Committed to connecting the world

ITU-D Key Meetings & Conferences

World Telecommunication Development Conferences (WTDC)

​​​​The International Telecommunication Union, through the Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT), organizes a World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC) every four years and a number of Regional Preparatory Meetings​ (RPMs) within that same period.

The Telecommunication Development Conferences serve as forums for free discussion by all concerned with the Development Sector. In addition, they review the numerous programmes and projects of the Sector and BDT. Results are reported and new projects are launched. The World Conferences set the agenda and the guidelines for the following four-year cycle, while the Regional Conferences review "work-in-progress" towards the overall objectives and ensure that goals are met. Each Regional Preparatory Meeting brings together the countries in its region to explore and discuss their needs and the present and future projects of the Sector.​

Telecommunication Development Advisory Group (TDAG)


The TDAG meets between the World Telecommunication Development Conferences (WTDC) to advise the Director of the Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) on the implementation of the WTDC Action Plan, including issues relating to the budget and the operational plan of the ITU-D. The TDAG​ is open to representatives of Member States, Sector Members and to chairmen and vice-chairmen of Study Groups. In addition, the Director may invite representatives of bilateral cooperation and development aid agencies, and multilateral development institutions to participate in the meetings.​

ITU-D Study Groups (SG)

ITU-D has two Study Groups  addressing 14 Questions through management teams comprising ITU-D Membership from all regions supported by ITU staff from thematic priorities and a dedicated secretariat. The focus of STUDY GROUP 1 is on “Enabling environment for the development of telecommunications/ICTs", and that of STUDY GROUP 2 is on "ICT services and applications for the promotion of sustainable development". Each Study Group Question holds meetings twice a year with annual Study Group plenaries. Key products include thematic papers (annual deliverables), workshops, webinars, case studies, lessons learnt, guidelines, final reports for each Question. Study Group member​s are also actively engaged as experts in various activities for ICT development."​

Regional Development Forums (RDF)

​The ITU Regional Development Forums provide the opportunity for dialogue between Regional Offices and decision-makers of ITU Member States and Sector Members on the activities carried out at the regional level.

​RDFs are open to all stakeholders willing to strengthen cooperation and partnerships among telecommunication/ ICT policy-makers, regulators, industry, academia, regional and international development agencies and organizations on specific regional telecommunication and ICT matters.​​​

Global Symposium for Regulators (GSR)

Since 2000, the Global Symposium for Regulators (GSR) brings together heads of national telecom/ICT regulatory authorities from around the world and has earned a reputation as the global annual venue for regulators to share their views and experiences on the most pressing regulatory issues they have identified.

GSR also fosters a dynamic global industry regulators dialogue, between regulators, policy makers, industry leaders and other key ICT stakeholders. GSR’s Global Dialogue provides a neutral platform for ITU-D Sector Members to share their views on major issues facing the ICT sector. GSR concludes with the adoption by regulators of a set of regulatory best practice guidelines.

World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators Symposium (WTIS)


The World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators Symposium (WTIS) is organized by the Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) of the International Telecommunicatio​n Union (ITU). First held in 1996, and annually since 2005, WTIS has evolved to become the main global forum for telecommunication and information society measurements. It includes high-level debates addressing key questions related to ICT policy and data. WTIS brings together delegates from all over the world, ranging from government ministers and business leaders to regulators, national statisticians, lead academics and ICT data producers and analysts. 

The objective of the Symposium is to debate new and emerging issues on ICT data and statistics and their role in policy making, to provide strategic guidance to the international community on information society trends and future monitoring. It also develops standards and methodologies for producing high-quality data and statistical indicators.