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GSR16 Agenda Day 3



Saturday 14 May 2016           

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10.00 – 12.15 


INDUSTRY TRACK​ (Canal Suez Room)

10.00-10.15 GSR16 best practice guidelines: Discussion and adoption
This session will address the GSR best Practice Ggidelines with a view to their adoption by regulators.

- Dr ElSayed Azouz, Board Mamber, NTRA, Egypt
10.15-12.15 Meet the Regulators – Exchange Platform between regulators – e.g. Content, Telecoms, Financial Services, and Energy?
Regulators will share their experiences and expertise, not only in the ICT/telecommunications sector, but also in terms of how ICT/telecommunications interacts with other regulation so that they can define tools and guidelines to leverage their head start on regulation in a collaborative, 4th, and even 5th generation ICT regulatory environment.

Moderator: Mr Manuel Emilio Ruiz Gutiérrez, President of the Board, Superintendencia de Telecomunicaciones, Costa Rica

- Mr Gary Schwartz – the future of regulation in an era of IoT
- Mr Marko Gercke – Regulators Role in a Cyber World


- Mr Giacomo Mazzone, Head of Institutional Relations, European Broadcasting Union
Dr ElSayed Azouz, Board Mamber, NTRA, Egypt
- Mr Giovanni M. King, Chief Operating Officer, Directorate General for Energy, Telecommunications and Competition, Curacao
10.00-11.00 Industry leaders debate – Impact of open innovation and new business models on collaborative regulation
Open innovation, shared resources, and networked business models are key components of innovations and new developments in most industries, including ICTs. Companies cannot develop and control everything alone, but will use services from other companies and open their own services to third parties. Success may depend more on how companies can be a hub in the ICT ecosystem than just on building and owning infrastructure.  This session will allow participants to exchange on business models, partnership models and regulation.

Moderator: Dr Shiv Bakhshi, Vice-President Industry Relations, Ericsson

- Mr Carlos Cornejo, Senior Vice-President, MasterCard
- Mr Yves Gauthier, Chief Executive Officer, Orange-Mobinil, Egypt
- Mr Zarrar Khan, Chief Technology Officer, VIVA Kuwait 

11.15-12.15 Industry Leaders Debate – Regulatory KPIs
This session will examine Regulatory KPIs in a 1st to 4th Generation Regulation Context – ICT Regulatory Tracker as Basis for Discussion.

Moderator: Mr Jose Toscano, Director-General and Chief Executive Officer, ITSO
Presentation of ICT Regulatory Tracker: Mr Kemal Huseinovic, Chief, IEE Department, ITU/BDT


- Mr Bocar Ba, Chief Executive Officer, SAMENA Telecommunications Council andCRO Chair
- Mr Yury Grin, Deputy General Director, Intervale, Russian Federation
Mr Mohamed Shalaby, Access Network Planning and Optimization Director, Etisalat Masr.
- Mr Graeme Bowker, Vice-President, Government Services, N-SOFT
Coffee Break
12.15 – 13.00

Way forward and closing

  • Presentation of GSR16 Best Practices
  • Summary of Pre-event Workshops
  • Presentation of CRO and RA reports
Moderator: Mr Brahima Sanou, BDT Director

Eng. Mustafa Abdul Wahed, Acting Executive President, NTRA, Egypt
- Dr Amr Badawi, Board Member, NTRA, Egypt

Mr Bocar Ba, CEO, Samena Telecommunications Council, CRO Chair
- Mr German Arias, Executive Director, Comisión de Regulación de Comunicaciones, Colombia

Highlights Video
