Measuring the digital development: ICT price trends 2020 report, an ITU flagship report published recently, presents, analyses and compares the retail price of ICT services in over 200 economies. It highlights the progress made by countries towards achieving the Internet affordability target set by the United Nations Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development, and helps identify affordability gaps not only between, but also within countries.
- Do you know how much you have to pay to access the Internet in different countries around the world?
- Do you know what share of the population could only afford entry-level broadband services around the world
- Did you know that consumers in developing countries typically pay around a four times larger share of their monthly income on broadband services than consumers in developed countries?
ICT prices are powerful indicators of the digital divide; these are just some of the questions addressed by the ICT price trends 2020 report.
The ICT price trends 2020 webinar aimed to share with a broad audience the latest findings from the 2020 data collection carried out by ITU in collaboration with the Alliance for Affordable Internet. The webinar was held on 28 June 2021 from 13h00 to 14h30, Geneva time.
With the webinar, ITU further aims to support policy makers and regulators in managing ICT services for consumers particularly during the pandemic and the recovery period. It helped to understand how ICT price data are collected and made comparable across countries in different regions and at different levels of development. In addition, it provided a forum where participants could ask questions to, and share comments about the report with, the ICT Data and Analytics team of ITU.