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Executive summary


Executive Summary of the ​ITU-T Study Group 5 Meeting
 “EMF, Environment, Climate Action, Sustainable Digitalization, and Circular Econo​my” 

(Rome meeting, 17 – ​ 27 October 2022)​​

​The second meeting of ITU-T Study Group 5 “EMF, environment, climate action, sustainable digitalization, and circular economy” in the 2022–2024 study period, convened by TSB Collective letter 2 took place in Rome, Italy from 17 to 27 October 2022. The meeting was hosted by the University of Rome Tor Vergata.

Remote participation was provided for all sessions. 

The ITU-T SG5 meeting was chaired by Mr Dominique Würges (France), Chairman of ITU-T Study Group 5, and supported by the following Vice-chairmen: Jean Manuel Canet (France), Beniamino Gorini (Nokia Corporation, Finland), Byung Chan Kim (Korea (Rep. of), Shuguang Qi (China (P.R.), Kazuhiro Takaya (NTT Corporation, Japan), and Nevine Tewfik (Egypt). ​


Main discussions and results
​At its meeting held in Rome, from 17-27 October 2022, ITU-T Study Group 5 achieved the following outcomes:Remote participation was provided for all sessions using MyMeetings. The following TD was prepared in this regard:​​​ ​ ​​

As the ITU-T SG5 meeting was a physical meeting, delegates were reminded that decisions were taken by those physically present in the Plenary meeting in Rome.​​

Major accomplishments​

Approval of the report of the last SG5 meeting​​​

​The report of the last ITU-T SG5 meeting held in Geneva, from 21 June – 1 July 2022​  was approved as contained in Report 1.

Approved Recommendations by ITU-T SG5 (according to A.8 §5)​​

ITU-T Rec. Num​ber





Recommendations Consented by SG5 for Last Call (AAP - Recommendation A.8)​

 Revised Recommendations

ITU-T Rec. NumberTitleQuestionTD
Resistibility of telecommunication equipment installed in a telecommunication centre to overvoltages and overcurrentsQ2/5TD502
Resistibility of telecommunication equipment installed in the access and trunk networks to overvoltages and overcurrentsQ2/5TD504
K.147Protection of networked information technology equipmentQ2/5TD561-R2
K.80EMC requirements for telecommunication network equipment in the frequency range 1 GHz - 40 GHz
K.136Electromagnetic compatibility requirements for radio telecommunication equipmentQ4/5TD485-R1
L.1400Overview and general principles of methodologies for assessing the environmental impact of ICTQ9/5


New Recommendations

ITU-T Rec. Number​Work item or provisional nameTitleQuestionTD
L.Spec_Edge DCSpecification of Edge Data Center infrastructureQ11/5
L.1630L.FrameworkBIMSsscFramework of building infrastructure management system for sustainable cityQ13/5
TD513​ ​

Agreed informative texts

Docum​entWork item or provisional nameTitleQuestionTD
K.Suppl.30 to ITU-T K.118
Requirements for lightning protection of fibre to the distribution point equipment - Overview
K.Suppl.31 to ITU-T K.118​
Requirements for lightning protection of fibre to the distribution point equipment - Modelling earth potential rise (EPR)​​
Electromagnetic field compliance assessments for 5G wireless networks
K.Suppl.32K.Suppl.5GCase Studies
Case Studies of RF-EMF assessments
K.123 (2022) Cor.1
Cor.1 K.123
Electromagnetic compatibility requirements for electrical equipment in telecommunication facilities
L.Suppl.cdepComputer processing, data management and energy perspectiveQ6/5
Guidelines on the Implementation of environmental efficiency criteria for artificial intelligence and other emerging technologies​
L.Suppl.54 to L.1400 series
L.Suppl.FinancialGainsGuidance for assessing the GHG emissions consequences of the financial effects generated by ICT
L.Suppl.55L.Suppl.DC&SDGEnvironmental efficiency and impacts on United Nations Sustainable Development Goals of data centres and cloud computing
L.Suppl.56L.Suppl.ConnectSDGGuidelines for connecting cities and communities with the Sustainable Development Goal

New work items​

Work item




K.Suppl.30 to ITU-T K.118

Requirements for lightning protection of fibre to the distribution point equipment - Overview


TD​447 A.13
K.Suppl.31 to ITU-T K.118
Requirements for lightning protection of fibre to the distribution point equipment - Modelling earth potential rise (EPR)


TD44​8 A.13


Resistibility of telecommunication equipment installed in a telecommunication centre to overvoltages and overcurrents


TD503 A.1


Resistibility of telecommunication equipment installed in the access and trunk networks to overvoltages and overcurrents



