Committed to connecting the world

Request an E-meeting

Requesting an e-meeting

Organizers can request an e-meeting by sending an email to the study group secretariat or TSB E-meetings. Requests for ad-hoc e-meetings should be sent as early as possible indicating the topic and the start and finish times.
Requests for official interim meetings – which are displayed on the study group’s Rapporteur group meeting page – should be announced at least two weeks before the call, and should indicate, as a minimum:

  • Question number(s) or working party (if appropriate).
  • Meeting topic or title.
  • Start date/time (Geneva time).
  • End date/time (Geneva time).
  • Status: planned or confirmed.
  • Approximate number of attendees if greater than 20. 


Once the e-meeting has been set up, TSB will email an invitation containing the required joining information, which can then be shared with invitees.