Committed to connecting the world


ITU, UNEP, UNU, CEDARE Forum on Environmentally
Sound Management of E-Waste
Madrid, Spain, 16 September 2013


MONDAY, 16 September 2013

08:30 – 09:30


09:30 - 10:30​

​Opening Ceremony

​10:30 - 11:30

Questions and Answers

​11:30 - 12:00

Coffee Break

​12:00 - 13:30

Session 2 – The role of policies, standards and regulations for effective e-waste management

A comprehensive waste management approach, which encompasses environmental and socio-economic considerations, is crucial to help countries and key stakeholders to adopt and improve an effective sound e-waste management. This session will discuss the importance of policies, standards and regulatory frameworks on e-waste issues.

Moderator: Carmen Martín Marino, Head of Electrotechnology and ICT Standardization, Standardization Department, AENOR: The Role of Policies, Standards and Regulations for Effective e-Waste Management [ Biography | Presentation ]


Questions & Answers

​13:30 - 15:00

​Lunch Break

15:00 - 16:00​

Session 3 –  Training and Awareness Raising on the E-waste Challenge

This session will highlight the importance of providing trainings on e-waste management and of promoting the environmentally sound handling of used and end-of-life electronic equipment at producer, recycler and consumer level, also fostering strategic public-private partnerships.

Moderator: Flavio Cucchietti, Vice Chairman of ITU-T Study Group 5 [ Biography ]


​16:00 - 16:30

Coffee Break

​16:30 - 17:30

Session 4-  Best Practices for Designing E-waste Management Systems



Moderator: Ernesto Lluch, Director, Garrigues Medio Ambiente Ltd. Spain [ Biography ]


 Questions & Answers

​17:30 - 18:00

Wrap-up and closing remarks