Committed to connecting the world

Last Mile Connectivity (LMC) training for Asia and the Pacific 2022

Equitable information and communications technology (ICT) connectivity around the Asia-Pacific region remains a development bottleneck and particular concern across the region. To connect the offline population excluded from the benefits of the global digital economy and accelerate digitalization trends, policy makers, development partners and investors are reviewing their strategies while considering their fiscal space and determining investment priorities.

ITU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific is arranging a regional training which will attempt to share hands on experience to assist efforts to extend affordable and sustainable connectivity service to under-connected localities. The training will also share knowledge on evidence based identification of the unconnected areas in order to prioritize limited CAPEX for sustainable technical, financial and regulatory solutions to ensure affordability and accessibility to relevant connectivity services.

The event will provide an opportunity to have interactive technical discussion so that participants can learn from real life examples of planning last mile connectivity solutions and thereby upgrade their skills to implement the best practices in their relevant countries.

Participants are expected to have
  1. Advanced knowledge on telecom issues and challenges in designing/planning an ICT network infrastructure.
  2. Basic understanding or working experience on Geographic Information Systems (GIS) especially for exercise 2
  3. Computing device for exercises.
  4. Internet access with internet browser. (!/)

Training would be conducted in English only.

Draft Agenda

Day 1: 6 Oct 2022

1100-1115  Overview of Last Mile Connectivity tool
Speaker: Mr Aamir Riaz [Full slides, Light version]

1120-1330 TTx -1 LMC tool for infrastructure connectivity (Access, middle and last mile Calculations)

Facilitator: Mr Vadim Kaptur


 [Required BW], [Middle Mile], [Last Mile]

[Complete Session materials - Compressed]

Day 2: 7 Oct 2022

​1300-1530  TTx exercise 2 – Mapping the unconnected    

[Requirements for GIS session], Sample data [ITU website link, Google drive link]

Facilitators: Mr Ihar and Mr Oghuzan

  • Introduction: 40 mins [Presentation]
  • Mapping Exercise: 50 mins
  • Sample data [ITU website link, Google drive link]
  • Data analysis exercise: 1 hour

1530-1540   Closing and next steps towards country blue-prints