Committed to connecting the world

GSR16 Agenda Day 2



Friday 13 May 2016           

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Global Regulators - Industry Dialogue (GRID) sessions
(Summit Room)

​09.00 – 10.30 


Session 3: Future technology developments: Opportunities, challenges and business strategies​​

Moderator: Mr Jacques Stern, Board Member, Autorité de Régulation des Communications électroniques et des Postes, France
- Ms Katheryn Martin, Director, Access Partnership, author of the GSR Discussion Paper on emerging technologies nad the global regulatory agenda
- Col. Dr Natee Sukonrat, Vice-Chairman, National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission, Thailand
- Mr Ahmed Osama, Vice-President, Telecom Egypt
- Mr Patrick Masambu, Deputy Director-General and Director Technical Affairs, ITSO
- Mr Peter Pitsch, Global Executive Director, Intel Corporation
- Mr Shiv Bakhshi, Vice-President, Industry Relations, Ericsson

   This session will examine :
  • Futur​e technologies: Drones, nano-satellites, Wifi, M2M/5G (HetNet), Future cables, NFV, WebRTC
  • What are the requirements for future technologies? Reliability, latency, integrity and safety, openness, quality?
  • Preparing the regulatory landscape: what kind of regulation is needed and who is in charge?
  • Spectrum as a tool for innovation – where do we stand post WRC 2015?  What are the new frontiers? 
  • 5G: what to expect? A revolution or an evolution? 
  •  ​Coffee break 
    ​10.45 – 12.00 

    ​Session 4: Be empowered! What ICTs can do for you!

    Moderator: Dr Dražen Lučić, President of the Council, Croatian Regulatory Authority for Network Industries (HAKOM)
    - Mr Scott Minehane, Windsor Place Consulting, author of the GSR Discussion Paper on the App economy
    - Mr German Arias, Executive Director, Comisión de Regulación de Comunicaciones, Colombia
    - Mr Antonio Preto, Commissioner, Autorità per le garanzie nelle comunicazioni, Italy
    - Mr Charles Millogo, Director-General, Autorité de Régulation des Communications électroniques et des Postes, Burkina Faso
    - Mr Theo Cosmora, Chief Executive Officer, Socialeco
    - Mr Raul Echeberria, Vice President, Internet Society​

    This session will examin​e: ​
  • ​What ​does the ecosystem look like today
  • Do free basic services empower communities and Individuals?
  • Business and investment incentives and sustainability in a collaborative economy – how the mass adoption of connected digital technologies and applications by consumers, enterprises, and governments is driving strategic and operational decisions and creating opportunities to empower citizens and business.
  • How extending access must be accompanied by the development of relevant content and new services so that innovation and entrepreneurship can be fostered and local digital platforms and content can help develop local digital economies.
  • Lunch Break Information Session on "Let's Roam the World (IMR) Initiative" | Presentation
    14.00 – 15.30

    Session 5: Be Included!

    Moderator: Mr Abdoulkarim Soumailia, Secretary-General, African Telecommunications Union (ATU)
    - Mr Ram Sewak Sharma, Chairman, Telecom Regulatory Authority, India
    - Ms Katherina Pillay, Councillor ICASA, South Africa
    - Ms Aminata Garba, Director African Network Information Center (AFRINIC) and Carnegie Mellon University, Assistant Professor (CMU)
    Mr Khaled Hegazy, Director External Affairs, Vodafone Egypt
    Ms Rwan Nabil Ammar, Engineering Student, Cairo University

      ​This panel Discussion will examine​:​
    • ​Improving digital skills for new business opportunities/SMEs​
    • Smart policie​s and regulatory measures: entrepreneurship in a smart, collaborative economy - monetizing apps and smart services, cloud services, networks, crowdsourcing – crowdfunding
    • What can regulators do to facilitate entrepreneurship in a digital economy? ​
     Coffee break 
    15.45 – 17.00​

    Session 6: Real life impact of smart societies - How to maintain trust?​ 

    Moderator: Mr Syed Ismail Shah, Chairman, Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA)
    Prof. Douwe Korff, Emeritus Professor of International Law, London Metropolitan University, author of the GSR discussion paper on Maintaining Trust in a Connected Society
    Mr Kijoo Lee, Commissioner, Korea Communications Commission (KCC), Rep. of Korea
    Dr Sherif Hashem, Vice-President Cybersecurity, Head of Council WG on COP, NTRA, Egypt
    Mr Ahmed Mosharafa, Student, Nile University
       This interactive debate will see panellists share their views on privacy, trust and cybersecurity – the foundation for the development of our smart society (e.g., securing e-commerce/ financial transactions, digital identity)​

    Cyberdrill: Prof. Dr Marko Gercke, Director, Cybercrime Research – illustration of what needs to be done when there is a cyberattack