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Ulrike Haltrich has joined Sony in 1996 and has been involved in several business development functions with Sony Europe and Sony Germany. For the past years, she is responsible for a portfolio of standardisation projects of Sony’s European Technology Standards Office. She chairs the Digital Europe e-Inclusion Working Group and co-chairs the Digital Europe Digital TV Accessibility Issue Group. She is Head of the German IEC TC 100 Delegation on behalf of DKE and Digital Europe’s member of the IEC TC 100 Advisory Group on Strategy. In 2012, IEC TC 100 has established the stage 0 project for Ambient Assisted Living related to audio, video and multimedia systems and equipment which is co-chaired by her. She is the liaison officer of IEC TC 100 to IEC SMB Strategic Group 5 Ambient Assisted Living and to the ITU Focus Group Audiovisual Media Accessibility. In 2013, she received the IEC 1906 award from IEC TC 100.