ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Draft Programme

ITU Workshop on "Digital Financial Services and Financial Inclusion"
Geneva, Switzerland, 4 December 2014

    • Kindly note that the opening of the workshop will begin at 09:00 instead of the original 09:30


​08:30 - 09:00
​09:00 - 10:00​Opening Session

​10:00 - 11:15Session 1: Overview of Stakeholders’ Activities in Digital Financial Inclusion

This session aims to showcase examples from various stakeholders that are involved in implementing digital financial services on an international and regional scale. The session will highlight the ecosystem and the main technology trends and business models behind the growth of the sector in different region and will also shed light on the characteristics of successful digital financial services applications.

Moderator:  Sacha Polverini, Chairman, ITU-T Focus Group Digital Financial Services

​11:15 - 11:30Coffee Break
​11:30 - 13:00

​​Session 2: The Policy and Regulatory Challenges for Digital Finance

The aim of this session is to explore the interoperability, policy and regulatory challenges facing stakeholders in the ecosystem. The session will be a panel discussion and will provide an opportunity for different stakeholder groups to share their perspectives on the policy and regulatory challenges and possible measures for harmonisation at a regional/global level.

Moderator: Tillman Bruett, Manager, Mobile Money for the Poor, UNCDF [ Biography ]


​13:00 - 14:00 ​Lunch Break
​14:00 - 15:15 Session 3: Digital Financial Services and Financial Inclusion: Role of standards setting organizations

As the range of digital financial services technology options that support financial inclusion continue to expand, regulators need to understand their impact and implications on the sector. This panel discussion will provide an overview of ongoing activities carried out in standards setting organizations.

Moderator: Marc Hollanders, Special Advisor on Financial Infrastructure, Monetary and Economic Department, Bank for International
                    Settlements, Basel, Switzerland

​15:15 - 15:30 ​Coffee Break
15:30 - 16:30​​Session 4: Security Issues in Digital Financial Services

This session will consider the main security issues in digital finance especially with the increasing penetration of smartphones and apps. The sessions will also discuss technical measures and standards that can be implemented to overcome these issues and to ensure the security of financial transactions.

Moderator: Ranu Dayal, Partner, Boston Consulting Group (Thailand)

16:30 - 17:45​​Session 5: Brainstorming Session on Roadmap for Interoperable Digital Financial Services

This session will discuss the characteristics and best practices for defining a roadmap for interoperable digital financial services.

Moderator: Leon Perlman, Lethan Consulting, USA [ BiographyPresentation ]

​17:45 - 18:00​Closing Session

 *To be confirmed