Committed to connecting the world



Ninth ITU Symposium on ICTs, the Environment and Climate Change
Kochi, India, 15 December 2014


15 December 2014

​08:30 - 09:30Registration
​09:00 - 09:30​Opening Ceremony
​09:30 - 10:45

Session 1: Damage prevention and safety
This session will provide a platform to discuss issues related to the protection of telecommunication equipment and installations against damage and malfunction due to electromagnetic disturbances, such as those from lightning. It will also present an overview of the activities carried out by ITU-T Study Group 5.               

Moderator: Mr Ahmed Zeddam, Chairman of ITU-T Study Group 5 "Environment and Climate Change"  [Biography] [Presentation]


Questions and answers

​10:45 - 11:00Coffee Break
​11:00 - 12:00

​​Session 2: Energy efficiency
This session will give an overview of how energy efficiency is of paramount importance for sustainable development. Energy Efficiency is a top priority for smart sustainable cities and is essential in achieving the goals of sustainability, low energy consumption and a reduced carbon reliance in urban areas. ICTs can help energy-demanding urban areas become low-carbon smart sustainable cities. Further, this session will address the need to reduce energy use and increase renewable energy generation. The session will also address how integrated ICT solutions can help play a role in developing a more sustainable, energy-efficient future.

Moderator: Ms Pernilla Bergmark, Master Researcher, Sustainability Researcher, Telefon AB-LM Ericsson [Biography]


Questions and answers

​12:00 - 13:00

​Session 3: Climate monitoring and adaptation
This session will give an overview of how ICTs have become the key source in detecting and mitigating natural events, making public safety a priority in all countries. It will also present a framework that could be used by cities not only to adapt to climate change, but also to build resilient cities. This session will ultimately provide an overview of the potential leading role that ICTs can have on climate change monitoring as well as adaptation.

Moderator: Ms Nevine Tewfik, Egypt [Biography] [Presentation]


Questions and answers

13:00 - 14:00Lunch
​14:00 - 15:00

Session 4: Smart Sustainable Cities
This session will give an overview of how the strategic application of ICT can help cities to become smarter and more sustainable. It will also discuss the role of standardized methodologies and key performance indicators in order to provide accurate, reliable tools for assessing the environmental impact of ICT in cities and the gains in social and economic welfare that green ICT's can achieve in cities.

Moderator: Ms Cristina Bueti, Advisor on ICT's, Environment and Climate Change, ITU [Biography | Presentation]


Questions and answers

15:00 - 15:05Closing  Ceremony 
​15:05 - 15:15

​Coffee Break

​​15:15 - 15:30Opening Ceremony of the ITU Forum on Human Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields in India

 *To be confirmed