Guidance on safety relating to the use of surge protective devices and surge protective components in telecommunication terminal equipment


TD519 A.1​


Emission levels and test methods for wireline telecommunication networks to minimize electromagnetic disturbance of radio services


TD508 A.1


Energy consumption management and optimization platform Framework for cloud computing




Monitoring and Control Interface for Infrastructure Equipment (Power, Cooling and Building Environment Systems used in Telecommunication Networks) - Generic Interface​




Monitoring and Control Interface for Infrastructure Equipment (Power, Cooling and Building Environment Systems used in Telecommunication Networks) - ICT equipment power, energy and environmental parameters monitoring information model




An information model for digital product information on sustainability and circularity




Guidance on simplified life cycle assessments of Information and Communication Technologies




Guidelines for the assessment of the carbon footprint of a smartphone​




Guidelines for the assessment of the carbon footprint of a server




Smart Energy Solutions for Manufacturing Industry




Virtual micro power station scheme based on carbon emission reduction of telecommunication base station




Reference model of firefighting infrastructure management system for buildings in sustainable cities 




Recommendations proposed for deletion.

Work item




K.43 (2009)​

Immunity requirements for telecommunication network equipment



K.48 (2006)
EMC requirements for telecommunication equipment – Product family Recommendation​



K.88 (2011)

EMC requirements for next generation network equipment​



​​Contributions ​ ​

The full list of Contributions can be found in TD329.
The following Contribution was addressed to the Plenary (QAll/5) and also to Q8/5:
      As this Contribution was also addressed to Q8/5, it was decided that it would be discussed during the Q8/5 session. 

Correspondence Group on Green and Low-carbon Deployment and Operation for Information and Communication Network.
During the ITU-T SG5 meeting from 21 June to 1 July 2022, it was decided to create a Correspondence Group on Green and Low-carbon Deployment and Operation for Information and Communication Network. The related tasks of this correspondence group were to:
​​​At the ITU-T SG5 opening plenary on 17 October 2022, the convenor of this Correspondence Group, Mr Derick Simiyu Khamali (Communications Authority Kenya), presented the report of the activities carried out of this correspondence group from August to October 2022. The convenor also presented a summary of the different points of view expressed about the proposed new Question (which, in the meantime, has been renamed). 

​​During the discussion, views were expressed, in particular, about the scope of the proposed new Question, its relationships with other study groups, its relation to Internet architecture, and the timing of the proposal.

Based on the discussion, the following were proposed by the Chairman and agreed by the meeting:
​​​Action plans for the implementation of WTSA-20 Resolutions 72, 73, and 79 (Rev. Geneva, 2022) (human exposure to EMF, environment, climate change and circular economy, and e-waste)​

TD444-R1 contains the “Action Plan” for the implementation of WTSA-20 Resolutions 72, 73 and Resolution 79 (Geneva, 2022) (Human exposure to EMF, environment, climate change, and circular economy and e-waste). This document was updated during the meeting. 

​Highlights of the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference PP (Bucharest, 2022) relevant to ITU-T SG5

The ITU Plenipotentiary Conference took place from 26 September to 14 October 2022, in Bucharest, Romania.

The SG5 Chairman informed the meeting about the major revisions agreed during the conference pertaining to the following Resolutions relevant to ITU T SG5:
Collaboration matters and Information Sharing​​ 

The following TDs were presented by TSB and were noted during the ITU-T SG5 opening plenary:
​ ​The following TDs were noted during the ITU-T SG5 opening plenary:​
​ ​During the ITU-T SG5 closing plenary, a presentation on ASTM was delivered by Mr Craig Updyke as contained in TD473.

Promotion activities and bridging the standardization gap

The following TD was presented by TSB and was noted during the ITU-T SG5 opening plenary:​
Additionally, information was provided on:
ITU-T SG5 Newcomers' session

​A Newcomers’ session was held on 18 October 2022. The following TDs were prepared and presented:​
List of stale work items

TSB provided information on the list of stale and possible work items as contained in TD318-R2. The Rapporteurs of the concerned Questions were encouraged to discuss these work items during their respective sessions and take appropriate action. The concerned work items were updated during the sessions as follows:​


Draft Rec.​


Stale stat​us

Last update

​​Action taken



Assessment of material efficiency of ICT network infrastructure goods (circular economy). Part 4: Server and data storage product critical raw materials





Terminology Handbook

Extension of the Terminology Handbook to cover relevant L-series terminologies






Green deal best practices



To be discontinued

Working Party meetings​

Working Party 1/5 - EMC, lightning protection, EMF

​Working Party 1/5, chaired by  Mr Fryderyk Lewicki, has made significant progress on various work items and achieved the following key outcomes:

​Q1/5: Electrical protection, reliability, safety, and security of ICT systems

​The Rapporteur of Q1/5 (Mr Chuanyou Dai) opened the meeting and presented the draft agenda contained in TD341-R1​​, which was approved without modifications. The meeting received and reviewed three Contributions relevant to Q1/5.

