Committed to connecting the world


​ITU Workshop on Making Media Accessible to all: the options and the economics
Geneva, Switzerland, 24 (PM) – 25 October 2013


Day 1 - Thursday, 24 (14:00) october 2013

For most people, watching TV or using audiovisual content on a computer or mobile phone are everyday activities. But for at least 1 billion people on the planet, disabilities and age-related barriers prevent them from enjoying content of this kind.  This workshop reviews what is already possible to make media accessible and how media accessibility can be funded on a sustainable basis.  The cases selected show how media accessibility can be made a reality for everyone on the planet.​

08:30 - 12:00
13:30 - 17:00


​14:00 - 14:15

Welcome and Opening Remarks:

​14:15 - 15:45

Session 1 - Part 1:  The needs and options for media accessibility: Services that need additional elements from the content provider

Much can be done to make media accessible by simply making sure that the picture and sound are intelligible.  But for some, more is needed – access services to make content accessible. This session reviews both well, established access services and next-generation services that are moving from experimental to mainstream use.

Session Chair: Mia Ahlgren, Swedish Disability Federation (Sweden) [ Biography ]



​15:45 - 16:00

Coffee Break 

​16:00 - 17:00

Session 1 - Part 2:   The needs and options for media accessibility: Services that need additional elements from the content provider

Objectives: This session concludes the review of emerging access services: the potential of combining broadcast and Internet networks, offering access services for radio and mechanisms to enhance the intelligibility of radio and television for elderly users.

Session Chair: Linder Gion, Swiss TXT (Switzerland) [ Biography ]


​17:00 - 17:30

Summary of first day - Interactive discussion: Seong-Ho Jeong, Workshop Chair, ITU-T SG 16 Vice-Chair

​17:30 - 19:00

Demos and showcase (Location: ITU Headquarters, Montbrillant Building, First Floor)

The demos settings will continue on 25 October 2013, all day, outside Room H, Montbrillant Building, First Floor, ITU Headquarters.

​- Demos on the development of a key board and the dictionary for sign language:  ShuR (Japan) - Junto Ohki
- Demos: NHK, (Japan) - Takayuki Ito
- Demos on "Accessible technologies for speech management: Mediamonitor", Cedat 85, (Italy) - Maria Palmerini
- Demos on “Assess the accuracy for live subtitles in a quick and effective way”, Swiss TXT, (Switzerland) - Gion Linder and Juan Martinez 
- Demos on “Different Approaches for Different Qualities in Media Accessibility”, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain) - Pilar Orero and Anna Matamala
- Demos: "HbbTV - An Integrated Broadcast-Broadband (IBB) system for Access Services": IRT Institut für Rundfunktechnik (Germany) - Georg Huber
 *To be confirmed

Day 2 - FriDAY, 25 october 2013

​08:30 - 12:00
13:30 - 17:00

08:30 – 09:30

Session 2: Improving accessibility of equipment

Objectives: Recent developments on media accessibility now include means to improve the accessibility of devices themselves. Assistive technologies using Text To Speech or Speech Recognition are now finding their way into television screens and computers and into “Second Screen” devices such as smartphones and computer tablets. In other cases, they allow the user to make better use of what is already there – for example hearing aids.  This session provides examples of what can be done to integrate assistive technologies.

Session Chair: Yushi Naito, SG16 Chairman (Japan)


​09:30 - 10:00

Questions and Discussions

​10:00 - 10:15

Coffee Break

​10:15 - 11:15

Session 3 - Part 1: Successful case studies and plans (including business cases, sustainable business models) for providing access services -  World Views 1

Objectives: The transition from analogue to digital media provides new opportunities to make media accessible.  Television is one of the media undergoing this change.  This session presents three cases to show how media in emerging economies are taking up the challenge to make television and other mainstream media accessible.

Session Chair: Peter Looms, FG AVA Chair (Denmark)


11:15 - 11:45​

Questions and Discussion

​11:45 - 13:00

Lunch Break

​13:00 - 14:00

Session 3 - Part 2:    Successful case studies and plans (including business cases, sustainable business models) for providing access services - World Views 2

Objectives: Managing change to promote accessibility is a complex challenge.  It involves multiple stakeholders – not least persons with disabilities – and requires careful planning and consultation to make a real difference.  This session looks the established media platforms and focuses on the provision of media accessibility on an economically-sustainable basis.  This includes the role of standardization as a means to assure interoperability and interworking.

Session Chair: Christoph Dosch, Institut für Rundfunktechnik – IRT (Germany)


​14:00 - 14:15

Questions and Discussion

14:15 - 14:30​

Coffee Break

​14:30 - 15:30

Session 3 - Part 3: Successful case studies and plans (including business cases, sustainable business models) for providing access services - World Views 2 (continued)

Objectives: The focus of this part of session 4 is on media accessibility and intellectual property.  Providing access services not only requires resources to produce and deliver them, but also agreements between those who hold the intellectual property to the content concerned.  Much can be done in contracts between content owners and media companies, but international conventions and legislation also play an important role as we hope to show in the session.

Session Chair: Peter Molsted, DK (Denmark) [ Biography ]


​15:30 - 16:30

Summary of second day - Interactive discussion: What are the Business Model Options for Access Services?

Pilar Orero, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (Spain)

Final remarks - Workshop Conclusions and Recommendations

Seong-Ho Jeong, Workshop Chair, ITU-T SG16 Vice-Chair and Pilar Orero, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (Spain)

 *To be confirmed