ITU's 160 anniversary

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Handbook for the Collection of Administrative Data on Telecommunications/ICT, 2020 Edition

The ITU Handbook for the Collection of Administrative Data on Telecommunications/ICT is a key reference document for the collection of internationally comparable indicators on telecommunications/ICT based on administrative sources (i.e. supply-side data mainly from operators). The Handbook includes definitions and methodological clarifications for more than 90 internationally agreed indicators, discussed by the Expert Group on Telecommunication/ICT Indicators (EGTI). The Handbook was released at the 11th Meeting of the Expert Group on Telecommunication/ICT Indicators​ (EGTI)​​​ in ​September 2020.

​Download the ITU Handbook in pdf format: Arabic ​- ChineseEnglish​​ - French​ - Russian​ - Spanish​.

See the ITU news article "
Tracking global ICT dev​elopment with data: New and updated ITU handbook and manual​".

Indicators definitions (a​dded/revised after 2020)​:

The following documents provide the methodology for collecting data for indicators introduced or revised after the release of the 2020 edition of the Handbook.



ITU Handbook for the Collection of Administrative Data on Telecommunications/ICT, 2011

Download the 2011 ITU Handbook, its additions and revisions in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish (pdf format). 
Methodological note on the indicator “Fixed-broadband Internet traffic" ​

Indicators d​efinitions (ITU 2010)​

Arabic (Word - PDF), Chinese (Word - PDF), English (Word - PDF), French (Word - PDF), Russian (Word - PDF), Spanish (Word - PDF)

Indicators definitions (ITU 2007)

Arabic - (Word - PDF), Chinese - (Word - PDF), English (Word - PDF), French - (Word - PDF), Russian - (Word - PDF), Spanish - (Word - PDF)

Indicators definitions (ITU 2005)

Arabic (Word), Chinese (Word), English (Word), French (Word), Russian (Word), Spanish (Word)

Version 1.1