ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Forum on “Frontier Technologies to Tackle Climate Change and Achieve a Circular Economy”

​​Forum on “Frontier Technologies to Tackle Climate Change and Achieve a Circular Economy"
València, Spain, 01 October 2019 (afternoon only)

Contact: Cristina Bueti

​15:00 - 15:15Opening Remarks
​15:15 - 16:30Session 1: Boosting Climate Actions Using Frontier Technologies

Moderator: Keira Ives-Keeler, Editor and Media Specialist, UNIDO [Biography]

Speakers: Questions & Answers
​16:30 - 17:00Coffee Break
17:00 - 18:00​Session 2: Circular Economy in Cities

Moderator: André Confiado, Associate Programme Officer, UN Environment [Biography​]
Speakers:  Questions & Answers
​18:00 - 18:05Closing Remarks
​ ​
20:00 - Transfer from the Congress Hall to the Oceanogràficby invitation

20:30 - Gala Dinner
Location: Submarine restaurant, Oceanogràfic, City of Arts and Sciences. Sponsored by Global Omnium - by invitation
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