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WP2/16 meeting results (2018-02-16)

​Results from previous meeting(s): 2017-10 2017-01 
   2016-05 2015-10 2015-02 2014-06 2013-10 2013-01 
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Executive Summary of the WP 2/16 Meeting
(Geneva, 16 February 2018)

Numbers and other links

Major accomplishments

Collocated activity:

Summary of Questions' Results

Question 26/16 summary

Question 26/16 received nine contributions. The group decided to propose ITU-T F.930 (ex. F.Relay) for Consent at this meeting [ SG16-TD85/WP2 ]. The group agreed to start a revision to ITU-T F.921 (target Consent in July 2018), and two new work items subject to the submission of initial draft texts at the SG16 meeting in July 2018. Q26/16 generated five output documents. No outgoing liaison statements were prepared. Review and comments were asked on H.ACC-GAD ; H.ACC-GVP ; H.ACC-GAP that started at the SG16 meeting in October 2017 for possible twin text with SC35 (texts already approved in SC35). Informal discussions indicated that three work items in Q26/16 ( F.790 ; F.791 ; HSTP.ACC-SL ) may be of interest to SG35/WG6. Q26/16 will further explore the list and prepare a LS to SC35 for their next meeting (27-31 August 2018), including updated version of these drafts.

Question 28/16 summary

Question 28/16 progressed work on F.SLD, H.861.0 and H.MBI-BHQ. F.SLD was discussed on 9 February 2018 with the participation of a number of WHO experts, following the ITU/WHO meeting of the Safe Listening Initiative on 7 and 8 Feb. 2018. The group reviewed two contributions and updated the draft of ITU-T F.SLD [ RGM-DOC55 (180212) ]. The group confirmed the need to meet next in Geneva, 30 April 2018, back-to-back with the SG12 meeting, to progress the F.SLD draft. Experts discussed brain diagnostic standards on 13-14 Feb., for which two contributions were submitted. The results of the e-meeting on 18 January 2018 to discuss H.MBI-BHQ were reviewed and agreed. The work on ITU-T H.861.1 (ex H.MBI-BHQ) completed and submitted to WP2/16 for Consent. The group also supported an editorial clarification in ITU-T H.861.0 in time for its publication. Q28/16 organized a mini-workshop on Brain Information and Digital Health -Emerging New Paradigm, on 14 February 2018. No outgoing liaison statements were prepared at this meeting.

Recommendations Consented

Title Doc.* AAP LC
ITU-T F.930 (ex F.Relay) "Multimedia telecommunication relay services" (New)
ITU-T H.861.1 (ex H.MBI-BHQ) "Requirements on establishing brain healthcare quotients" (New)