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Meeting results (2013-10-28~11-08)

Results from previous meetings:
 2012-04 | 2011-11 | 2011-03 | 2010-07 | 2009-10 | 2009-01
2008-04 | 2007-06 | 2006-11 | 2006-04 | 2005-07 | 2004-11
2004-01 | 2003-05 | 2002-10

Executive Summary of the ITU-T Study Group 16 Meeting
(Geneva, 28 October - 8 November 2013)

Major accomplishments

  • Consented Recommendations: 18 at this meeting (51 in 2013-01)
  • Recommendations Decided/Determined/Approved: none at this meeting
  • Recommendations agreed for Deletion: none at this meeting
  • Other texts approved: (Total: 5) 1 appendix, 1 supplement, 1 implementors guide, 2 technical papers, and no other documents.
  • Agreed to proposed the merger of Questions 16/16 and 18/16 into a modified Q18/16, see text below
  • ITU-T SG16 Consented the text of ITU-T H.810 (ex H.IDGPHS), which is the transposition of the Continua Design Guidelines.
  • ITU-T SG16 also Consented a new edition of H.264, about ten years after the original edition. Except for the compliance specification and associated reference source code (ITU-T H.264.1 and H.264.2), this is the last planned major edition in the medium-term, as all amendments in the pipeline have been completed. Efforts on video coding now concentrate on HEVC extensions. The SG16 management will be negotiating in the interim period with MPEG on possible joint calls for proposals for several HEVC extensions.
  • ITU-T SG16 approved the results of the FG AVA which now concluded its activities.
  • ITU-T SG16 agreed to the proposal of the creation of an Intersector Rapporteur Group on audiovisual media accessibility. The draft terms of reference were communicated to ITU-T SG9 and ITU-R SG6, which also received a proposal to start such an activity. The IRG is expected to take upon some of the tasks initiated by the FG AVA. Draft Tor is found in TD 167/WP2.
  • ITU-T SG16 hosted the first JCA-IPTV meeting in this study period on 30 October 2013.
  • List of interim pre-approved meetings: see related link
  • Final text of the 26 outgoing Liaison Statements: see LS database
  • The meeting had 155 registered participants during the meeting period (compared to 180 at the last meeting). Remote participation services were provided to 24 delegates (15%); some delegates joined both remotely and physically. The final list of participants is available in TD 94R1/Plen.


  • At this occasion, SG9 did not meet collocated with SG16 at this occasion, as they plan on doing so with ITU-T SG12 in the December 2013 timeframe.
  • ITU-T SG16 also hosted the Joint Collaborative Team on Video Coding (JCT-VC) and the Joint Collaborative Team on 3D Video Coding (JCT-3V), as part of its ongoing collaboration with ISO/IEC JTC 1 / SC 29 / WG 11 (MPEG) for the development of the next generation of video coding. The JCT-VC & JCT-3V had a combined 194 registered participants and reviewed over 660 documents in their 10 days of meeting.
  • Also meeting collocated with SG16 was the IEEE Personal Health Devices (PHD) Working Group. Some of their experts joined the Q28/16 discussions.
  • A joint session was held on 29 October 2013 with ITU-T Q28/16, IEEE PHD and WHO, for a briefing on current activities and how to jointly develop some activities. For the presentations at the event, see TD 95/WP2.
  • An interop event was jointly organized by ITU-T and Continua Health Alliance for testing personal health devices for compliance with the Continua Device Guidelines in draft new ITU-T H.810.
  • A demo was organized during the first week of SG16 with health devices following the Continua Design Guidelines (ITU-T H.810) as well as IPTV technologies.
  • Additional meetings: SG16 met in parallel with IPTV-GSI, JPEG (ISO/IEC JTC1 SC29 WG1) and MPEG (ISO/IEC JTC1 SC29 WG11) on the 1st week and; and during the 2nd week, with JCA-AHF.

Dates of next SG16 meeting and interim Working Party meetings

The next meeting of ITU-T SG16 is scheduled for Sapporo, Japan, 30 June – 11 July 2014. As per agreement of the SG16 Plenary, the meeting will be conducted in English, without interpretation. The SG16 meeting is expected be collocated in the 1st week with IPTV-GSI and with ISO/IEC JTC1 SC29/ WG11 (known as MPEG) during the 2nd week, to facilitate joint work on video coding and on IPTV terminals.

