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15th International Conference: Keeping Children and Young People Safe Online: ITU workshop on "Fostering a culture of child online protection: Roll-out of the Child Online Protection Guidelines in Europe"


The 15th International Conference “Keeping Children and Young People Safe Online” took place virtually between 20 and 24 September 2021. This conference was co-organized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) under the framework of the ITU European Regional Initiative EUR4 “Enhancing trust and confidence in the use of information and communication technologies”, adopted by WTDC-17 in Buenos Aires. ​

The organization of this event was led by the Polish Safer Internet Center (PCPSI), which comprises the NASK National Research Institute and the Empowering Children Foundation, and the German klicksafe consortium. The centre is co-funded by the European Union. The main partner is the Orange Foundation. The conference covered a large set of issues related to the safety of children and young people online. It brought together international and national stakeholders across various sectors, such as NGOs, education sector, governments, and industries which reflected on the threats, opportunities and the future of children online safety.

Within this context, ITU organized on 24 September the workshop “Fostering a culture of child online protection: Roll-out of the Child Online Protection (COP) Guidelines in Europe” which was held online from 10:00 to 12:00 CEST.

The Internet and related digital technologies have opened new ways for children to communicate, learn and play, enjoy music, and engage in a vast array of cultural, educational, and skill-enhancing activities. Yet, they have also exposed them to a range of content, contact and harmful conduct online. From is​​sues of privacy, cyberbullying, fake news and internet scammer to violent and inappropriate content, online grooming and sexual abuse and exploitation, children – and their protectors – face many risks and challenges. The transition to the online world also has an undeniable role in creating and strengthening inequalities and seeking special needs. Onlin​e world is especially fundamental for children with disabilities to maintain and enjoy social ties.

To ensure the creation of a safe and empowering environment for all children and young people, ITU firstly developed the Guidelines for Child Online Protection in 2009. Upon the request of the Member States, the COP Guidelines have been updated and launched officially in June 2020 in all six UN Official languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian Spanish).​

The updated Guidelines constitute a comprehensive set of recommendations on how to contribute to the development of a safe and empowering online environment for children and young people.​

This workshop was the occasion to provide a detailed overview of objectives, strategies and initiatives related to COP guidelines for children, parents and educators, industry, and policymakers. The workshop also provided a platform to exchange on challenges, opportunities and practical steps to roll-out the COP guidelines at the national level among relevant stakeholders.​​