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EQUALS in Afghanistan- Information Session of EQUALS Global Partnership


The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) organised the EQUALS in Afghanistan: Information Session of EQUALS Global Partnership,  on 27 January 2021 at 15:00-17:00 Bangkok time. This session was co-organized by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology Afghanistan, the Afghanistan Telecommunication Regulatory Authority (ATRA), and the EQUALS Global Partnership. 

EQUALS, was founded in 2016, to create a platform for advancing women's meaningful engagement with ICTs and their role as decision-makers and producers within this sector by recognizing organizations that worked towards increasing women and girls' presence in digital spaces, facilitating their access to new technologies and encouraging them to consider studies and careers in ICT.

To support its efforts to bridge the gender digital divide, this information session was organised as part of the initial steps to implement the EQUALS in Afghanistan. This webinar aimed at:
  1. Raising awareness about the work of EQUALS and potential benefit for Afghanistan in supporting women’s socioeconomic empowerment including in the field of technology and government;
  2. Building partnerships and commitment among the Government, UN agencies, academia and private sectors, with this virtual session; and
  3. Identifying areas of priority to bridge the gender digital divide in the country.

The information session will served as a platform to discuss the possible and feasible plan of action to bridge the gender digital divide in Afghanistan and the way forward amongst ICT professionals, policymakers, academicians, youth organizations and civil society organizations.





​WEDNESDAY 27 JAN (1500-1520 HRS BKK GMT+7)

​Session Moderator: Ms Atsuko Okuda, Regional Director, ITU Regional Office for Asia-Pacific
    • ​​​​Mr. Stephen Bereaux, Deputy to Director BDT, ITU​
    • H.E. Ms. Masooma Khavari, Minister, Ministry of Communication and Information Technology Afghanistan (TBC) 
    • Mr. Omar Mansoor Ansari, Chairman, Afghanistan Telecommunication Regulatory Authority (ATRA) 

WEDNESDAY 27 JAN (1520-1540 HRS BKK GMT+7)

SESSION 1: Mainstreaming Gender Digital Equality in Afghanistan and beyond

    • Mr. Mohammad Naciri, Regional Director, UN Women for Asia and the Pacific
    • Dr. Jingbo Huang, Director, United Nations University Institute in Macau
    • Dr. Alicja Pawluczuk, Young ICTD Fellow, United Nations University Institute in Macau [Presentation]
    • Dr. Ramiz Alakbarov, Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General, United Nations Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator in Afghanistan​
Q&A session 1

WEDNESDAY 27 JAN (1540-1555 HRS BKK GMT+7)

SESSION 2: EQUALS Global Partnership Overview

    • Ms. Loly Gaitan, EQUAL
    • Ms. Rury Demsey, ITU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific​  [Presentation]
Q&A session 2

WEDNESDAY 27 JAN (1555-1700 HRS BKK GMT+7)

SESSION 3: Gender Digital Equality in Afghanistan​
Insights and experience in bridging gender digital divide in Afghanistan.​

    • Mr. Mirwais Naikmal, Plan and Policy Director, Ministry of Communication and Information Technology Afghanistan
    • Dr. Zahra Nazari, Board Member of ATRA  [Presentation​]
    • Ms. Zuhal Amarkhill, Chief of Staff, the office of H.E. First Lady Afghanistan
    • H.E Ms. Spoghmai Wardak, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Women’s Affair Afghanistan
    • Ms. Shukrya Jamal, Director Information Technology Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) Afghanistan  [Presentation]
    • Ms. Maria Beebe, President, Kaisipan, TechWomen.Asia [Presentation]
    • Ms. Shabana Mansoory, Founder Afghan Girls in ICT  [Presentation]
    • Mr. Ghayoor Bawary, Chairman of the Board Member, Internet Society Afghanistan [Presentation]​

    • Q&A session 3

WEDNESDAY 27 JAN (1700-1715 HRS BKK GMT+7)


Discussion on
    • EQUALS Network
    • Child Online Protection Guidelines
    • Girls in ICT Day Afghanistan

​WEDNESDAY 27 JAN (1715-1720 HRS BKK GMT+7)

    • Ms. Atsuko Okuda, Regional Director, ITU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific​​


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