A one-day WP2/16 meeting is planned at the end of the IPTV-GSI event in February 2014. A collective letter will be soon issued. This WP meeting will:

  • review interim progress of WP2/16 Questions
  • start the approval process for any items that have reached maturity
  • address any coordination matters that may arise within the WP2/16 responsibility

Map of meeting reports & Liaison Statements (as seen by the SG16 Plenary)






Meeting Report

Q20: TD 111R2/Plen
Joint SG9,16: ‑

TD 112R1/Plen

TD 113/Plen

TD 114R1/Plen

Liaison Statements
(26 in total)

Q20: TD 115R2/Plen,
Other: TD 129R1/Plen, TD 150/Plen

TD 116R1/Plen

TD 117R1/Plen

TD 118R1/Plen

Work programme

TD 119R1/Plen

TD 120/Plen

TD 121/Plen

NB – At its closing Plenary, SG16 agreed to sending an extra LS addressed to TSAG on the agreement to merge Questions 16/16 and 18/16. This was not issued as a separate LS and is found in COM16-LS49.

Summary of Questions' Results

Question 1/16 summary

Q1/16 had a successful meeting and principally worked on the motorized conferencing topic and adding support of ITU-T H.265 in H.241/H.32x systems. Q1/16 reviewed some input documents pertaining to the common text ITU-T Rec. H.222.0 | ISO/IEC 13818-1 and proposed four H.222.0 Amendments for Consent. No LSs were prepared at this meeting. The Question plans on holding one interim Rapporteurs group meeting.

Question 2/16 summary

Question 2/16 held a very successful meeting, completing work on two revised Recommendations (ITU-T H.235.0 and H.235.6), producing a corrigendum to H.341, and updating the H.323-series Implementers' Guide. The experts also made excellent progress on existing work items, including work on the H.323 Associative Simple Endpoint Type and H.325. Security was an important theme at this meeting, with a renewed interest expressed in improving the H.235-series Recommendations with enhanced end-to-end security mechanisms. The Question prepared one outgoing LS. Q2/16 is planning one interim meeting and to continue the AMS discussions via electronic meetings.

Question 3/16 summary

Question 3/16 met for nine quarters to review some 115 documents. Q3/16 continued work on a number of existing work items which has resulted in four Recommendations for Consent. This includes new Recommendations: ITU-T H.248.80 on the support of the revised offer/answer model, H.248.86 on deep packet inspection in MGs, H.248.87 on profiling RTCP support on MGs and H.248.88 on RTP topologies in MGs. One Supplement H.Supp.12 on priority traffic treatment in MGs is proposed for approval. Three new work items were initiated, new H.248.SCTP "H.248 support for control of SCTP bearer connections", new H.248.SEPLINK "Stream endpoint interlinkage package" and new H.Sup.OpenFlow "Technical report: Protocol evaluation – OpenFlow versus H.248". A number of Recommendations (H.248.66, H.248.74) continue to be on hold, due to the current unavailability of the needed / referenced IETF RFCs for Consent.

Question 5/16 summary

Question 5/16 had a successful meeting, and progressed work on the three work items. Twenty-three contributions on requirements, architecture, audio/video parameters and potential future work items were presented and discussed. Updated baseline text for F.TPS-Reqs,F/H.TPS-Arch and H.TPS-AV was prepared and accepted. Q5 also agreed to start one new work item (H.TPS-SIG), and baseline text was prepared. Three input liaison statements were reviewed, and no output liaison statements were prepared. The Question is planning on holding one interim Rapporteur meeting.

