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Innovation @ WSIS Forum 2017

Join the Innovation Dialogues @ WSIS Forum 2017

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Access the agendas for the Innovation track events at WSIS 2017 through the links below:

Monday 12th June 2017
From Policy to Start-ups: Guiding Innovation Dynamics [Part 1]
from 14:30-16:15, Room A, ITU Tower
From Policy to Start-ups: Guiding Innovation Dynamics [Part 2]
from 16:30-18:15, Room A, ITU Tower
Download presentations: [ All
01 Mikołaj Rogiński_UKE Poland ]  [ 02 Paolo Casini_European Commission04 Envelo05 Dalberg
06 Photon ]  [ 07 Flytech UAV ]  [ 08 KISDI09 Anir Chowdhury_a2i Bangladesh11 Notel Poland
12 3DKreator ]  [ 13 Turkcell ]
Tuesday 13th June 2017
Building Digital Innovation Frameworks: A Toolkit and a Country Report Launch
from 13:30-14:15, Room C, ITU Tower
Download:  [ Presentation ]
Read:  [ Communiqué de presse ]

Thursday 15th June 2017
Building ICT innovation capacity
from 14:30-16:15, Room L2, ITU Montbrillant
Download presentations: [ All ]
[ 0 IntroPresentation_ITU ]  [ 1 Sunnie Groeneveld_Inspire925 ]  [ 2 Sebastian Diaz_SturtupChile ]  
[ 3 Tim Unwin_UNESCO ICT4D ]  [ 4 Matthias Kuhn_Unitec ]  [ 5 Irakli Kashibadze_FutureLaboratory
[ 6 Joy Tan_ Huawei

Friday 16th June 2017
Expanding ICT SMEs and ecosystem collaboration for digital competitiveness
and economic inclusion

from 12:45-14:00, Room G1, ITU Varembé
Download presentations: [ All ]
[ 0 IntroPresentation_ITU ]  [ 1 Tomas Lamanauskas_VEON ]  [ 2 Kofi Asante_Ghana GIFEC
[ 4 Udita Chaturvedi_DEF ]

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