The main discussions were:​
​​The work programme was updated. 
The report of the Q1/5 meeting is contained in TD361-R2.

Q2/5: Protecting equipment and devices against lightning and other electrical events​

The Rapporteur of Q2/5 (Mr Michael Maytum) opened the meeting and presented the draft agenda contained in TD342-R1​, which was approved without modifications.

The meeting received and reviewed 16 Contributions relevant to Q2/5.
The main discussions were:
​​The work programme was updated.
The report of the Q2/5 meeting is contained in TD362-R2.​

Q3/5: Human exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) due to digital technologies

The Rapporteur of Q3/5 (Mr Fryderyk Lewicki) opened the meeting and presented the draft agenda contained in TD343-R3, which was approved without modifications.

The meeting received and reviewed seven Contributions relevant to Q3/5. 
The main discussions were:
​​Additionally, in parallel to the meeting, the “ITU-T activity on Human exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs)” were presented in the “14th Symposium on ICTs, Environment, Climate Change and Circular Economy”, 25 October 2022, Rome, Italy.​​

The work programme was updated. 
The report of the Q3/5 meeting is contained in TD363-R2.

Q4/5: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) aspects in ICT environment​

The Co-Rapporteurs of Q4/5 ( Messrs​ ​Beniamino Gorini & Xing Hai Zhang) opened the meeting and presented the draft agenda contained in TD344-R2 which was approved with modifications.

The meeting received and reviewed five Contributions and one TD relevant to Q4/5. 
The main discussions were:
A corrigendum was produced to correct two figures in the revised Recommendation ITU-T K.123 “Electromagnetic compatibility requirements for electrical equipment in telecommunication facilities” that is in publication; see TD481.​

Q4/5 has analysed the published EMC Recommendations and has defined a maintenance plan; see TD494. Furthermore, Q4/5 agreed to request the deletion of the following Recommendations because they are replaced by new Recommendations (see TD495):​​
Q4/5 Work programme was reviewed and updated.

Mr Hattori informed those present that he would be retiring in March 2023. The meeting wished him all the best and thanked him for his excellent work throughout his years on ITU-T SG5 as official, editor and contributor.

The report of the Q4/5 meeting is contained in TD364-R1.​​

Working Party 2/5 - Environmental efficiency, e-waste, circularity, and sustainable ICT networks

Working Party 2, chaired by Mr Paolo Gemma, has made significant progress and achieved the following key outcomes:​

Q6/5: Environmental efficiency of digital technologies​

​The Rapporteur of Q6/5 (Mr Magnus Olsson) opened the meeting and presented the draft agenda contained in TD346-R1​ , which was approved with modifications.

The meeting received and reviewed six Contributions relevant to Q6/5. In addition, during the meeting one contribution was re-allocated from Q11/5 to Q6/5.

The main discussions were:
Additionally, during the meeting, it was decided to change the title of L.Sup.MDEE to “Study of Multi-dimensional network energy efficiency metrics” (updated A.13 justification in TD472).

A joint session with ETSI TC EE was organized on 24 October 2022, discussing the joint work items L.BBU, L.GAL_3 and L.Sup.MDEE.
The work programme was updated. 

The report of the Q6/5 meeting is contained in TD366-R1.

​Q7/5: E-waste, circular economy, and sustainable supply chain management

​The Co-Rapporteurs of Q7/5 (Ms Nevine Tewfik & Mr Leandro Navarro) opened the meeting and presented the draft agenda contained in TD347-R3, which was approved with modifications.

The meeting received and reviewed 16 Contributions relevant to Q7/5. 
The main discussions were:
Additionally, during the meeting, a presentation made by Mr João Alexandre Zanon (Chairman of WP4/11 and Rapporteur of Q15/11), on the current and future work of Q15/11 related to Recommendation ITU-T L.1034 “Adequate assessment and sensitization on counterfeit information and communication technology products and their environmental impact”. The presentation was provided during Q7/5 session on 19 October 2022. The presentation is found in TD474. Experts agreed to continue cooperation and to consider a possibility of a presentation of ITU-T SG5 on Recommendation ITU-T L.1034 at Q15/11 session.  