Question 6/16 summary

The primary goals for Question 6/16 at this meeting of SG16 were to review the progress of Q6/16, JCT-VC, JCT-3V, and JPEG work, reach AAP Consent on a revision (V9) to "Advanced video coding" (AVC, Rec. H.264), assess the status of preparation of H.STI (signal type identifiers for image and video signals), consider maintenance needs, and plan future work. These goals were successfully achieved. A substantial portion of the image coding work of Question 6/16 has been conducted jointly with ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 1 (JPEG/JBIG). A substantial portion of the video coding work of Question 6/16 is currently being conducted jointly with ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 11 (MPEG), especially in two joint organizations known as the Joint Collaborative Team (JCT) on Video Coding (JCT-VC) and the Joint Collaborative Team (JCT) on 3D Video Coding (JCT-3V). Meetings of the JCT-VC and JCT-3V were held in a collocated fashion with this meeting of SG16 under its auspices. The JCT-VC is tasked with development and general extension "High Efficiency Video Coding" (HEVC, Rec. H.265). The JCT-3V is tasked with development of 3D video coding extensions, primarily for H.264 and HEVC. Meetings of MPEG and JPEG were also held in CICG and ITU facilities during the current meeting of SG16. Q6/16 is planning to hold two Rapporteur meetings, two JCT-VC meetings, and two JCT-3V meetings before the next SG16 meeting in June/July 2014 and also to hold a meeting of the JCT-VC and a meeting of the JCT-3V in a collocated fashion with the next SG16 meeting in June/July 2014 under its auspices. The Question prepared six outgoing Liaison Statements.

Question 7/16 summary

Q7/16 did not receive any contributions and no sessions were held during the SG16 meeting.

Question 10/16 summary

Question 10/16 advanced work on the approval process for two texts: G.711.1-SWBS-Float "New Annex G with a floating-point implementation of ITU-T G.711.1 Annex F" and G.722-SWBS-Float "New Annex E with a floating-point implementation of ITU-T G.722 Annex D". An issues list was prepared for ITU-T G.728 (2012) where a number of potential defects are identified and need further study. The Question also received material for inclusion in the next release of the ITU-T Software Tools Library (G.191 STL). The Question reviewed twelve liaison statements and produced two outgoing liaison statements. Q10/16 is not planning on holding any Rapporteur meeting before the next SG16 meeting.

Question 13/16 summary

Question 13/16 experts met in the context of IPTV-GSI event. Q13/16 progressed the work on twelve draft new Recommendations and five draft Technical Papers. Accessibility features were also taken into consideration. Q13/16 agreed to propose a draft new Recommendation ITU-T H.722 (ex-H.IPTV-TDES.3) "IPTV Terminal Device: Full-fledged model" for Consent. One Amendment was also forwarded for Approval: ITU-T H.741.2 Amd.1"IPTV application event handling: Data structures of audience measurement for IPTV services: XML schema on the data structures of audience measurement for IPTV services". Q13/16 also completed the work on two Technical Papers: ITU-T HSTP.IPTV-AM.101 "Introduction to H.741 series-A video engagement audience measurement standard" (New) and ITU-T HSTP.CONF-H762 "Conformance testing specification for H.762" (Rev.). The Question prepared three outgoing Liaison Statements. The group plans to hold one interim meeting before the next SG16 meeting in June 2014, within the context of the IPTV-GSI event planned on February 2014. The objectives are to progress work on the most active work items as well as prepare and send work items HSTP.CONF-H721 and H.721 Revision for Consent at the next SG16/WP2 meeting.

Question 14/16 summary

Q14/16 had a meeting in the context of IPTV-GSI event in Geneva, Switzerland, 28 October -1 November 2013. Q14/16 agreed to revise the texts of four draft new Recommendations: H.DS-AM "Audience measurement for digital signage services", H.DS-DISR "Digital signage: Requirements of disaster information services", H.DS-META "Digital signage: Metadata", H.DS-ARCH "Digital signage: Functional Architecture", and the texts of one draft Technical Paper HSTP.DS-UCIS "Technical Paper on Digital signage: Use-cases regarding interactive services". Q14/16 agreed to create two new work items, H.DS-CASF "Common alerting service framework for digital signage" and HSTP.DS-Gloss "Digital signage: Glossary and definitions". Q14/16 prepared one outgoing Liaison Statement to ITU-T Q1/13 informing of a Q14/16 work on use-cases of interactive service in digital signage. The group plans to hold one interim meeting before the next SG16 meeting in June 2014.

Question 15/16 summary

Good progress was made in progressing new Rec. G.CJB "Procedures for control of de-jitter buffers used in PSTN-IP gateways carrying voice-band data". It is expected that G.CJB will be ready for consent in 2014. A new work item was opened, T.38 Amd.1 "Procedures for real-time Group 3 facsimile communication over IP networks: New Appendix VI, clarifications and corrections". Consent is foreseen in 2015. The Question did not produce any LSs at this meeting and is not planning any interim Rapporteur group meetings.

