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Executive Summary

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Executive Summary of the ITU-T Study Group 5 Meeting “Environment, Climate Change and Circular Economy” (Virtual meeting, 11–20 May 2020)​​


Main discussions and results

​At its fully virtual meeting, 11–20 May 2020, ITU-T Study Group 5 achieved the following outcomes: Remote participation was provided using MyMeetings. The following TDs were prepared in this regard:​​​ ​

Major accomplishments

Approval of the report of the last SG5 meeting​

The report of the last ITU-T SG5 meeting held in Geneva, from 16–20 September 2019 was approved as contained in Report 7 and TD1228-R1.

ITU-T A.5 qualification for JEDEC​​​

TSB and ITU Legal Affairs Unit (JUR) conducted an ITU-T A.5 qualification preliminary analysis for JEDEC Solid State Technology Association (JEDEC). This analysis was initiated on the request of ITU-T SG5 at its last meeting, in order to reference JEDEC standard JESD89A in draft Recommendation ITU-T K.soft_dev "Information of semiconductor devices required for design of telecommunication equipment applying soft error mitigation measures". 

Overall, the analysis did not identify any characteristics that would prevent ITU-T A.5 qualification of JEDEC as contained in TD1318.

ITU-T SG5 experts approved the inclusion of JEDEC as organization qualified to which ITU can make normative reference of JEDEC documents in ITU-T Recommendations.​

Approved Recommendations by ITU-T SG5 (according to A.8 §5)​

​​ITU-T Rec. Number




Recommendations Consented by SG5 for Last Call (AAP - Recommendation A.8)​

Revised Recommendations​​​​

ITU-T Rec. Number​​​​​​ ​Title​ Questio​n TD
Protection of radio base stations against lightning dischargesQ1/​5
Lightning protection, earthing and bonding: Practical procedures for radio base stationsQ1​/5 TD1390
Amendment 1 to Recommendation ITU-T K.50: Safe limits for operating voltages and currents of telecommunication systems powered over the networkQ2/5
Safe working practices for outside equipment installed in particular environmentsQ2/5 TD1334-R1
Corrigendum 2 to Recommendation ITU-T K.98: Overvoltage protection guide for telecommunication equipment installed in customer premisesQ2/5 TD1388
Amendment 1 to Recommendation ITU-T K.21: Resistibility of telecommunication equipment installed in customer premises to overvoltages and overcurrentsQ2/5 TD1​399
Amendment 1 to Recommendation ITU-T K.45: Resistibility of telecommunication equipment installed in the access and trunk networks to overvoltages and overcurrentsQ2/5 TD1​400
Monitoring of electromagnetic field levelsQ3/5 TD1355-R2

Guidance for assessment, evaluation and monitoring of the human exposure to RF EMF
​Energy efficiency metrics and measurement methods for telecommunication equipment

A.5 TD1434

​Assessment of mobile network energy efficiency
New Recom​mendations

ITU-​T Rec. Number​ Work item or provisional name Title Question TD
Management of interferences on telecommunication transmissions on copper other than speech
Q1/5 TD1391​-R1
K.147K.EthEthernet port resistibility testing for overvoltages and overcurrents
A.5 TD1438
L.1381  L.SE_DC
Smart energy solution for data centre Q6/5
L.1371L.SP_OBA methodology for assessing and scoring the sustainability performance of office buildingsQ6​/5 TD136​1-R2
L.1382L.SE_TRSmart energy solution for telecommunication roomsQ6/​5
Assessment method for circular scoring
TD 142​8-R1

Agreed informative texts
Document​ Work item or provisional name Title Question TD
K Supl.1 (07/2014)
Guide on electromagnetic fields and health
K.Suppl.20K.Supl.RF-undergroundRF Exposure evaluation around base station installed undergroundQ3/5 TD1354-R1
L.Suppl.37 L.Sup.O​rg.Traje​ctories Guidance to operators of mobile networks, fixed networks and data centres on setting 1.5°C aligned targets compliant with Recommendation ITU-T L.1470Q9/5 TD1370-R1

