To ensure the creation of a safe and empowering environment for all children and young people, ITU firstly developed the Guidelines for Child Online Protection (COP) in 2009. Upon the request of the Member States, the COP Guidelines have been updated and launched officially in June 2020 in all six UN Official languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian Spanish).
This updated set of materials aims to raise awareness on the scope of child online protection, while providing resources and actual tools that support children, parents and educators in the development of digital skills and digital literacy, as well as industry and government stakeholders in the development of corporate and national COP policies and strategies.
Within the framework of ITU Regional Initiative for Europe on “Enhancing Trust and Confidence in the Use of Information and Communication Technologies", and with the aim to facilitate the roll-out of the COP Guidelines at the national level, significant efforts have been dedicated in order to release the materials in languages other than the official UN ones. The ITU COP Guidelines are available in 11 languages of the Europe Region, namely: Albanian, Bosnian, Croatian, English, French, Hungarian, Romanian, Serbian, Spanish, Turkish and Ukrainian versions.
This page draws attention to the major work of countries currently involved in the process of translating and rolling out the ITU COP Guidelines at national level, and presents concrete actions undertaken for the protection of children online.
This translated into a series of country-level launching events, trainings, workshops, webinars and communication campaigns supported by ITU, and presented on this webpage with the aim of acting as a framework of reference to be replicated by other countries of the Europe Region which would be interested to roll out the COP Guidelines.