Committed to connecting the world


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Event, 01 May 2024
UN meetings in Chile

​The ITU Secretary-General attended the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG) Principals meeting and UN Chief Executives Board meeting in Santiago, Chile from 1-3 May. Prior to that, she met with Government of Chile officials on 30 April. She said it was great to meet with leading members of Chile's vibrant telecommunications sector to discuss equitable access to the benefits of digital tech. ​

Event, 25 April 2024
Girls in ICT Day

On International Girls in ICT Day, the ITU Secretary-General encouraged more women and girls to step into leadership roles and break down barriers, helping us build a more inclusive digital future.

Event, 22 April 2024
Cybersecurity Fund Launch

The ITU Secretary-General delivered a keynote address at the Cybersecurity Fund Launch hosted by the United Nations International Computing Centre (UNICC). She says that “together we can build a universally open, secure and trustworthy digital ecosystem with our UN system and beyond.”

Event, 19 April 2024
CERN visit

The ITU Secretary-General along with a group of TU staff members made a visit to CERN – the European Organization for Nuclear Research − where they were given a tour. The SG is looking forward to working closely with CERN to advance science and tech for the benefit of humanity.

Event, 17 April 2024
Asia-Pacific diplomatic community at ITU

The ITU Secretary-General held a briefing with Asia-Pacific Ambassadors at ITU headquarters in Geneva. She said it was a great opportunity to discuss regional trends, ITU activities and strengthening collaboration on a digital future for all.​

Event, 17 April 2024
UN communicators at ITU

The ITU Secretary-General invited UN communicators to ITU headquarters in Geneva to talk to them about the upcoming AI for Good Summit. The group discussed the benefits of AI and how it links to each of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Event, 17 April 2024
AI for Good Media Roundtable

In an AI for Good virtual Media Roundtable, the ITU Secretary-General spoke to the media about how the world has changed since last year’s AI for Good Global Summit and what can be expected at the upcoming edition in May. ​

Event, 19 March 2024
American University

Paying a visit to American University students in Washington, D.C., the ITU Secretary-General urged them not to take emerging tech or connectivity for granted in our digitally divided world. Young people must be at the table in the push for bold, forward-thinking policies so we can build an inclusive, safe and sustainable digital future for all, she added.​​

Event, 18 March 2024
Satellite Industry Association

At the Satellite 2024 Conference and Exhibition in Washington D.C., the ITU Secretary-General addressed the future of the satellite industry – what's at stake, and ITU's role in it – universal, meaningful connectivity and sustainable digital transformation as her top priorities. She also delivered a keynote at the SATELLITE 2024 Awards Luncheon

Event, 18 March 2024
U.S. ITU Association

In Washington, D.C., the ITU Secretary-General exchanged views and insights with the U.S. ITU Association on progress and priorities in building a fit-for-future ITU.​​

Event, 14 March 2024
G7 Ministerial Meeting on Industry, Tech and Digital

ITU Secretary-General Doreen Bogdan-Martin commended G7 ministers for reinforcing the critical role of international standards across the G7 Italy Declaration.

The world is witnessing an unprecedented acceleration of tech history, but solving development challenges in the age of artificial intelligence requires going beyond connectivity. The SG says that today's digital experience must be affordable, meaningful, and it must be safe.

Event, 11 March 2024
UN High-Level Advisory Body on AI meeting

Addressing a meeting of the United Nations High-Level Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence held at ITU Headquarters, the ITU Secretary-General said she was looking forward to working together to strike the complex but necessary balance between regulation, innovation, and inclusion to ensure AI works for the good of people and planet.​​

Event, 07 March 2024
UNOG Press Conference

At a press conference in the United Nations Office at Geneva​, the ITU Secretary-General briefed journalists on how ITU's work makes global communications possible. ​​

Event, 05 March 2024
European Ambassadors at ITU

The ITU Secretary-General welcomed ambassadors from Europe to ITU Headquarters for a briefing on emerging trends, human-centric digital transformation, and ITU's activities in the region.​​

Event, 04 March 2024
Royal College of Defence Studies

​​​The ITU Secretary-General addressed a Royal College of Defence Studies (UK) delegation visiting ITU Headquarters. By engaging with academic institutions, ITU aims to forge a deeper understanding and help shape our shared digital future in a way that benefits everyone, she said.

