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ASEAN-ITU Seminar on ICT Accessibility and Assistive Technologies for Equity in Society, 25-26 August 2014, Bangkok, Thailand

ASEAN-ITU Seminar on ICT Accessibility and Assistive Technologies for Equity in Society which was jointly organized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (MICT) of Thailand, and ASEAN, with support from the Department of Communications, Government of Australia. The seminar was held in Bangkok, Thailand from 25 to 26 August 2014.

Group Photo of all participants

ICT Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) are one of the key focus areas of ITU, while the MICT Thailand, in support of ASEAN, has developed a web portal,, providing online web accessibility training courses. In this connection, the ITU and MICT are organizing the meeting which is aimed at:

- providing a meeting opportunity for policy makers, experts, and potential partners to discuss and pursue cooperation in development of ICT accessibility in the region;
facilitating access to information in relation with promoting the use of accessible ICTs and Assistive Technologies (AT) by persons with disabilities;
strengthening human capacity in developing accessible website and assistive technologies;
fostering international cooperation especially among ASEAN Member Countries and Pacific Islands countries, as well as international organizations and the private sector.

The meeting targets senior officials of governments, and key decision makers of organizations, international organisztions, NGOs and agencies dealing with ICT accessibility or assistive technologies for Persons with Disabilities.

To register for the meeting, participants are kindly requested to complete the registration form and send them by email directly to Ms. Tanitta Virayavanich ( by 8 August 2014 at the latest.

Two full fellowships are available for each ASEAN Member Countries; one for a government delegate, and the other one for an organization of persons with disabilities. The last date for fellowship application is 8 August 2014.

Monday 25 August 2014

​08:00-09:00 | Registration

09:00-09:20 | Opening Session
> Welcome Address
   Mr. Wisit Atipayakoon, ITU Regional Office for
   Asia and the Pacific

> Opening Address
   Ms. Areewan Haorangsi, Principal Adviser for
   Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Information and
   Communication Technology (MICT), Thailand

09:20-09:40 | Group Photo and Coffee Break

09:40-12:00 | Session 1: Overview of the Digital Inclusion and Digital Accessibility

  ITU and the Digital Inclusion
     Speaker: Mr. Wisit Atipayakoon, Programme
     Officer, ITU Regional Office for Asia-Pacific

  Model ICT Accessibility Policy
     Speaker: Ms. Mandla Msimang, ITU Consultant
     in ICT Accessibility

  ASEAN ICT Master Plan and Accessibility
     Speaker: Ms. Thasawan Samorwong, Ministry
     of Information and Communications
     Technology, Thailand

12:00-13:00 | Lunch Break

13:00-15:00 | Session 2: Country Presentations

      Speaker: Ms. Sodany Tan, Deputy Director,
      ICT Policy Department, Ministry of Post and
      Telecommunication (MPT)

      Speaker: Mr. Rangga Adi Negara, Staff of
      Directorate of Informatics Empowerment,
      Directorate General of ICT Applications

  Laos PDR 
      Speaker: Ms. Chittaphone Chansylilath, Chief
      of Research and Development Division,
      Ministry of Post and Telecommunication (MPT)

      Speaker: Ms. Rozaidawati Zainul Aznam,
      Deputy Director, Malaysian Communications
      and Multimedia Commission (MCMC)

      Speaker: Ms. Beatrice Quimson, Deputy
      Executive Director, Department of Science and
      Technology - Information and
      Communications Technology Office (DOST-

      Speaker: Mr. Prasert Sripanaratanakul,
     Executive Director, ICT Usage Promotion and
     Development Bureau, Ministry of Information
     and Communications Technology (MICT) 

  Viet Nam
      Speaker: Ms. Anh Hoang, Department of
      Science and Technology, Ministry of
      Information and Communication (MIC)

15:15-17:15 | Session 3: Accessibility in ICTs, Telecommunications, and Broadcasting Services (1)

  Australian policy & practice in ICT accessibility
     Speaker: Ms. Gunela Astbrink, Director of the 
     Internet Society of Australia

  Government efforts to improve web
      accessibility in Korea

      Speaker: Prof. Dr. Kim, Sukil, Chungbuk
      National University, Republic of Korea

  Web Accessibility: ASEAN and Thailand

      Speaker: Mr. Sawang Srisom, Web
      Accessibility Resource Persons, Ministry of
      ICT, Thailand

18:00 | Welcome dinner hosted by the Ministry of ICT Thailand 

Tuesday 26 August 2014

​09:00-10:45 | Session 4: Accessibility in ICTs, Telecommunications, and Broadcasting Services (2)

  ITU Work on Accessibility to ICTs
     Speaker: Ms. Xiaoya Yang, Head, WTSA
     Programmes Division, ITU-T

  Telecommunications Relay Service and
      Remote Caption current status and future in

      Speaker: Mr. Muneya Ichise, President &
      CEO, ISCEC-JAPAN Co., Ltd.

  Medical Emergency Relay Service
      Speaker: Dr. Nattanun Thatphithakkul,
      Researcher, NECTEC, Thailand
      Assistive Technology for the Deaf: Thailand

      Speaker: Ms. Wantanee Phantachat, NECTEC

10:45-11:00 | Coffee Break

11:00-12:45 | Session 5: Assistive Technologies

  The Role of Braille in Assistive Technology
     Speaker: Dr. Wiraman Niyomphol
     Deputy Dean, Ratchasuda College

  Assistive technology for the needs of daily
     living, access to print materials, access to
     writing and computer access for students with
     visual impairments

     Speaker: Mr. Raksak Chairanjuansakun, 
     Teacher, Chief of ICT/AT Support, Bangkok 
     School for the Blind, Thailand

  The Role of Accessible ICT for the
      development of Disability-inclusive Disaster
      Risk Reduction

      Speaker: Mr. Hiroshi Kawamura, Board
      Member of the DAISY Consortium

12:45-13:45 | Lunch Break

13:45-15:45 | Session 6: Enabling Policy and Regulatory Frameworks for Digital Accessibility and Inclusion

  How can international policy drivers improve 
      ICT accessibility in the Pacific?

     Speaker: Ms. Gunela Astbrink, Director of the 
      Internet Society of Australia

 Approaches to Mainstream ICT Accessiblity in 
     the Policy, Legal and Regulatory Framework

     Speaker: Ms. Mandla Msimang, ITU
     Consultant in ICT Accessibility

15:45-16:00 | Coffee Break

16:00-17:00 | Session 7: Summary and Conclusion
Mr. Wisit Atipayakoon, ITU Regional Office for 
Asia and the Pacific

17:00-17:15 | Closing Session
> Closing remarks
   Mrs. Somsri Horkanya, Director of Knowledge-
   based Promotion and Development Division,
   MICT Thailand