new adopted ITU-T Recommendation E.807: “Definitions and associated measurement methods of user-centric parameters for call handling in cellular mobile voice service”.

Moderator: Hiroshi Ota, Counselor, TSB, ITU [ Biography ]

​13:15 - 14:15 Lunch Break
​14:15 - 15:15

Session 11: Applicability of the ITU-T E.803

This session will focus on the applicability of the ITU-T Recommendation E. 803: “Quality of service parameters for supporting service aspects”.

Moderator: Robert Echeda, UCC, Uganda [ Biography ]


Session 12: Indusry Best Practice on Network Counters

Moderator: Hiroshi Ota, Counselor, TSB, ITU


​16:15 - 16:30​Coffee Break
​16:30 - 17:00

​Closing Session

 Outcomes of Forum

 *To be confirmed