Committed to connecting the world

ITU data collection and questionnaires

​​​​​​​​​As a United Nations agency, one of ITU's roles is to identify, define, and produce international official statistics covering the telecommunication/ICT sector. This is in line with other specialized agencies that produce statistics covering their respective field of operations and forms part of the global statistical system of the UN.
ITU collects telecommunication/ICT data for about 200 economies worldwide. These can be divided into three key sets of data:

For more information on each one of the questionnaires, see the table below.​

Data availability

​ITU verifies and harmonizes the data received from countries and collects missing values from government web sites and operators' annual reports, particularly for countries that do not reply to the questionnaires. In some cases, market research data are also used to cross-check and complement missing values. Data availability varies between the different types of indicators:

Data dissemination

Data collected by ITU are maintained in a central database and disseminated as follows:

Overview of ITU questionnaires

Name of Questionnaire Short World Telecommunica-tion/ICT Indicators (WTI) questionnaire​ ​Long World Telecommunica-tion/ICT Indicators (WTI) questionnaire ​ICT Price Basket (IPB)  Questionnaire Short Questionnaire on ICT Access and Use by Households and Individuals Long​Questionnaire on ICT Access and Use by Households and Individuals
Addressed to​ ​Government agency in charge of telecommunica-tions/ICT (Ministry, regulatory authority) Government agency in charge of telecommunica-tions/ICT (Ministry, regulatory authority) Government agency in charge of telecommunica-tions/ICT (Ministry, regulatory authority) National Statistical Offices​ ​National Statistical Offices
Format ​Online Online Online ​Online Excel
Periodicity Annually Annually Annually Annually Annually
Collection period ​March/April September May ​March/April September
Number of indicators 14 66 5 main sets of ICT prices (mobile cellular, mobile broadband, fixed broadband, mobile data and voice low usage, mobile data and voice high usage)5 23​ core indicators, including many classificatory variables
​Data published June  December ​June ​July  January
Sample questionnaire Click here​​ (pdf format) Click ​here​ (pdf format)         Click here​​ (pdf format)

Cli​c​k here​​ (pdf format) Click he​re​​​ (excel format)
Click here (excel format - ICT skills 
​Definition of indicators in 6 languages Click here (p​df format) Click here​​ (pdf format) IPB Rules​​ ​(pdf format), Visual Guide (pdf format)
Click here​ ​(pdf format)​Click ​h​ere​ (pdf format)