Agreed questionnaire




New work items​

TD​ Work item Title​ Question
Performance requirements and test methods for surge protective device modules used in AC power port of telecommunication equipment1/5​
Performance Parameters and Test Methods for Hybrid Integrated Circuits Containing a Gas Discharge Tube and a Metal-Oxide Varistor 2/5
K.Sup.RF-undergroundRF Exposure evaluation around base station installed underground3/5
K.power_emcElectromagnetic compatibility requirements for power equipment in telecommunication facilities4/5
TD1350-R2L.EE_sgpu Energy Efficiency measurement methodology and metrics for servers: Graphical Processor Unit  solution based6/5
TD1351-R2L.GAL_3  Power management capabilities of the future energy telecommunication fixed network nodes. Enhanced Interface for power management in Network Function Virtualization environments6/5
TD1352-R2 L.EE_dse   
Energy efficiency metrics and measurement methods for data-storage equipment6/5
TD1353-R3 L.EE_serv
Energy Efficiency measurement methodology and metrics for servers6/5
TD1369-R3L.10kVAC_up to 400VDCSpecifications of 10kV AC input and up to 400VDC output integrated power system in data centre and telecommunication room6/5
TD1372-R2L.SE_TRSmart energy solution for telecommunication rooms6/5
TD1408-R1L.EE_5G_evoAssessment of mobile network energy efficiency covering network slicing6/5
Guide for the institutions of higher learning to contribute in the effective management of e‑waste7/5
L.E-waste-collectionGuidelines on the collection, pre-treatment, dismantling, valourization and final disposal of WEEE7/5
L.Mat_frameAssessment of material efficiency of ICT network goods Circular economy - Part 1 General for server and data-storage equipment7/5
TD1383-R2L.ME_DDAssessment of material efficiency of ICT network infrastructure goods (circular economy)- Part - 2: server and data-storage product secure data-deletion functionality7/5
TD1384-R2L.ME_AFAssessment of material efficiency of ICT network infrastructure goods (circular economy) part 3- server and data-storage product availability of firmware and of security updates to firmware7/5
TD1385-R2L.ME_RMAssessment of material efficiency of ICT network infrastructure goods (circular economy) part 4- server and data-storage product critical raw materials7/5
TD1386-R3L.ME_DISAssessment of material efficiency of ICT network infrastructure goods (circular economy) part 5- server and data-storage product disassembly and disassembly instruction7/5
TD1358-R2L.Sup.TrajectoriesManSuppGuidance to ICT manufacturers and ICT suppliers on setting 1.5°C aligned targets compliant with Recommendation ITU-T L.14709/5
TD1398-R1L.SupDecarbonisation  Decarbonisation strategies to implement Recommendation ITU-T L.1470 trajectories9/5
TD1402-R2L.Sup.EnablementGHG emissions reductions enabled by actual implementation of ICT projects9/5


The full list of Contributions can be found in TD1263​. ​The following Contribution has been addressed to QAll/5:​
C​ Title Submitter Comment

C606 (Rev.1)​

Suggested title for ITU-T SG5 during the new Study Period (2021–2024)    Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT) (Egypt)  As per agreement of the experts, this Contribution was discussed during the​ Session on ITU-T SG5 Future

Action plans for the implementation of WTSA-16 Resolutions 72 and 73 (Rev. Hammamet, 2016) and Resolution 79 (Dubai, 2012) (human exposure to EMF, environment and climate change, and e-waste)

TD1227 contains a proposed “Action Plan" for the implementation of WTSA-16 Resolutions 72 and 73 (Rev. Hammamet, 2016) and Resolution 79 (Dubai, 2012) (human exposure to EMF, environment and climate change, and e-waste). No inputs have been received at this meeting to advance the current Action Plan. Rapporteurs were requested to discuss it during their sessions. It was agreed to hold one or two Rapporteur e-meetings in July or August (dates to be confirmed) to work on the action plans and finalize them during the ITU-T SG5 October 2020 meeting.

Highlights from TSAG

Study Group 5 Acting Chairman provided a brief overview of the outcomes of 4th TSAG meeting that took place from 23 to 27 September 2019 relevant to ITU-T SG5, as contained in TD1244-R1. ITU-T SG5 Acting Chairman highlighted the following outcomes: TSB provided a brief overview of the outcomes of the 5th TSAG meeting that took place from 10 to 14 February 2020 relevant to ITU-T SG5, as contained in TD1306. TSB highlighted the following outcomes:

List of stale work items​

TSB provided information on the list of stale work items as contained in TD1260-R3. The Rapporteurs of the concerned Questions (Q2/5, Q3/5, Q5/5, Q6/5, Q7/5, Q9/5) were encouraged to discuss these work items during their respective sessions and take appropriate action. The concerned work items were updated during the sessions as follows:​

