Committed to connecting the world

TALIB Hassan

Hassan-Talib_photo.pngHassan TALIB received Dipl. Engineer in telecommunications networks designer in 1994. He received high degree of management from ISCAE, in 2005. He is currently with ANRT, the telecommunications regulator of Morocco as a Manager of Technical Control Department. Ensuring all types of control and monitoring related to networks telecommunications. Hassan, brings a wide range of experience in the regulatory of International and Regional telecommunications. He animates and participates in meetings, events and contributes to the work of the ITU since 1996 (SG, WTSA, WRC and Plenipotentiary Conferences). He has been serving as Vice-Chair of ITU-T SG 12 responsible of all aspects of QoS and QoE. He is rapporteur of Q12/12 dealing with “Operational aspects of telecommunication network service quality”. Hassan TALIB is designated to carry out missions of assistance and support of several organizations in Africa: standardization, spectrum management and monitoring, human exposure electromagnetic fields, quality of service.