Committed to connecting the world


ITU Workshop on "Future Trust and Knowledge Infrastructure" - Phase 1
Geneva, Switzerland, 24 April 2015


Friday, 24 April 2015

Workshop Objectives

This workshop will provide a platform for discussion on future converged ICT services and information infrastructure. Building the future ICT-based "eco-society" will demand enhancements to the functions and capabilities of information infrastructure.  Accordingly, the workshop will aim to:

 08:00 - 09:00
​09:00 - 09:50​Opening and Keynote Session
​09:50 - 10:50Session 1: Data Science for the Knowledge Society

Objectives: This session will discuss the data science to realize the Knowledge Society. Advances in data-acquisition and processing technology will enable us to draw useful information from the seas of data produced by our interconnected world. This session will review current data types and formats in the context of cyber-physical systems, in addition aiming to determine how data science will contribute to building future accumulated-knowledge platforms.

Moderator: Leo Lehmann, (OFCOM Switzerland) [ Biography ]


Q & A

​10:50 - 11:10Coffee Break
​11:10 - 12:30​​Session 2: Requirements and Expectations for Future ICT Infrastructure

Objectives: Expectations for future ICT infrastructure are that networks will transfer zetabytes of traffic with acceptable performance, serving many billions of connected devices, things and objects. The requirements of ICT infrastructure will be analyzed with respect to the needs of other industry sectors including energy and water utilities, transportation, healthcare and more.

Moderator: Giampiero Nanni, (Symantec Corporation, UK)


Q & A

​12:30 - 14:00 ​Lunch Break
​14:00 - 15:30 Session 3: The “Open and Secure” Paradox

Objectives: This session will discuss whether or not the phrase “Open and Secure” constitutes a paradox, taking into account recent trends in business practice and security threats arising from the digital storage and exchange of data and information. The session will analyze if and where views on this topic differ between the public and private sector.

Moderator: Tomas Lamanauskas, (ITU) [ Biography ]


Q & A

​15:30 - 15:50 ​Coffee Break
15:50 - 17:00​Session 4: Open Data Platforms

Objectives: This session will discuss means to realize open data platforms. Open features of data platforms are key to invoking innovation and reaping the benefits of collective intelligence and crowdsourcing. Web and cloud technologies will need to evolve to provide open platforms able to benefit all of society’s institutions, from energy and water utilities to transportation, healthcare, education, public safety and more.

Moderator: Greg Jones, (ITU) [ Biography ]


Q & A

17:00 - 18:30​

Panel Session: Action Plans for Future ICT Infrastructure

Objectives: This session will summarize the key issues discussed in each session with a view to identifying action items and related milestones to guide future ITU-T standardization work. The action items will include goals for ITU-T collaboration and coordination with other relevant bodies.

Moderator: Bilel Jamoussi, ITU [ Biography ]

 *To be confirmed