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WTIM 2012 - Documents

Contribution to WTIM-12 sessions (pdf format)

Nr ​Source ​Title
 Opening ​
​1 ​ITU Opening remarks by Brahima Sanou, Director, ITU/BDT
2​ ​Ministry of Information and Communication Technology, Thailand ​Opening remarks by H.E. Anudith Nakornthap, Minister of Information and Communication Technology, Thailand
3​4 ​Opening remarks by H.E. Anudith Nakornthap, Minister of Information and Communication Technology, Thailand  ​Opening statement by Jirawan Boonperm, Permanent Secretary, MICT, Thailand
​ITU Introduction to the WTIM 2012 by Cosmas Zavazava, Chief of Project Support and Knowledge Management Department, ITU/BDT
High-level panel​ ​ ​
6​ ​ITU Concept Note on National Coordination of ICT statistics
​3 ​National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB), Philippines Coordination and Production of ICT Statistics: Philippine Experience
​4 ​Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Lebanon Briefing about Lebanon’s ICT Indicators (Draft Note)
​5 ​Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism / Observatory for Telecommunications and the Information Society, Spain ​The current situation in Spain on gathering information on the Information Society and the ICT sector [English] [Spanish]
Session 1​ ​ ​
​7 ​EGTI chair Report of the Expert Group on Telecommunication/ICT Indicators (EGTI)
​8 ITU ​EGTI topic: Revenue and investment indicators
​9 ​Infocomm Development Authority (IDA), Singapore Quality of Service Framework for Mobile Services A Singapore Case Study – An Overview
Session 2​ ​ ​
​10 ​EGTI chair ​Measuring data traffic and backbone infrastructure – Report from the EGTI
​11 ​Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações (ANACOM), Portugal Measuring fixed and mobile Internet data traffic
​12 ​Nokia Siemens Network Measuring mobile broadband data traffic - End user and access network centric approach
​13 ​CISCO Systems Forecasting fixed and mobile data traffic
Session 3​ ​ ​
​14 ​EGTI chair Mobile-broadband prices – Report from the EGTI
​15 ​OECD ​Developing a mobile broadband basket
​16 ​Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC), Malaysia Wireless broadband subscription data collection - Malaysia's experience
​17 ​Telecommunications Regulatory Authority, Kingdom of Bahrain Monitoring WiMAX subscriptions in Bahrain
Session 4​ ​ ​
​18 ​Point Topic Measuring Internet digital broadcasting
​19 ​Federal Communications Commission (FCC), United States Measuring digital broadcasting: The U.S. experience and thoughts for the future
​20 ​Autorité de régulation des communications électroniques et des postes (ARCEP), France Measuring IPTV: The experience of France
Session 5​ ​ ​
​21 ​ESCAP WSIS+10 review and country metadata survey
​22 ​UNESCO Institute for Statistics Measuring WSIS Targets 2 and 7 on ICTs in Education: Evidence from Latin America & the Caribbean and the Arab States on the digital divide
​23 ​Information Technology Authority and Ministry of Education, Sultanate of Oman Advancement toward succeeding the WSIS Targets
Session 6​ ​ ​
24​ ​UNCTAD Measuring e-Commerce
​25 ​Korea Association for ICT Promotion (KAIT), Republic of Korea ​e-Commerce in Korea
​26 ​ESCAW e-Commerce in the ESCAW Region​
​27 ​UPU Measuring e-commerce through the lens of the international postal system​
​Session 7 ​ ​
​28 ​Network Information Center (NIC) and Centro de Estudos sobre as Tecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação (CETIC), Brazil ITU Expert Group on Household indicators – Report from the EGH Chair
​29 ​Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA), Republic of Korea ICT use statistics of households and individuals in Korea
​30 ​National Statistical Office, Thailand Measuring ICT usage through household survey in Thailand
​Session 8​ ​ ​
​31 ​Women in Global Science and technology (WISAT) ​Gender and ICT statistics: the policy perspective
​32 ​Pyramid Research Gender and ICT: Identifying sources of data and proposed indicators
​33 ​Networked Intelligence Measuring ICTs: with a pink tape
​Session 9 ​ ​
35​ ​ITU Conclusions and recommendations
​Final report
37 ITU​ ​Final Report

Information documents (pdf format)

Source​ ​Title
1​ ​Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, Bangladesh Revisions to the indicators on household ICT access and individual ICT usage including aspects of youth and gender in Bangladesh
​2 ​Institut National de la Statistique et de la Démographie, Burkina Faso Information document: Burkina Faso
3​ ​Autorité Transitoire de Régulation des Postes et Télécommunications, Bénin Progrès accomplis par le Bénin sur la voie de la mise en oeuvre des résultats du SMSI
​4 ​Ministry of Information and Communications, Bhutan Information document: Bhutan
​5 ​République du Cameroun, Cameroun Indicateurs de l’accès aux TIC
​6 ​Agence de Régulation des Télécommunications, République Centrafricaine Mesure de l'accès aux réseaux large bande en République Centrafricaine
​7 ​Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies, Colombia ​Measuring technological factors on the formation of new firms
​8 ​Centre National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques, Rép. du Congo Situation des statistiques des TIC en République du Congo
​9 ​Autorité de régulation de la poste et des télécommunications, Rép. dém. du Congo Mesure de l'accès aux réseaux large bande, fixes et mobiles, y compris sous l'angle du prix, du débit et de la capacité
​10 ​Ghana Statistical Service, Ghana ICT household statistics
​11 ​Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Indonesia ​The usage of ICT by households and individual in Indonesia
​12 ​Department of Statistics Jordan, Jordan Information and communications technology in Jordan
​13 ​Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, Kenya Information document: Kenya
​14 ​Office Malagasy d’Etudes et de Régulation des Télécommunications, Madagascar ​Les indicateurs sur le secteur des télécommunications à Madagascar
​15 ​Communications Authority of Maldives, Maldives Measuring fixed & mobile broadband in the Maldives
​16 ​Autorité Malienne de régulation des télécommunications/TIC et des postes, Mali Observatoire des marchés des télécommunications et des TIC
​17 ​Autorité Malienne de régulation des télécommunications/TIC et des postes, Mali Mesure de l'accès aux réseaux large bande, fixes et mobiles, y compris sous l'angle du prix, du débit et de la capacité
​18 ​National Statistics Office, México ​Alcances y limitaciones de la medición del acceso y uso de las TIC en los hogares y por los individuos en México
​19 Ministry of Information Technology and Communications, Moldova Development of information society and ICT sector in the Republic of Moldova
​20 ​Ministère de la Communication et des Nouvelles Technologies de l’Information, Niger Projet d’étude: mesure des indicateurs TIC au service du dévelopment au Niger
​21 ​Institut National de la Statistique, Niger Formation sur la mesure de l'accès et de l'utilisation des technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) par les ménages et les entreprises
​22 ​Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency, Zimbabwe An overview of Zimbabwe’s work on measuring the WSIS targets in the contact of the WSIS+10 process
​23 ​Ministry of Transport, Communications and Infrastructural Development, Zimbabwe Coordination of national ICT statistics: The case of Zimbabwe
​24 ​Central Statistical Bureau, Kuwait ​Statistics of availability and usage of Information Technology - Arabic - English
​25 ​Nepal Telecommunications Authority, Nepal ​ICT Indicators - Nepal at a Glance
​26 ​Information Technology Authority, Sultanate of Oman Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Indicators (2011) Government and Higher Education Sector