Question 16/16 summary

Question 16/16 met in three sessions. The draft text of new ITU-T G.DNH "Do no harm testing" was completed and was put forward for Consent at this meeting as ITU-T G.161.1. The draft text of new ITU-T G.168 Annex E "Embedded echo cancellers" was reviewed and updated but it was decided that more time was needed to test thoroughly the new methodology contained in this new Annex and the target Consent date was delayed until the next SG16 meeting in June 2014. The draft texts of G.168 (V8) "Digital network echo cancellers" and new ITU-T G.169 Annex B "Automatic listener enhancement" were reviewed. ITU-T G.169 Annex B was removed from the SG16 work programme due to a lack of Contributions. No interim meetings were proposed and no outgoing liaisons were prepared. Finally, the future of Q16/16 was discussed and it was decided to propose to merge Q16/16 and Q18/16. This proposal will be sent to the next TSAG meeting for agreement.

Question 18/16 summary

At this meeting, Question 18/16 advanced the work on drafting new ITU-T G.SPNE "Signal Processing Network Equipment", revised ITU-T G.161 "Interaction aspects of signal processing network equipment", revised ITU-T G.799.1 "Functionality and interface specifications for GSTN transport network equipment for interconnecting GSTN and IP networks", revised ITU-T G.799.2 "Mechanism for Dynamic Coordination of Voice Enhancement Signal Processing Functions" and revised ITU-T G.799.3 "Signal processing functionality and performance of an IP-to-IP voice gateway optimised for the transport of voice and voiceband data". It was also agreed to propose to merge Q16/16 and Q18/16. The Question did not prepare any LSs and it is not planning on holding any Rapporteur meeting before the next SG16 meeting.

Question 20/16 summary

Q20/16 met for two quarters during this SG16 meeting under the chairmanship of Mr Paul Coverdale as acting rapporteur. This was the second Q20/16 meeting in this new study period. Participation was rather active and broadly representative of the study group membership. Several incoming LSs of generic nature were discussed with relevant outgoing LSs drafted. There was a continued discussion which had been initiated during the last SG16 meeting in January 2013 as to how Q20/16 participation can be made more active and productive. Q20/16 also prepared a reply LS for TSAG with a progress report.

Question 21/16 summary

Under the chairmanship of Mr Noah Luo and Mr Wei Kai, Question 21/16 met for five quarters during 28 October to 8 November 2013 in Geneva. Questions 21 continued the work on existing work items with 21 contributions which were reviewed and accepted. Work items F.LIMSreqs, F.NBLICreqs, H.IVSReqs, H.VHN, H.VSMprot, and H.P2PVSArch were updated based on discussion results. There is one draft new Recommendation, F.UDExch, submitted for Consent by Study Group 16. Q21/16 agreed to start four new work items and decided to terminate one work item H.IPTV-NGN-HN, combining parts of its content with H.VHN. The Question prepared two outgoing LSs and plans on one interim rapporteur group meeting.

Question 25/16 summary

Question 25/16 discussed nine Contributions and three liaison statements. During the meeting, Q25/16 agreed to submit two draft new Recommendations for Consent at the closing Plenary and decided to start two new work items. Q25/16 made progress on four on-going draft Recommendations. Q25/16 produced eight output documents including the meeting report, two initial texts of draft new Recommendations and four revised texts of on-going draft Recommendations. The Question did not prepare any outgoing LSs and plans to hold one interim meeting within the IoT-GSI event in February 2014.

Question 26/16 summary

Q26/16 progressed the work on Relay Services for persons with disabilities. It received the deliverables and reports from FG-AVA, and created new work items based on the deliverables. It also had a discussion on ISO Guide 71. In addition, it participated in a joint meeting with Q21/16 and Q4/2 regarding speech translation and human factors. The meetings were captioned and sign-language was provided for the benefit of persons with disabilities.

