Committed to connecting the world

Food And Agriculture Organization Partnership

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ About ICT Applications

Aiming to bring the benefits of mobile and ICT solutions to the agricultural sector, addressing food security, hunger and rural development, the FAO–ITU partnership jointly supports the use of ICT to accelerate implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development through enabling synergies and by working together at global, regional and national levels. This includes to scale up integration of ICT innovation in the agricultural sector, as well as boost rural communities' capacity to use ICTs in climate change monitoring and disaster-prevention. Furthermore, the organizations seek to facilitate ICT-centric innovation that strengthens national and regional agricultural competitiveness.

Over the past 15 years ICTs have begun transforming the sector in an unprecedented way. With agriculture becoming increasingly data-driven, access to timely, accurate information is critical for farmers to make the most of their resources in often changing circumstances. 

This partnership promotes and facilitates the development of e-Agriculture policies, strategies and plans, enabling ICT innovation and ICT standards to advance sustainable agriculture. The collaboration also involves capacity building regarding the adoption and use of ICTs in agriculture, including the fostering of digital skills among women and youth. Empowering rural communities with greater digital literacy and skills will further facilitate the use of ICTs for advisory services, weather forecasting, smart agriculture, and disaster-prevention which are key to preserve rural livelihoods and foster community resilience. 

Current key areas of collaboration between ITU and FAO include: (i) e-Agriculture Strategy and National Strategy Guide, (ii) e-Agriculture Solutions Forum, (iii) Hackathons, (iv) thematic publication series on e-Agriculture in Action. 
​For details, see Area of collaboration: e-Agricultre​.

​Link to FAO – e-Agriculture


