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ITU Regional Workshop for CIS Countries on Implementation and Monitoring of DVB-T/DVB-T2 System, Minsk, Republic of Belarus, 25-27 September 2013

This Workshop is aimed at sharing practical experience in digital television broadcasting implementation in the CIS countries. In particular, the workshop will cover the issues, such as: the role of state in organization and management of the digital television broadcasting; planning of the terrestrial digital television broadcasting systems; technological solutions aimed at digital television broadcasting implementation; training of specialists in the field of digital television broadcasting; as well as activities of the Consultancy and Methodical Centre for Assistance in Transition to Digital Broadcasting.

Within the framework of the closing Session of the Workshop, a practical exercise will be organized for the participants in testing of receiving/transmission equipment of the terrestrial digital broadcasting networks on the basis of the Consultancy and Methodical Centre for Assistance in Transition to Digital Broadcasting.