Event, 04 March 2024
World Wildlife Day celebrations

The ITU Secretary-General gave the opening remarks at World Wildlife Day celebrations in Geneva, held at ITU Headquarters. ITU is championing green digital action to forge a stronger and more sustainable connection between people and planet.​​​

Event, 26 February 2024
Mobile World Congress

At MWC Barcelona, the ITU Secretary-General announced over USD 9 billion worth of new pledges by mobile operator groups through the ITU-led Partner2Connect Digital Coalition. Over four days, she addressed the ministerial-level “Steering the Digital Economy" session, moderated a roundtable of women tech leaders, discussed women's digital inclusion and early warnings for all, co-chaired the Smart Africa Steering Committee, and promoted the ITU-UNICEF school connectivity initiative Giga.​​

Event, 11 February 2024
Space Debris Conference

​​The ITU Secretary-General attended the Space Debris Conference in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, where she talked about the need to ensure that our shared space environment becomes an accessible, sustainable, and beneficial commons for all humanity.​

Event, 07 February 2024
Visit to China
​Visiting Beijing, China, to meet high-level officials ahead of the Lunar New Year, the ITU Secretary-General spoke with Vice Premier Zhang Guoqing on bridging connectivity divides, AI, space tech, green digital action, and more. 

Event, 06 February 2024
Asia Tech x Inspire, Singapore

The Secretary-General delivered a keynote speech in Singapore and took part in a fireside chat at Asia Tech x Inspire (ATxInspire)  ahead of the 29-31 May ATxSummit.​​

Event, 05 February 2024
Singapore Distinguished Visitors’ Programme

On a visit to Singapore as part of its Distinguished Visitors' Programme, the ITU Secretary-General met with the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Communications and Information, and Senior Minister of State for Foreign Affairs and National Development.

Event, 03 February 2024
ITU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

​​​The support of ITU’s Regional Offices is key to helping countries advance and accelerate digital transformation. The Secretary-General caught up with ITU Asia Pacific staff in Bangkok who are dedicated to delivering on the priorities for the region.​

Event, 01 February 2024
ASEAN Digital Ministers Meeting

​The ITU Secretary-General attended the 4th ASEAN Digital Ministers Meeting in Singapore on 1-2 February, for a high-level session with ministers from the 10-member Association of Southeast Asia Nations (ASEAN). Building an inclusive and trusted digital ecosystem is the cornerstone of a shared digital future.​​​​​​

Event, 22 January 2024
Briefing for ambassadors
The ITU Secretary-General welcomed the Geneva diplomatic community for the first ambassadors’ briefing of 2024. She shared ITU's priorities for this year on topics from AI for Good to WSIS+20.​

Event, 20 January 2024
Network of Women in ITU-T

​​The ITU Secretary-General addressed the Network of Women in the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) to kick off a “NOW4WTSA24" campaign promoting gender equality at the upcoming World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA-24).


Event, 16 January 2024
WEF 2024: ITU Secretary-General outlines inclusive digital future

​World Economic Forum (W​EF) discussions highlighted ITU's priorities on AI, space services and digital inclusion. 


Event, 15 December 2023
WRC-23 closing

​​The ITU Secretary-General gave remarks at the closing session of the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-23) in Dubai, UAE. See press release on highlights of the conference.​​

Event, 11 December 2023
Human Rights 75

​The ITU Secretary-General moderated the session on the Future of Human Rights and Digital Technology at HR75 – the 75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland. 

Event, 02 December 2023
Green Digital Action at COP28

​​​The ITU Secretary-General addressed the high-level opening of Green Digital Action at COP28. ITU, together with partners spanning governments, businesses, civil society, and fellow UN agencies, convened the Green Digital Action track to step up digital climate action.​​

Event, 30 November 2023
Business and Philanthropy Climate Forum

​During COP28, the ITU Secretary-General joined the launch of the Business and Philanthropy Climate Forum– a key initiative to accelerate climate action. She is seen here talking to His Majesty King Charles III about telecoms, artificial intelligence, and all things in space.​

