Committed to connecting the world


ITU Workshop on "Combating Counterfeit Using Conformance and Interoperability Solutions”
Geneva, Switzerland, 28 June 2016 (P.M.)


28 June 2016 (P.M.)

​08:30 - 12:00
13:30 - 17:00
​14:00 - 14:40​Opening
Workshop Coordinator: Isaac Boateng, Q8/ 11 Rapporteur, NCA, Ghana [ Biography ]
​14:40 - 16:00Session 1: Current Practices and Challenges at Government Level

Objectives: In response to the problem of counterfeit ICT devices, some countries have adopted measures and deployed solutions, aided by conformity policies, not only to deter the entrance and circulation of counterfeit products but also to identify and remove these illegal products from their markets. This session aims to demonstrate some of these approaches so other countries’ solutions could be tailored to be more effective for their needs.

Moderator: Roger Kampf, Counsellor, WTO [ Biography ]


​16:00 - 16:30Coffee Break
​16:30 - 17:50​​Session 2: Possible Approaches and Existing Technical Solutions

Objectives:  Both public and private sectors have invested in multiple efforts to address the problem of counterfeit equipment and to improve the traceability and identification of ICT equipment. This session aims to demonstrate some of these solutions, including conformity assessment approaches that can help all stakeholders in the fight against counterfeit products.

Moderator: Alexander Ntoko, Chief, Operations and Planning Department, TSB, ITU [ Biography ]
​17:50 - 18:30 Session 3: Closing Session - Conclusion and Way Forward
Workshop Coordinator: Isaac Boateng, Q8/ 11 Rapporteur, NCA, Ghana [ Biography ]