A joint meeting was also held with ETSI TC EE EEPS to discuss the status of the joint work items with Q7/5.  The meeting tackled TD466 on draft Recommendation ITU-T L.ME_AF; and TD465 on L.ME_DIS, as well as L.ME_DD, as well as the overall report of joint work items with Q6/5 & Q7/5 (ITU-T SG5 WP2) provided by the Liaison Rapporteur to ETSI TC EE

The work programme was updated. 
The report of the Q7/5 meeting is contained in TD367-R1​.​

Q13/5: Building circular and sustainable cities and communities

The Rapporteur of Q13/5 (Mr Leonidas Anthopoulos) opened the meeting and presented the draft agenda contained in TD353-R1
​​, which was approved with modifications.

The meeting received and reviewed five Contributions relevant to Q13/5. 
The main discussions were:
Additionally, during the meeting, it was commented that draft Recommendation ITU-T L.FrameworkBIMSssc “Framework of building infrastructure management system for sustainable city” - the updated baseline text for consent (TD513) should address the requirements for energy sources, and the editors complied with this remark. Moreover, it was commented that the new work item L.FIMS must justify how it complies with the objectives of Q13/5.

The work programme was updated. 
The report of the Q13/5 meeting is contained in TD373-R2​.

Working Party 3/5 - Climate change, adaptation, mitigation, and net-zero emissions

Working Party 3, chaired by Ms Qi Shuguang, has made significant progress, and achieved the following key outcomes:​ ​

Q9/5: Climate change and assessment of digital technologies in the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement

The Co-Rapporteurs of Q9/5 (Mr Jean Manuel Canet & Ms Pernilla Bergmark) opened the meeting and presented the draft agenda contained in TD349-R1, which was approved with some modifications and uploaded as TD349-R2.​
The meeting received and reviewed twenty Contributions relevant to Q9/5. 
The main discussions were:
Additionally, during the meeting, the resolutions for AR comments on draft Recommendation ITU T L.1480 “Enabling the Net Zero transition: Assessing how the use of ICT solutions impacts GHG emissions of other sectors” were discussed and agreed (TD475). This draft Recommendation is planned to be approved by ITU-T SG5 during a plenary in December 2022. 

A joint session with ETSI TC EE EEPS on draft Recommendation ITU-T L.1410rev/ETSI EE EEPS ES 203 199 was held. This was the initial session on the revision of this joint deliverable.

It was agreed to ask TSB to investigate whether an A.5 relationship could be set up with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol.

The work programme was updated. 
The report of the Q9/5 meeting is contained in TD369-R2​.​

Q11/5: Climate change mitigation and smart energy solutions 

The Co-Rapporteurs of Q11/5 (Ms Qi Shuguang & Mr Sangjin Jeong) opened the meeting and presented the draft agenda contained in TD351-R4​, which was approved without modifications.

The meeting received and reviewed 10 Contributions relevant to Q11/5. 
The main discussions were:
In addition, another new work proposal regarding the energy consumption management and optimization platform framework for cloud computing was discussed. During the discussion, it was identified that this new work item proposal should be dealt in Q6/5; consequently, the TD530-R2, which contains the A.1 justification for proposed draft new Recommendation ITU-T L.FCC“Energy consumption management and optimization platform framework for Cloud Computing”, was submitted and discussed in Q6/5. 

Furthermore, the new work proposal contribution C132 from China regarding the green and low- carbon development of Metaverse was received and discussed during the Q11/5 session. It was agreed that green and low-carbon aspects of Metaverse is a very important topic. However, considering Liaison Statement TD402 received from ITU-T SG17 indicating that there may be establishment of Focus Group on Metaverse (or immersive virtual universe) in TSAG, it was decided to postpone this new WI proposal, which could be opened in this upcoming Focus Group, if the Focus Group is created.

During the ITU-T SG5 Liaison Statement session held on 26 October 2022, it was agreed to send a Liaison Statement to TSAG informing them about the proposed new work item submitted to ITU-T SG5 on the green and low-carbon development of Metaverse, as contained in TD570-R1. Should a new Focus Group on Metaverse be created, ITU-T SG5 requests TSAG to consider the environmental sustainability aspects in its terms of reference and to encourage members to contribute to TSAG on this topic.

Q11/5 experts discussed the list of stale work items and items that will become stale in three months. The experts agreed to discontinue the work on L.Energy_Crypto_currency “Energy consumption of crypto currency”​ and L.Suppl.Gr_Deal “Green Deal Best Practices”. The work programme was updated accordingly. 

The report of the Q11/5 meeting is contained in TD371-R3​.