Event, 28 November 2023
GIGA Global retreat

​The ITU Secretary-General addressed the Giga Global retreat, which brought together ITU and UNICEF colleagues engaged in the push to connect every school in the world to the Internet.​​

Event, 21 November 2023
Huawei 2023 Sustainability Forum

The ITU Secretary-General addressed the Huawei 2023 Sustainability Forum, noting how Partner2Connect pledges are helping to extend meaningful connectivity to everyone world​wide.​

Event, 20 November 2023
WRC-23 opening
​​​The ITU Secretary-General addressed the opening of the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-23) in Dubai, UAE, dedicated to reviewing and updating the ITU Radio Regulations, the international treaty governing the global use of radio-frequency spectrum and satellite orbits.​

Event, 17 November 2023
RA-23 closing

The ITU Secretary-General gave closing remarks at the Radiocommunication Assembly (RA-23) in Dubai, UAE, immediately preceding the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-23). A resolution by RA-23 strengthens gender equality and promotes women's involvement across the radiocommunication sector.

Event, 17 September 2023
SDG Digital: Game-changing solutions

During the United Nations General Assembly, ITU Secretary-General Doreen Bogdan-Martin and UNDP Administrator Achim Steiner called for scaling up innovative, ambitious digital solutions to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Watch their SDG Digital opening.​​

Event, 23 June 2023
EQUALS-EU Summer School at ITU

Secretary-General Bogdan-Martin welcomed participants of the EQUALS-EU Summer School program in Geneva to ITU HQ, for a discussion on women in tech leadership and bridging the gender digital divide. She urged them to bring their valuable contributions to the field of technology.​​

Event, 22 June 2023
13th World Chambers Congress

​At the 13th World Chambers Congress in Geneva, Secretary-General Bogdan-Martin opened a session on Digital Transformation for SME success. Noting the digital transformation success of SMEs is everyone's success, she encouraged participants to consider the issue through the lens of meaningful connectivity.​​

Event, 12 June 2023
G20 Development Ministers' Meeting

​Secretary-General Bogdan-Martin attended the G20 Development Ministers' meeting in Varanasi, held under India's G20 Presidency. She commended G20 nations for their emphasis on harnessing data and digital technologies in a responsible and sustainable manner and underscored that achieving UN Sustainable Development Goals requires connecting the 2.7 billion people who are still offline. ​

Event, 22 May 2023
19th World Meteorological Congress

​Delivering opening remarks at the High-Level Dialogue on Early Warnings for All, Secretary-General Bogdan-Martin emphasized the importance of last-mile connectivity, to ensure warnings reach those at risk in time to take action. She urged: ''Let's reduce inequalities and invest in digital technology, and let's cover the whole world with an early warning system by the end of 2027."  ​

Event, 17 May 2023
World Telecommunication and Information Society Day 2023

ITU's 158th birthday was marked by a celebration of World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD), at ITU HQ. Secretary-General Bogdan-Martin said, ''This year we dedicate the Day to Least Developed Countries and I'm calling for your Partner2Connect pledges to support their digital journey. Together we can make 2023 a year of unprecedented digital development in LDCs.''​​

Event, 15 May 2023
SAMENA Council Leaders' Summit

While participating at the SAMENA Council Leaders' Summit in Dubai, Secretary-General Bogdan-Martin noted with pleasure the Summit's focus on sustainable connectivity, given its alignment with ITU's strategic objectives: universal meaningful connectivity and sustainable digital transformation.​​

Event, 10 May 2023
Ambassadors' Briefing

Permanent Representatives and Ambassadors to the UN in Geneva attended a briefing at ITU. Chaired by Secretary-General Bogdan-Martin, this meeting provided an update on the current priorities and activities of the ITU and the forthcoming major events of the Union.​​​​

Event, 04 May 2023
UN Chief Executives Board Meeting

​​​​Secretary-General Bogdan-Martin visited Nairobi, Kenya, for meetings of the United Nations Chief Executives Board and UN Sustainable Development Group Principals. While in Nairobi, the Secretary-General also had bilateral meetings with H.E. President William Ruto and Kenyan government officials. ​​

