ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

About the ITU-D and the BDT

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Telecommunication Development Sector (ITU-D) works to close the digital divide and drive digital transformation to leverage the power of ICTs for economic prosperity, job creation, digital skills development, gender equality, diversity, a sustainable and circular economy, ​and for saving lives. Its work prioritizes those most in need- from people living in the world’s Least Developed Countries to marginalized communities everywhere.​ The work of the Telecommunication Development Sector is supported by its Secretariat, the Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT).​

BDT mandate

To effectively and efficiently serve the needs of Member States, the BDT is organized into four functional areas and has six regional offices.​

Operations Coordination

The office of the Deputy to the Director and Operations Coordination Department are responsible for ensuring operation readiness and providing support for the functioning of the Regional Offices and Geneva HQ, especially the implementation of projects and programmes. Functional areas, such as meetings, fellowship and IT support report to this Department. The unit for special attention in all aspects related to LDCs, LLDCs and SID​s is the responsibility of this Department.

​The Deputy to the Director is responsible for assisting and advising the Director in the direction and management of the Bureau including on all questions related to personnel, finan​cial and operational planning process. The Department is responsible for leading the operational planning and implementation support, within the framework of the Action Plan. 

The Department is also responsible for coordinating conferences and events, editorial works and documentation control, monitoring the implementation of decisions emanating from ITU and BDT governing bodies, including TDAG, Council, Conferences and Assemblies of the other Sectors on matters of relevance to BDT. The Department is responsible for coordination of the Bureau's cooperation with other Sectors and General Secretariat.​ 

Projects, Partnerships & Digital Skills

To be successful, BDT must create clear and simple mechanisms to develop partnerships with donors, foundations, and the private sector, and coordinate the delivery of these resources to meet the needs of Member States. This Department provides a forum for Member States to collaborate in our Study Groups. To create the necessary synergy, resource mobilization and project design are combined in this department. The Department is responsible for the strategic planning that will properly position the BDT to accomplish its organizational goals and objectives, fostering partnerships and mobilizing resources. As well, it provides expertise in the areas of ICT capacity and digital skills development, essential activity to help to close the Digital Divide. It also undertakes initiatives and activities in the framework of the WTDC Plan of Action and strengthen relations with the ITU-D membership

Digital Networks & Environment

The Digital Networks & Environ​ment Department is responsible for assisting Member States, especially the G77 countries, in a wide range of ICT development challenges, as basic connectivity, spectrum management, evolution of current to future broadband networks and technologies, enabling universal and affordable access, and strengthening the security through the cybersecurity support. In addition, the DNE Department provides expertise and needed support for emergency telecommunications and the increasingly important and urgent aspects related to the environment and climate change​.

Digital Knowledge Society

The Digital Knowledge Society Department provides expertise in the areas of Regulatory and Market environments, promoting experiences sharing and collaboration. It also has the responsibility for the international statistics standards for telecommunication/ICT indicators and compiles and disseminates valuable ICT Statistics which provide the basis for sound public policy decisions. This Department promotes innovation culture and projects to the Member States. The DKS Department leads and coordinates innovation throughout the BDT. This Department also ensures the active participation of youth and the need to guaranteeing accessibility and inclusion for all and promoting reinforcement for gender ​issues.