Question 27/16 summary

Two incoming LSs from ITU-T SG17 and TSAG were discussed. The first one provides input to ITU-T Q6/17 on use cases and architectures for the ITS environment. The second one provides input to TSAG on activity levels in Q27/16. Eighteen contributions related to definitions, F.VG-REQ, H.VG-FAM, G.SAM, and G.V2A were introduced and discussed. TDs were introduced to facilitate discussions on definitions and prior work. Only slight progress was made on F.VG-REQ and H.VG-FAM due to lack of contributions on the proposed structure of these work items. Initial baseline text was approved for G.SAM and G.V2A. The Living List was updated. Two inactive work items were removed from the work plan. Two outgoing LSs were prepared, one of them being a progress report, as requested by WTSA-12. One Rapporteur Group meeting is planned.

Question 28/16 summary

The highlight of this meeting is the Question's decision to propose the draft new Recommendation H.810 (ex H.IDGPHS) "Interoperability design guidelines for personal health systems" for Consent at the SG16 meeting. It held a joint meeting with IEEE PHD and WHO on e-health. The Question produced no outgoing LSs and plans on one interim meeting during the IPTV-GSI event in February 2014; one of the objectives is completing H.MEDX towards consent in Feb. 2014.

Recommendations Consented by SG16 on the closing Plenary




ITU-T F.746.2 (ex F.UDExch) "User data exchange between functional components in network entities or terminals" (New) TD 144R2/Plen AAP-27
ITU-T F.747.4 (ex F.OpenUSN) "Requirements and functional architecture for the open USN service platform" (New) TD 145/Plen AAP-23
ITU-T F.747.5 (ex F.USN-ALI) "Requirements and reference architecture of automatic location identification capability for USN applications and services" (New) TD 146/Plen AAP-25
ITU-T G.161.1 (ex G.DNH) "Do-No-Harm testing"(New) TD 142/Plen AAP-25
ITU-T H.222.0 (2012) | ISO/IEC 13818-1:2013 Amd.1 "Information technology - Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information: Systems: Extensions for simplified carriage of MPEG-4 over MPEG-2" (New) TD 130/Plen AAP-25
ITU-T H.222.0 (2012) | ISO/IEC 13818-1:2013 Amd.2 "Information technology - Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information: Systems: Signalling of Transport profiles, signalling MVC view association to eye and MIME type registration" (New) TD 131/Plen AAP-25
ITU-T H.222.0 (2012) | ISO/IEC 13818-1:2013 Amd.3 "Information technology - Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information: Systems: Transport of HEVC video over MPEG-2 systems" (New) TD 132/Plen AAP-25
ITU-T H.222.0 (2012) | ISO/IEC 13818-1:2013 Amd.4 "Information technology - Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information: Systems: Support for event signalling in Transport Stream in MPEG-2 systems" (New) TD 133/Plen AAP-25
ITU-T H.235.0 "H.323 security: Framework for security in H-series (H.323 and other H.245-based) multimedia systems" (Rev.) TD 141/Plen AAP-25
ITU-T H.235.6 "H.323 security: Encryption profile with native H.235/H.245 key management" (Rev.) TD 140/Plen AAP-25
ITU-T H.248.80 (ex H.248.SDPMapper) "Usage of the revised SDP offer / answer model with H.248" (New) TD 127/Plen AAP-25
ITU-T H.248.86 (ex H.248.DPI) "Gateway control protocol: H.248 Support for deep packet inspection" (New) TD 122/Plen AAP-25
ITU-T H.248.87 (ex H.248.RTCPPROF) "Guidelines on the use of H.248 capabilities for performance monitoring in RTP networks in H.248 Profiles" (New) TD 109/Plen AAP-25
ITU-T H.248.88 (ex H.248.RTPTOPO) "RTP topology dependent RTCP handling by H.248 Media Gateways with IP Terminations" (New) TD 107/Plen AAP-25
ITU-T H.264 "Advanced video coding for generic audiovisual services" (Rev.) TD 149/Plen AAP-27
ITU-T H.341 (1999) Cor.1 "Multimedia Management Information Base: Updates to MIB definitions" (New) TD 139/Plen AAP-25
ITU-T H.722 (ex H.IPTV-TDES.3) "IPTV Terminal Device: Full-fledged model" (new) TD 123/Plen AAP-25
ITU-T H.810 (ex H.IDGPHS) "Interoperability design guidelines for personal health systems" (New) TD 135/Plen AAP-23

Notes:    *: some texts are subject to editorial clean-up before posting. Hence, the version posted may differ slightly from the TD indicated. In particular, clean-up will be performed in the text and source code of F.746.2 and H.264. These texts are planned to start Last Call about six weeks after the SG16 meeting (AAP-27).
**: expected AAP Announcement for Last Call.