Event, 27 April 2023
Girls in ICT Day 2023

​​Celebrating Girls in ICT Day 2023 in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, Secretary-General Bogdan-Martin told young women and girls: ''I dare you not only to dream but to do. Learn the digital skills you need to succeed in today's digital world and the future is yours. Believe in yourself… never give up. The world needs tech, and tech needs you.''​​

Event, 18 April 2023
World Amateur Radio Day

​​To celebrate World Amateur Radio Day, Secretary-General Bogdan-Martin connected from ITU's Amateur Radio Station 4U1ITU in Geneva to other operators in Mauritius, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. An amateur radio operator herself, she said: ''Today, we honor all the many achievements of the amateur radio community, from bringing more young people on board with this fascinating hobby, to responding to all kinds of emergency situations, to helping to keep people safe. 'Human Security for All' is this year's theme – because everyone has a right to feel safe and secure in the physical world, on the airwaves, and online.''​​

Event, 18 April 2023
A Digital Rescue for the SDGs: Meeting of UN leaders in Geneva

​​Leaders of United Nations agencies based in Geneva gathered at ITU headquarters to discuss a “digital rescue" for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), first adopted in 2015 and aimed at overcoming key global development challenges by 2030. Secretary-General Bogdan-Martin said she was encouraged to see the UN system prioritizing meaningful connectivity and digital solutions to catalyze progress on the SDGs, also known as the UN's Global Goals. Digital cooperation can strengthen global efforts by connecting the dots between different UN entities and mandates, towards a common goal – Agenda 2030, she added. ​​

Event, 28 March 2023
Secretary-General receives IEEE President's Award

​​​Secretary-General Bogdan-Martin received the IEEE President's award for her “distinguished leadership and contributions to the public", with IEEE President Saifur Rahman presenting the medal to her during his to Geneva. Thanking the IEEE President for this great honor, Secretary-General Bogdan-Martin said: ''Our two institutions strive to advance technology for the good of all humanity. I look forward to closely collaborating, cooperating, and strengthening our partnership to further this goal.'' ​​

Event, 22 March 2023
Inauguration of ITU Area Office and Innovation Centre, India

​The ITU Area Office and Innovation Centre in India was inaugurated on 23 March. Prime Minister of India, H.E. Narendra Modi attended the inauguration, along with External Affairs Minister, H.E. Subrahmanyam Jaishankar; Minister of Railways, Communications and Electronics & Information Technology, H.E. Ashwini Vaishnaw, and Minister of State for Communications, H.E. Devusinh Chauhan. In her opening statement, Secretary-General Doreen Bogdan-Martin noted that ''ITU's presence in the region will help introduce advanced technology, improve capacity development, foster entrepreneurship and partnerships, and respond to needs on the ground. It will get ITU closer to our members in Asia and the Pacific, by driving progress on universal connectivity and sustainable digital transformation.''  

Event, 13 March 2023
WSIS 2023

The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) 2023 took place between 13-17 March. At the opening, Secretary-General Doreen Bogdan-Martin noted, ''Participants of the first summit 20 years ago spanned governments, international organizations, the private sector, academia, and civil society – it's still true today. That's the enduring strength of the WSIS Process, and that's exactly what's needed to rescue the SDGs.'' Amidst a series of high-level policy sessions, open consultations, bilateral meetings and other WSIS events, she called for the WSIS community to take action in 3 ways to rescue the SDGS:

  1. Actively participate in the WSIS Process
  2. Make a Partner2Connect pledge
  3. Contribute to the SDG Digital Day

Event, 08 March 2023
67th Commission on the Status of Women (CSW67), New York, USA

With a DigitALL-themed International Women's Day taking place during the 67th session of the Commission on the Status of Women, ITU Secretary-General Doreen Bogdan-Martin took the floor at the United Nations headquarters in New York to reiterate ITU's message: it's time to ensure that digital gender equality is a global reality.

She made a call to action to:  

  • Get girls into science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) at an early age and empower women and girls with the digital skills they need to succeed.  
  • Ensure women and girls have equal access to digital technologies and opportunities and base decisions on solid facts and data. 
  • Give women a seat at the digital table, making gender equality a must in every organization.  

