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Conducting Exercises to improve Incident Response

​​ CyberDrill 2021 Homepage


Conducting exercises is extremely valuable to practice and improve your incident handling skills. This training course will teach students how to create and conduct an exercise, from a table top exercise to a full-fledged event with multiple participants.

By the end of this course, you will have a general understanding how to:

  • Plan exercise programs and projects with a high chance of success
  • Marshal people and resources that contribute to an organization's strategic objectives 
  • Create exercise programs that:
    • Demonstrate
    • Train 
    • Increase proficiency 
    • Assess 
    • Certify​


11 October 2021

14:00 - 16:00 Geneva time, CEST



Registration: Training

Remote participation Registered user only


​Based in France, Olivier CALEFF has been involved in incident management and CSIRT-related organizations (FIRST, TF-CSIRT, CSIRTs Network, InterCERT-FR) since 1996. He is an advocate of OpenCSIRT Foundation’s SIM3 (Security Incident Management Maturity Model), and a SIM3 Certified Auditor.
He is a Liaison member in the FIRST community, and co-chairs the Membership Committee, the Malware Analysis, and Cyber Exercises Spe​​cial Interest Groups (SIG). He also actively contributes to other SIGs such as the CSIRT Framework and Traffic Light Protocol (TLP). He also contributes to ENISA publications as an independent Subject Matter Expert.
Olivier CALEFF is currently a Cyber Resilience and CSIRT Expert at a global healthcare supplier. Prior to that, he managed for 5 years the international relationships for ANSSI's CERT-FR – the French governmental CSIRT – liaising with partners, other CSIRTs and institutional bodies. He has been teaching security for 30 years in French and English.