Recommendations Approved by SG16 on the closing Plenary (according to A.8 §5)

None at this meeting.

Recommendations Decided by SG16 on the closing Plenary

None at this meeting.

Other texts approved by SG16

Appendices Document
ITU-T H.741.2 Amd.1 "IPTV application event handling: Data structures of audience measurement for IPTV services: New Appendix I with XML schema on the data structures of audience measurement for IPTV services" (New) TD 124/Plen


Supplements Document
ITU-T H.Sup12 (ex H.Supp.Prio) "Priority traffic treatment by H.248 gateways" (New)


Implementors' Guides Document
ITU-T H.323 System Implementors' Guide (Rev.)


Technical Papers Document
ITU-T HSTP.CONF-H762 "Conformance testing specification for H.762" (Rev.) TD 125/Plen
ITU-T HSTP.IPTV-AM.101 "Introduction to H.741-series - A new video engagement audience measurement standard" (New) TD 126/Plen

NOTE – No other materials were approved at this SG16 meeting.

Recommendations agreed for deletion by SG16

None at this meeting.

Updates in the SG16 management team and Rapporteurs

(Click herefor the complete list of SG16 Rapporteurs)


  • Mr Yusuke Hiwasaki (Rapporteur, Q10/16; NTT, Japan)
  • Mr Bob Reeves (Rapporteur, Q16/16; BT, UK)
  • Mr Dominic Ho (Associate Rapporteur, Q16/16; Ericsson Canada, Canada)
  • Mr John Lee (Rapporteur, Q26/16; Blackberry, Canada)

New Appointments:

  • Rapporteur Question 13/16: Mr Marcelo MORENO (Brazil)
  • Associate Rapporteur Question 13/16: Mr Fernando MATSUBARA (Mitsubishi Electric, Japan)

Representatives and other roles:

  • Liaison Officer to JCA-Res.178: Mr Mohannad El-Megharbel (Egypt)
  • Liaison Officer for APT: Mr Hideki Yamamoto (Oki, Japan)
  • Liaison Officer for SG17 on Security: Mr Paul Jones (USA)

See the SG16 webpage for the latest information.

Open positions:

  • Question 7/16 (System and coordination aspects of media coding)
  • Question 10/16 (Speech and audio coding and related software tools)
  • Question 26/16 (Accessibility to multimedia systems and services)

NOTE ‑ Mr Masahito Kawamori (Japan) will kindly perform as Q26/16 Rapporteur a.i. till July 2014.

Proposed update to Question 18/16 – Signal processing network functions and equipment

(Merger of Questions 16/16 and 18/16)


This Question deals with Signal Processing Network Equipment (SPNE) including network-based speech enhancement devices such as electrical network echo control, acoustic network echo control, automatic level control devices, and voice enhancement devices. It also deals with the implementation and interaction aspects of signal processing network equipment/terminals for transporting voice and voiceband traffic in networks.

With the increased popularity of packet-based networks using Internet Protocol (IP), more and more speech traffic is expected to be carried over these transport networks. Therefore, it will also be observed a significant amount of voice and voiceband data traffic going through signal processing network equipment (SPNE), such as gateway and gateways, circuit multiplication equipment and standalone network speech enhancement devices that interconnect the GSTN and packet networks as well as interconnect different packet networks. For this reason, there is a need to ensure a high quality of service for voice and voiceband data carried in part or wholly via IP networks.