Provisi​onal name Title Q Most recent reference Most recent reference Action taken
Safe working practices for outside equipment installed in particular environmentsQ2/5
Updated and was submitted for consent

High-altitude electromagnetic pulse immunity guide for telecommunication centresQ5/5 SG5-TD712


K.SmallSmall base stations - impact on the overall exposure levelQ3/5 SG5-C277
K.soft_devInformation of semiconductor devices required for design of telecommunication equipment applying soft error mitigation measuresQ5/5SG5-TD736-A.12018-09-18Updated
K.ZonesGuidance on Determining the Compliance Boundaries (the exclusion zone) of a Live AntennaQ3/5 SG5-C255-R1
L.CE_Industry 4.0
Circular Economy and Industry 4.0Q7/5
L.EE_5GEnergy efficiency Metrics and measurement methodology for 5G base stationQ6/5
L.Energy_Crypto_currencyEnergy consumption of crypto currency
L.SE_DCSmart energy solution for data centre and telecom centreQ6/5
SG5-TD162- R2-A.1
2018-09-17Updated and was submitted for consent
L.TCFDApplication of the activities of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures in the ICT sectorQ9/5SG5-TD771-R2-A.12018-09-20Updated

Collaboration matters and Information Sharing

The following TDs were presented by TSB and were noted during the ITU-T SG5 opening plenary:

WHO Presentation on EMF activities 

At the opening plenary of WP1/5 on 11 May 2020, Dr Emilie van Deventer from WHO, delivered a presentation on Updates on WHO Activities on EMF, as contained in TD1341.

ITU-T SG5 Regional Group

ITU-T SG5 Regional Group for Latin America (SG5RG-LATAM)

A request was received from
Agencia Nacional del Espectro (ANE) of Colombia to consider the appointment of Miguel Felipe Anzola Espinosa as new Chairman of the SG5RG-LATAM from Colombia, as contained in TD1303Miguel Felipe Anzola Espinosa was appointed as SG5RG-LATAM Chairman.

​Working Party meetings​

​Question 8 - Guides and te​rminology on environment and climate change​

During this meeting, Q8/5 achieved the following key outcomes:

Q8/5 experts discussed the ITU-T Recommendation skeleton template file. It was concluded that it would be beneficial to have more formatting guidance by including examples of items such as figure legends, table titles, lists and notes. Style modifications were demonstrated that allowed autonumbering of headings, terms and captions in body text, annexes and appendices. A variant of this could be used to format terms for the Terminology Handbook.

Q8/5 worked on the Terminology Handbook - web version. The following TDs were discussed:​ WP1/5 has gathered the latest K and archived L Recommendations and their terms should be extracted by the next meeting.
The meeting report of Question 8/5 can be found in TD1258-R2.

Working Party 1/5 - EMC, lightning protection, EMF​​

Working Party 1 has made significant progress and achieved the following key outcomes:

Question 1/5 - Protection of information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure from electromagnetic surges

The main results of this meeting are as follows:
Three Contributions and three TD documents relevant to Q1/5 were received and discussed during the meeting. The Q1/5 Work programme was updated for completion dates and editors.

Q1/5 experts submitted the following Recommendations to WP1/5 to be considered for consent:​

 Additionally, one new work item on draft Recommendation ITU-T K. SPDM “Performance Requirements and Test Methods for Surge Protective Device Modules Used in AC power port of Telecommunication Equipment" was agreed. An outgoing liaison statement to IEC SC37A WG5 “Low-voltage surge protective devices" was prepared, in order to inform them about the new work item.

The report of the Q1/5 meeting is contained in TD1251-R3​

Question 2/5 - Equipment resistibility and protective components 

 The Rapporteur of Q2/5 (Mr Mick Maytum) opened the meeting and presented the draft agenda contained in ​TD1232-R2, which was approved without modifications.

Q2/5 experts achieved the following results:

Finalized and submitted for consideration the following Recommendations to WP1/5 for consent:​​

The report of Q2/5 meeting is contained in TD1252-R4​​.​

Question 3/5 - Human exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from information and communication technologies (ICTs)
The Rapporteur of Q3/5 (Mr Fryderyk Lewicki) opened the meeting and presented the draft agenda contained in  TD1233-R5, which was approved with modifications.

During ten Q3/5 sessions, 23 input documents (including 11 Contributions) were discussed.

