Committed to connecting the world


​Regional Seminar for Europe and CIS

Spectrum Management and Broadcasting

29-31 May 2017

Monday, 29 May 2017

Welcome Addresses

  • Dr Eva Spina,  Director of Spectrum management and Planning, Ministry of Economic Development
  • Mr István Bozsoki, Head of Telecommunication Networks and Spectrum Management Division, BDT, ITU

Session 1: Regional Initiative for Europe, Actions in CIS and Update on the Study Question Q8/1 & Resolution 9

  • Setting the context for Europe & Moderation by Ms Rosheen Awotar-Mauree, Programme Officer, Europe Coordination, ITU, Presentation
  • Actions in CIS region by Mr Farid Nakhli, Programme Officer, Area Office for CIS, ITU, Presentation
  • Update on ITU-D Study Group 1 Q8/1  and Resolution 9 by Mr István Bozsoki, Head of Telecommunication Networks and Spectrum Management Division, BDT, ITU, Presentation and Mr Arseny Plossky, Vice-Rapporteur of ITU-D Study Group 1 Question 8, Presentation

Country experiences

Session 2: Future of Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting

  • Setting the context & Moderation by Mr  István Bozsoki, Head of Telecommunication Networks and Spectrum Management Division, BDT, ITU
  • Digital switchover and Digital Dividend Presentation by Mr Evghenii Sestacov, Engineer, Broadcasting Division, Terrestrial Services Department, Radiocommunication Bureau, ITU, Presentation
  • The evolution of digital terrestrial distribution by Mr Marcello Lombardo, Project Manager, European Broadcasting Union, Presentation

Country experiences

Session 3: Towards Effective Uses of the Digital Dividend

  • Setting the context & Moderation by Mr Farid Nakhli, Programme Officer, Area Office for CIS, ITU
  • Understanding the Digital Dividend by Mr Arseny Plossky, ITU Expert, Presentation
  • Integrated system for the assessment of coverage, QoS and transmission capacity of TV broadcasting by Ms Marina Boumis, Senior Researcher, Fondazione Ugo Bordoni, Presentation
  • Utilization of the digital dividend and the use of 470-790 MHz band in the EU by Mr Krisztian Stefanics, Expert on Broadcasting, National Media and Infocommunications Authority, Hungary, Presentation
  • 700 MHz band as key to success for wide-area 5G services by Mr Ulrich Rehfuess, Head Spectrum Policy, Nokia, Presentation

Country experiences

  • Digital Broadcasting Implementation in the Kyrgyz Republic by Mr Eshmambet Amatov, Deputy Chairman, State Committee of Information Technologies and Communications of Kyrgyz Republic, Presentation


Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Session 4: National Regulatory & Policy Measures for Spectrum Management and Broadcasting

  • Setting the context & Moderation by Mr Antonio Vellucci, National Coordinator of Spectrum Management and Planning, Ministry of Economic Development, Italy
  • Spectrum Access Regulation in Europe: ETSI's Pivotal Position by Mr Dirk-Oliver Von Der Emden, Advisor, Office Fédéral de la Communication (OFCOM), Switzerland, Presentation
  • Assistance in Spectrum Management by Mr István Bozsoki, Head of Telecommunication Networks and Spectrum Management Division, BDT, ITU, Presentation
  • ESIMS: A harmonised licensing framework for mobile broadband provision on a global scale by Ms Yulia Koulikova, Inmarsat, Presentation

Country experiences

  • The Italian transition from analogue to digital terrestrial television : challenges, problems and lesson learnt by Mr Vincenzo Lobianco, Chief Technology and Innovation Officer, AGCOM, Presentation
  • Spectrum Management Policy for Mobile Broadband Promotion in Republic of Serbia by Ms Katarina Tomic, Senior Advisor, Department for Electronic Communications in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, Presentation
  • Experience in the area of electromagnetic field by Dr Aleksander Soltysik, Ministry of Digital Affairs, Republic of Poland, Presentation

Session 5: Economics of Spectrum Management, including Spectrum Pricing Strategies and Tools

  • Setting the context & Moderation by Marina Boumis, Senior Researcher, Fondazione Ugo Bordoni
  • Spectrum Pricing or Administered Incentive Pricing by Mr Dirk-Oliver Von Der Emden, Advisor, Office Fédéral de la Communication (OFCOM), Switzerland, Presentation
  • Economic Methods in Spectrum Re-allocation by Mr Pavel Mamchenkov, ITU expert, Presentation

Country experiences

  • Albania experience by Mr Shefqet Meda, Director, Technical Regulation and Infrastructure Department, Electronic and Postal Communications Authority, Presentation
  • Montenegro experience by Vesna Popovic, Presentation

Session 6: Spectrum Monitoring​​

  • Setting the context & Moderation by Mr Evghenii Sestacov, Engineer, Broadcasting Division, Terrestrial Services Department, Radiocommunication Bureau, ITU
  • Practical implementation of the ITU-R methodology for planning and optimizing spectrum monitoring networks by Mr Arseny Plossky, ITU Expert, Presentation
  • Bringing the worlds of Spectrum Management, Policy, and Monitoring together through Big Data analysis by Mr Robert Thelen-Bartholomew,  LS Telcom AG, Presentation
  • Evolution of Spectrum Monitoring by Mr Philippe Aubineau, Counsellor for ITU-R Study Group 1 and the Conference Preparatory Meeting for WRC, Study Groups Department, Radiocommunication Bureau, ITU, Presentation

Country experiences

  • Moldova experience by Mr Vladimir Vornic, Ministry for Development of Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic of Moldova, Presentation (Russian)

Session 7: International Mobile Telecommunication (IMT) for 2020 and Beyond

  • Setting the context & Moderation by Mr Philippe Aubineau, Counsellor for ITU-R Study Group 1 and the Conference Preparatory Meeting for WRC, Study Groups Department, Radiocommunication Bureau, ITU
  • 5G: The Connected World of Tomorrow by Mr Muluk Turhan, Government and Policy Group, Intel, Presentation
  • Towards 5G Opportunities  & challenges by Mr Rinaldo Bausani Director Technical sales support Network products, Ericsson, Presentation
  • Huawei view on the future use of the 470-694 MHz band for IMT by Mr Alexander Gulyaev, Senior Manager for European Regulatory Policy, Huawei, Presentation

Country experiences

Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Session 8: Spectrum Management for IoT Deployment

Country experiences

Session 9: Towards the WTDC 2017 and WRC 2019

  • Setting the context & Moderation by Ms Rosheen Awotar-Mauree Programme Officer, Europe Coordination, ITU, Presentation
  • ITU preparations for WTDC 2017 by Mr Fabio Bigi, TDAG Vice-Chairman, ITU, Presentation
  • ITU preparations for WRC 2019 by Mr Philippe Aubineau, Counselor for ITU-R Study Group 1 and the Conference Preparatory Meeting for WRC, Study Groups Department, Radiocommunication Bureau, ITU, Presentation
  • Fixed Service and Fixed Sattelite services coordination procedure for the C band  by Mr Massimiliano Simoni, Frequency Management, TIM Group, Italy, Presentation
  • 5G and FSS Coordination Procedure for 3.6-3.8 and 27.5-29.5 frequency bands by Mr Mauro Di Crescenzo, Frequency coordination Manager of Leonardo, Thales, Presentation
  • Co-Moderation: ITU & Italy

Main Conclusions and Closing

  • Dr Eva Spina,  Director of Spectrum management and Planning, Ministry of Economic Development
  • Mr István Bozsoki, Head of Telecommunication Networks and Spectrum Management Division, BDT, ITU