One of the purposes The purpose of this Question is to apply the following aspects in a new generation of voice gateway functions in SPNE:

  • enhance existing Recommendations (e.g. GSTN to IP gateway, vehicle gatewayG.160, G.168, and integrated accessG.169) to ensure that adequate performance with emerging packet-based networks is maintained. As echo cancellers are increasingly embedded into gateways it will be necessary to review the applicability of G.168 to these devices) reflecting the experiences gained from previous generations of equipment: and to develop either a separate Recommendation or Annex to G.168 to ensure that any specific requirements for these embedded echo cancellers are taken into account;
  • enhancement of signal compression and processing (including channel multiplexing) techniques in a new generation of voice gateway functions to accommodate new types of signals and services;
  • enhancement of system controls to maintain end-to-end signal qualities as high as possible.
  • Another purpose of this Question is to encompass these develop Recommendations under various equipment specifications and to that include performance requirements and test methodologies that will help ensure that the correct and appropriate functionality is present in the equipment. It is not intended to define new protocols, but eventually new requirements for these protocols.
  • Recommendations have been developed covering circuit multiplication, speech enhancement (network echo cancellers, voice enhancement devices, and automatic level control), and GSTN/IP gateway equipment. In order to minimize the undesirable effects when the SPNEs are connected together, the Question also deals with:
  • develop the logic and protocol requirements needed for the control and coordination of signal processing functionalities in the networks and terminals;
  • the study of the interaction of SPNE, between different SPNE/terminals, between SPNE and terminals, and between SPNE/terminals and transmission systems;
  • ensure the consistency of Recommendations in the area of SPNE.

The Question will attempt to work electronically where possible and to make full use of e-mail and conferencing facilities in an attempt to reduce its carbon footprint.

Study items

Study items to be considered include, but are not limited to:

  • impact of speech processing issues (e.g. speech coding, voice enhancement) related to SPNE on overall network performance;
  • specification and Recommendation of functionality, interfaces, performance requirements and functional tests to provide good network performance for transport network equipment for interconnecting various type of networks;
  • identify protocols and Internet interworking functions needed to be supported;
  • support of functionality needed to ensure minimal end-to-end delay;
  • impact of evolving terminal equipment (such as text telephones, modems, facsimile and wireless terminals) on voice quality for terminal equipment and multimedia terminals including home gateways;
  • optimization of voice gateway functionality for ATM and IP networks transporting voice and voiceband data traffic;
  • interactions between: similar and different SPNE/terminals, voiceband signals and SPNE, SPNE and end-terminal equipment and SPNE and transmission systems;
  • interactions between voiceband signals and SPNE;
  • interactions between SPNE and end-terminal equipment;
  • interactions between SPNE and transmission systems;
  • techniques to ensure high-quality SPNE and terminals Recommendations;
  • enhancement of existing or development of new Recommendations to ensure that these interactions do not impair service;
  • logic and protocol requirements needed for control and coordination of signal processing functionalities in the networks and terminals. Such logic may be used to get the optimal arrangements of signal processing functionalities in the networks and terminals in a connection, or to configure their parameters for optimum performance;
  • the availability of general evaluation procedures;
  • interaction between: similar and different SPNE/terminals, SPNE and other voiceband traffic technologies including text telephony, SPNE/terminals and transport systems, and SPNE/terminals in networks that include satellite links;
  • interaction between SPNE and other voiceband traffic technologies including text telephony ;
  • the interaction of acoustic echo control devices with SPNE/terminals;
  • interaction between SPNE/terminals and transport systems       ;
  • interaction between SPNE/terminals in networks that include satellite links;
  • the interaction of acoustic echo control devices with SPNE/terminals;
  • the effect of tandem signal processing avoidance and methods of minimizing the impact of these effects (e.g. codec bypass or tandem-free operation) on in-path SPNE/terminals;
  • the methodology and technique to minimize the undesirable interactions among SPNEs and SPNEs with terminals to achieve better voice quality (e.g. dynamic coordination of signal processing functions);
  • study for SPNE/terminals used in next generation networks (SPNE/terminals interworking between GSTN and packet/IP networks);
  • evaluation of the corresponding ITU‑T Recommendations;
  • to ensure the interoperability between SPNE, e.g. dynamic coordination, data relay
  • to consider any additions to Recommendations that may help to measure and reduce the impact of climate change. Examples include reduced power consumption of hardware and hardware tools, and reduced complexity of algorithms.
  • functional characteristics and requirements that are necessary for network-based speech enhancement devices (e.g. network and acoustic echo cancellers, automatic level control, automatic listener enhancement, noise reduction) to provide good performance in existing GSTN and emerging ATM/IP and cellular networks;
  • conformance tests and requirements that are necessary to ensure good performance of speech enhancement devices and how can they be enhanced to better correlate with subjective test results;
  • performance of speech enhancement devices in GSTN, ATM/IP, cellular and other wireless environments with speech, facsimile and voiceband data signals, text telephones, signalling tones, call-processing tones, etc.;
  • hardware and software tools that are necessary to support the testing of speech enhancement devices;
  • realistic echo paths and test signals that are required for testing speech enhancement devices;
  • design of in-path speech enhancement equipment so as not to interfere with tandem codec avoidance mechanisms (e.g. codec bypass or tandem-free operation);
  • requirements of speech enhancement devices to minimise any degradations in performance due to tandeming;
  • requirements for speech enhancement devices to operate with wideband signals;
  • impact of testing with voice-over-packet interfaces (e.g. IP) and overcoming of any associated problems;
  • performance of speech enhancement devices under system load conditions;