The report of Q3/5 meeting is contained in TD1253-R3 

Question 4/5 - Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) issues arising in the telecommunication environment
The Co-rapporteurs of Q4/5 (Messrs Beniamino Gorini and Xing Hai Zhang) opened the meeting and presented the draft agenda contained in TD1234-R3, which was approved with modifications.

Eight technical Contributions were received and discussed.​

No Recommendations were completed to be submitted for consent. Initially, the goal was to consent the revision of Recommendation ITU-T K.34 “Classification of electromagnetic environmental conditions for telecommunication equipment – Basic EMC Recommendation". However, this was deferred until the next Q4/5 meeting because Q4/5 experts agreed to add further information on the field strength generated by 5G base stations.

Progress was made on the following Work Items:​

The title of the new Recommendation K.plc.emc “Electromagnetic compatibility requirements and measurement methods for outdoor equipment and installation using power line communication technology" was revised.

The proposal of a new draft Recommendation ITU-T K.power_emc to cover the EMC requirements of “Electromagnetic compatibility requirements for power equipment in telecommunication facilities" (including Grid interconnection equipment, Uninterruptable Power Supplies (UPS)) was agreed and the A.1 justification was produced (TD1393R1). The first draft of this new draft Recommendation ITU-T K.power_emc was produced and is contained in TD1419.

Q4/5 experts discussed Recommendation ITU-T K.76 “EMC requirements for telecommunication network equipment (9 kHz-150 kHz)" and it was noted that this document should be revised. This Recommendation contains requirements that do not reflect the latest state of the art. Contributions for the revision of this Recommendation will be presented at the next Q4/5 meeting.

A Contribution on the issues with CDNs for surge immunity test in IEC 61000-4-5 was also discussed (C634). It was agreed to reconsider this issue at the next Q4/5 meeting for a possible liaison to IEC SC77B.

The Q4/5 Work programme was reviewed and updated. The liaison statements assigned to Q4/5 were discussed and responses were prepared, where required.

The report of Q4/5 meeting is contained in TD1254-R3.

Question 5/5 - Security and reliability of information and communication technology (ICT) systems from electromagnetic and particle radiations

The Rapporteur of Q5/5 (Mr Yuichiro Okugawa) opened the meeting and presented the draft agenda contained in TD1235-R2, which was approved without modifications.

Q5/5 experts reviewed and discussed new draft Recommendation ITU-T K.soft_dev “Information of semiconductor devices required for design of telecommunication equipment applying soft error mitigation measures" and ITU-T K.hemptest “HEMP immunity test method for telecommunication equipment". The content of both drafts was agreed. With particular regard to Recommendation ITU-T K.hemptest, the discussion will be raised in the next meeting about whether or not this draft should be merged into the existing Recommendation ITU-T K.78. It was noted that both draft Recommendations are almost in a mature state and might submitted for consent at the next meeting.

In addition, the reply to an incoming liaison statement from ITU-T SG17 was prepared and reviewed.

The report of the Q5/5 meeting is contained in TD1255-R2.​

Working Party 2/5 – Environment, Energy Efficiency and the Circular Economy

Working Party 2 has made significant progress and achieved the following key outcomes:

Question 6/5 - Achieving energy efficiency and smart energy
The Rapporteur of Q6/5 (Ms Qi Shuguang) opened the meeting and presented the draft agenda contained in TD1236-R7, which was approved with modifications.

All 11 received contributions were reviewed and the documents under study were improved based on the Contributions received. Five incoming liaison statements were discussed in detail and three outgoing liaisons were prepared.

Based on the Q6/5 discussions, the following draft Recommendations were proposed for consent: The following new work items were established:

Additionally, Q6/5 experts made progress on draft Recommendation ITU-T L.5G_sav “Energy saving technologies and best practices for 5G RAN equipment" based on the Contributions received. The baseline document is available in TD1423.

A presentation by the Liaison Rapporteur to ISO/IEC JT1 SC 39 was held as contained in TD1324.

The report of the Q6/5 meeting is contained in TD1256-R3.

Question 7/5 – Circular economy including e-waste

The Rapporteur of Q7/5 (Ms Nevine Tewfik) opened the meeting and presented the draft agenda contained in TD1237-R3, which was approved with modifications.

Q7/5 received a total of 15 Contributions on different work items, in addition to a number of TDs reflecting 13 e-meetings that took place during the interim period between SG5 meetings. All Contributions were reviewed during the Question Sessions. One more Contribution was reviewed in agreement with Q9/5 which is C605 “Climate change and assessment of information and communication technology (ICT) in the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)".