Q12/5: Adaptation to climate change through sustainable and resilient digital technologies

The Co-rapporteurs of Q12/5 (Messrs Claudio Bianco and Derick Khamali) opened the meeting and presented the draft agenda contained in TD352-R1, which was approved without modifications.

The meeting received and reviewed four Contributions relevant to Q12/5. The meeting also reviewed all the e-meeting reports and documents that were in progress. 
The main discussions were:

The four contributions were given in C124-R1 as Draft New Recommendation L.5G Network Sharing and Co-construction, C154 A.13 Justification for a proposed new work item on new supplement in Agriculture adaptation, C180-R1 Draft Recommendation ITU-T L.CArural “Low-cost sustainable ICT solutions for climate change adaptation in rural areas and communities” and C183 Draft Recommendation ITU-T L.SRDT_adaptation “Sustainable and Resilient Digital Technologies for Adaptation to Climate Change”.  

The reports of the e-meetings held on 5 August and 7 October 2022 were reviewed. The documents progressed were updated and forwarded as TDs for further engagement. The first was the report of the e-meeting held on 5 August 2022 given in TD405, and the e-meeting held on 7 October given in TD423. The meetings advanced discussions on the two subjects of rural and coast given in TD421 and TD422 respectively. These two documents were discussed in the Rome meeting and are reposted as new TDs with an improved text. 

The meeting also reviewed two incoming Liaison Statements TD383 on current activities of FG-AI4A and TD452-R1 on status of technically aligned deliverables between ITU and ETSI TC EE. 

The work on draft Recommendation ITU-T L.KPIs_Infrastructure “Environment Key Performance Indicators for Digital Infrastructure Adapting to Climate Change” has not been started. It is expected to be started in the course of the period before the next meeting. 

No new work items are proposed. There are no new Recommendations submitted for consent. There are no new Supplements proposed for agreement. There are no Liaison Statements to be sent out.  

The work programme was updated, and the latest version is here below.

The report of the Q12/5 meeting is contained in TD372-R1.

Question 8/5 - Guides and terminology on environment and climate change

The Rapporteur of Q8/5 Mr Michael Maytum opened the meeting and then presented TD457 Applying the Author's Guide. The main content was in three sections; key reference items with Web URLs, a check sheet for Author's Guide compliance and examples of terms and definitions that needed improvement. More details on the key reference items were contain in Annexes A to J, which contained extractions from the items. A review of AAP documents was presented, and any non-compliances illustrated (TD571 Draft LS/o to SCV on SG5 Recommendations appearing in the AAP 2022 processing list)

The meeting received and reviewed two Contributions relevant to Q8/5. 
The main discussions were:
The work programme was updated. 
The report of the Q8/5 meeting is contained in TD368-R1.

Updates in the SG5 Management Team, Rapporteurs and Associate Rapporteurs and Liaison Rapporteurs :

​​During the ITU-T SG5 opening plenary the following expert was nominated as Associate Rapporteur for Q13/5:
​During the ITU-T SG5 closing plenary the following expert was nominated as Associate Rapporteur for Q3/5:
See TD443-R1.
Additionally, during the closing plenary the following experts were nominated as ITU-T SG5 mentors:

Focus Group on “Environmental Efficiency for Artificial Intelligence and other Emerging Technologies" (FG-AI4EE)

The FG-AI4EE Co-Chairman, Mr Paolo Gemma, presented the progress report of the FG-AI4EE as contained in TD403.​
The sixth and final meeting of the FG-AI4EE will take place on 1–2 December 2022, at the Norwegian Maritime Competence Center, Borgundvegen 340, 6009 Ålesund, Norway.

The Focus Group meeting will be preceded by an ITU Workshop on Environmental Efficiency for AI and other emerging technologies which will take place on 30 November 2022 from 0930 to 1700 hours (CET), at the same venue.

These meetings are being hosted by AugmentCity AS, Ålesund, and will be held as physical events with remote participation. The workshop programme, along with the Focus Group meeting agenda are available on the FG-AI4EE homepage

The FG-AI4EE website is available here

​D​​ates of the next ITU-T SG5 meeting

Executive Summary from previous meetings: 2022-07​ | 2021-12​ | 2021-05​ I 2020-10 I 2020-05​​ I 2019-09 | 2019-05​​ | ​2018-09 | 2018-05​ | 2018-03 2017-11 | 2017-05 | 2016-04 | 2015-10 | 2014-12 | 2014-07 | 2014-05 | 2013-12 | 2013-01 | 2012-04 | 2011-09 2011-04 | 2010-11 | 2010-04 | 2010-01 | 2009-10 | 2009-05 | 2008-11 | 2008-02