Tasks include, but are not limited to:

  • improving voice performance for various gateways including vehicle and home gateways (e.g. implementation of tandem avoidance mechanisms of speech processing functions);
  • guidelines to perform tests for measuring performance of signal processing functionalities (e.g. embedded echo cancellers) of a gateway equipment;
  • coordination of activities verifying the consistency of SPNE/terminal Recommendations;
  • develop guidelines on the preferred locations of SPNE in networks;
  • addressing performance issues between SPNE/terminals and other voiceband traffic types including text telephony;
  • develop draft new Recommendation(s) on control logic for SPNE and between SPNE and terminals; on mechanism for dynamic and soft coordination of SPNE/terminals to achieve optimal end-to-end voice quality; and on provision of information and requirements for SPNE;
  • maintain and further develop ITU‑T G.160, G.161, G.161.1, G.164, G.165, G.168, G.169, Q.115-series, G.799.2 and G.776.1;
  • enhancement of ITU-T G.799.1/Y.1451.1 to include support of ATM networks for GSTN interface;
  • revision of ITU-T G.799.3 (IP-to-IP Gateway) that can be used for the bulk interconnection of voice and voiceband data traffic of two network operators;
  • maintenance of ITU‑T G.763, G.764, G.765, G.766, G.767, G.768, G.769/Y.1242, G.799.1/Y.1451.1, G.799.3 and I.733;
  • develop guidelines for the application of speech enhancement devices (e.g. echo cancellers in conference bridges) to be included in the respective Recommendations above;
  • develop new Recommendation or Annex to ITU-T G.168 covering test methodologies and the requirements of embedded echo cancellers;
  • progress new work item on Do No Harm tests for speech enhancement functions.

An up-to-date status of work under this Question is found in the SG16 work programme (



  • ITU-T G.108.2, G.114, G.131, G.136, G.160-series, G.173, G.175, G.177, G.710- and G.720-series, G.760-series, G.827, G.828, P.330, P.340, P.342, P.1010, P.1100, P.1110, P.501, P.502, P.82, P.84, P.800, P.831, P.835, P.840, P.862-series, Q50-series, Q55/16, Q56/16, Q.115-series, S.1522, T.30, T.38, V.18, V.20-series, V.32, V.34, V.150.x-series, V.151, V.152


  • 1/16 and 21/16 on multimedia systems, terminals, protocols and architectures
  • 3/16 and on media gateway control
  • 7/16 and 10/16 on speech coding algorithms
  • 15/16 on voiceband signal compression protocols
  • 16/16 on network/terminals signal processing
  • 27/16 on vehicle gateway platform

Study groups

  • ITU‑T SG2 on operational aspects of networks and performance and network management
  • ITU‑T SG11 on signalling requirements and protocols
  • ITU‑T SG12 on speech performance
  • ITU‑T SG13 on IP-based networks, NGN, FN and Internetworking
  • ITU‑T SG15 on core network architecture, and management and control of transport systems and equipment
  • ITU‑R SGs 4 and 5 on voice on mixed terrestrial/satellite networks

Other bodies

  • Broadband Forum on ATM, MPLS and frame relay transport
  • ETSI TISPAN, 3GPP, 3GPP TSG SA4, 3GPP2 and TIA on mobile networks, mobile network architectures, tandem-free operation and the logic and protocol requirements needed for the control and coordination of signal processing functionalities in the networks and terminals
  • IETF on IP transport, applications, speech service control, and operation and management
  • ISO, IEC