The following work items were discussed during the meetings: L.CE_2; L.SEEQ; L.Counterfeit; L.SM_Batteries. Moreover, L.ARCH_EoL_CE and L.methodology_arch were discussed briefly. A number of Contributions were made in the area of e-waste management.

A joint session with ETSI EEPS was held. Experts discussed TD1288 “LS/i on ETSI EE WIs proposed to ITU-T for consideration to become technically aligned deliverables" which includes ETSI's proposal for a number of joint work items that fall under the mandate of Q6/5 and Q7/5.

Additionally, Mr Arne Campen from Apple Inc made a presentation on Standards on WEEE treatment including an introduction to
EN50625-x.  The presentation is found in TD1401

During the meeting, experts agreed to send seven new work items for WP2/5 consideration. During the meeting, experts agreed to seek consent for Draft Recommendation ITU-T L.CE_2 “Assessment method for Circular Scoring" as contained in TD1428-R1 and submitting to WP2/5 for consideration.

The report of the Q7/5 meeting is contained in TD1257-R4.

Question 9/5 - Climate change and assessment of information and communication technology (ICT) in the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

​​​The Co-rapporteurs of Q9/5 (Mr Jean Manuel Canet/ Ms Pernilla Bergmark) opened the meeting and presented the draft agenda contained in TD1239-R4, which was approved with modifications.

Q9/5 received 14 Contributions (and five input documents reviewed during previous e-meetings were resubmitted for information). An initial version of Draft Recommendation ITU-T L.TCFD “Application of the activities of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures in the ICT sector" has been made available as TD1356.

The supplement giving guidance to operators of mobile networks, fixed networks and data centres on setting 1.5°C aligned targets compliant with Recommendation ITU-T L.1470 has been actively discussed, and a final version for agreement by SG5 WP2 has been finalised and is available in TD1370-R1.

Moreover, several new Work Items have been agreed, with the objectives being:​

A discussion took place on the possibility for ITU, as the UN agency for the ICT sector, to supervise and support the regular assessment of the ICT/digital sector GHG worldwide footprint. Q9 Co-rapporteurs will develop a rationale to assist TSB to evaluate the possibilities of ITU in this process.

Moreover, the Terms of Reference of Q9/5 were reviewed in TD1379-R1 and presented to SG5, which approved the amendments.

The report of the Q9/5 meeting is contained in TD1259-R4.

R​apporteur group meetings (including e-meetings)

The complete list of planned meetings can be found h​ere.

Updates in the SG5 Management Team and Rapporteurs:​

New Focus Group on "Environmental Efficiency for Artificial Intelligence and other Emerging Technologies" (FG-AI4EE)

​The FG-AI4EE Co-chairman, Mr Paolo Gemma, provided a brief overview of the main results of the first meeting of the FG-AI4EE which was held on 12 December 2020 in Vienna, Austria. The work of the FG-AI4EE will be carried out in three Working Groups:​

The FG-AI4EE Co-chairman also requested the approval of the FG-AI4EE management team as contained in TD1220-R1 and presented the Call for experts to join the work of the FG-AI4EE as contained in TD1323.

The FG-AI4EE website is available here

Special session on ITU-T Study Group 5 future and WTSA preparations
One session to discuss ITU-T SG5 future in preparation of WTSA-20 was held on Thursday, 14 May 2020. The session was continued on Monday, 17 May 2020.

During the first session the following documents were discussed:

ITU- T SG5 has agreed to suggest the following title for the new study period (2021–2024): “EMF, environment, climate action, sustainable digitalization and circular economy"

The outcome of the discussion is contained in the outgoing liaison statement addressed to TSAG, as contained in TD1346-R2.

A summary of the Special Session on SG5 Future is contained in TD1392.

Dates of next ITU-T SG5 meeting

Executive Summary from previous meetings: 2020-10​ | ​ ​2020-05​​​ | 2019-09 | ​ 2019-05​ | 2018-09 | 2018-05​ | 2018-03 | 2017-11 | 2017-05 | 2016-04 | 2015-10 | 2014-12 | 2014-07 | 2014-05 | 2013-12 | 2013-01 | 2012-04 | 2011-09 | 2011-04 | 2010-11 | 2010-04 | 2010-01 | 2009-10 | 2009-05 | 2008-11 | 2008-02