''We have a unique opportunity to ensure gender equality happens in our lifetimes,'' she reaffirmed, adding that there are ''no more ifs" and “no more excuses for not having digital gender equality now – and everywhere.'' ​​

Event, 05 March 2023
5th United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries (LDC5), Doha, Qatar

​​​Secretary-General Doreen Bogdan-Martin headed the ITU delegation to the Fifth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries (LDC5). Through a series of events, panels and bilateral meetings, she conveyed her message that the digital development of the world's least developed countries through science, technology and innovation is not just an opportunity, but an imperative. LDCs can leverage the potential of digital technologies to catalyse progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals, and ITU remains a partner in supporting their digital transformation journeys, including through the Partner2Connect Digital Coalition.  ​​

Event, 27 February 2023
Mobile World Congress 2023, Barcelona, Spain

During an action-packed Mobile World Congress 2023, Secretary-General Doreen Bogdan-Martin delivered a main stage keynote address on ''Delivering the Digital Decade''. Underscoring how the digital cooperation that ITU facilitates is needed now more than ever, she called on industry to join hands in building ''the digital future we want'' – a future where digital technologies help put the UN Sustainable Development Goals back on track and industry enables the transition to net-zero emissions across the economy; a future that is inclusive, affordable, and secure, and where everyone has the digital skills they need to succeed. ''Let's build it together. And let's build it now,'' she urged. ​​

Event, 24 February 2023
World Standards Cooperation meeting

Secretary-General Bogdan-Martin welcomed Volker Türk, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, for the World Standards Cooperation meeting. ​​

Event, 21 February 2023
CTO Ministerial Alliance for Digital Nations 2023, London, United Kingdom

At the Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation's Ministerial Alliance for Digital Nations 2023 meeting, ITU Secretary-General Doreen Bogdan-Martin gave a goodwill address.  ''With a strong presence in four of ITU’s six regions, CTO is a powerful network and a force for good in ITU’s work,'' she said. The Secretary-General also met with Commonwealth leaders to discuss joint efforts towards sustainable digital transformation. ​

Event, 06 February 2023
SG’s Mission to New York

​During a visit to the United Nations headquarters in New York from 6-8 January, Secretary-General Bogdan-Martin met with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, UN partners, and members of the diplomatic community and the private sector. They discussed, among other subjects, digital cooperation and the shaping of the Global Digital Compact. Secretary-General Bogdan-Martin also drew attention to the important role that digital technologies will play in improving lives around the world, including in the context of upcoming UN meetings such as LDC5 and the SDG Summit.​​

Event, 26 January 2023
Biannual International Gender Champions meeting

​​​​Secretary-General Bogdan-Martin delivered a keynote address to the biannual International Gender Champions meeting in Geneva. She mentioned that she was proud to have broken the glass ceiling, with her election as the first woman Secretary-General of ITU, but emphasized that this is just the beginning – just the beginning for ITU, and for the tech sector as a whole.​​​

Event, 24 January 2023
Secretary General's visit to Brussels

​In Brussels, Secretary-General Bogdan-Martin visited the European Commission. She explored ways to strengthen global digital cooperation with the EU, including on digital skills, digital health, women in digital leadership, and greening digital transformation.​​​​​​​

Event, 16 January 2023
World Economic Forum annual meeting 2023
​​​​​​​Secretary General Doreen Bogdan-Martin attended the World Economic Forum's 2023 Annual Meeting.  In various sessions, she spoke on the need to strengthen digital resilience globally, enhance cybersecurity capacity for a safer world, and on communications and sustainability in outer space. She also emphasized the role of digital technologies in tackling climate change. Stressing the urgency of digital inclusion to leave no one behind in the digital era, she encouraged participation in the Partner2Connect Digital Coalition and Giga school connectivity initiative. In Davos, the Secretary-General also met with a number of ITU members and partners, to strengthen global digital cooperation.​​

Event, 11 January 2023
FerMUN 2023, Palais des Nations, Geneva

​​Secretary-General Doreen Bogdan-Martin delivered a keynote address at the opening ceremony of FerMUN 2023, focused on climate change.

Read her full speech here.

Event, 03 January 2023
Secretary-General Bogdan-Martin’s first day in office

​​​​​​​​​​Secretary-General Doreen Bogdan-Martin enters ITU headquarters on her first day in office. Watch her take her first steps and get to work here.​