Committed to connecting the world

Workshop on IMT-2020 terrestrial radio interfaces (Wednesday 4 October 2017, 9:00-17:00, Munich, Germany)


Following the Recommendation ITU‑R M.2083, which defines the framework and overall objectives of the future development of IMT for 2020 and beyond, WP 5D has completed several key draft new Reports related to the IMT-2020 terrestrial radio interfaces on;

–                 "Minimum requirements related to technical performance for IMT-2020 radio interface(s)" (Document 5/40)

–                 "Guidelines for evaluation of radio interface technologies for IMT-2020" (Document 5/57)

–                 "Requirements, evaluation criteria and submission templates for the development of IMT-2020" (Document 5/56)

–                 Revision 1 of Document IMT-2020/2 on "Submission, evaluation process and consensus building for IMT-2020" (Document IMT-2020/2(Rev.1))

From the 28th meeting of WP 5D in October 2017, the Step 3 of the IMT-2020 developing process "Submission/Reception of the RIT and SRIT proposals and acknowledgement of receipt" will start in accordance with Document IMT-2020/2(Rev.1).

Therefore, in conjunction with the 28th meeting, WP 5D will be holding a workshop on IMT-2020 focussing on the terrestrial radio interfaces.


The objectives of the workshop are as follows;

–                 to promote information sharing on IMT-2020;

–                 to facilitate dialog among ITU-R WP 5D, the possible proponents and the evaluation groups; and in particular

–                 to provide information on the ITU-R WP 5D process for IMT-2020 standardization including minimum technical performance requirements and evaluation guidelines;

–                 to invite possible proponents of IMT-2020 RIT/SRIT to present current and future development aspects about IMT-2020 RITs/SRITs; and

–                 to invite registered independent evaluation groups to present information about their evaluation group and planned actions.


Anticipated timeline & draft program of the Workshop

Depending on the number of possible proponents and registered independent evaluation groups wishing to make a presentation, the time available for each presentation will be decided after the 1st September deadline.

However, it is estimated that the information from WP 5D experts on the standardisation of IMT‑2020 in WP 5D will be handled prior to the lunch break so that the remaining time of the workshop until 17:00 hours will be devoted to the proponents and the registered independent evaluation groups.

It can be foreseen that the proponents should have time available in the order of 20-30 minutes for their presentation while the registered independent evaluation groups could be allotted around 10 minutes.  

​​Draft Program
09:30 Opening remarks by the Chairman of WP 5D​S00-1
09:40 Welcome remarks by the Host of the 28th WP 5D meeting
Presenter: Mr. Walter Guggi 
Session 1 Information on IMT-2020 Standardization in ITU-R WP 5D
Overview of the IMT-2020 development process
 09:45Minimum requirements related to technical performance for IMT-2020 radio interface(s) "Report ITU-R M.[IMT-2020.TECH PERF REQ]"​
Presenter: Ms. Eiman Mohyeldin (NOKIA)


 10:15Guidelines for evaluation of radio interface technologies for IMT-2020 "Report ITU-R M.[IMT-2020.EVAL]"​
Presenter: Dr. Ying Peng (DATANG)


​10:55​Coffee break
11:10Requirements, evaluation criteria and submission templates for the development of IMT‑2020 "Report ITU-R M.[IMT-2020.SUBMISSION]"
Presenter: Dr. Yong Wu (HUAWEI)


 11:50Submission and Standardization process (including IPR treatment, consensus building and GCS)
Presenter: Mr. Yoshio Honda (ERICSSON)


12:20Q & A for Session 1 (10 min after each presentation)
Session 2 Presentations by potential IMT-2020 RIT/SRIT proponents
 Presentations by potential IMT-2020 RIT/SRIT proponents (e.g., intentions, plans onwards, organizations, status of technical development, technical solutions to fulfil ITU requirements, etc.)
​14:003GPP 5G
Presenter: Mr. Giovanni Romano (Telecom Italia, 3GPP)


Presenter: Mr. Daniel Hartnett (DECT Forum)


​14:40​Korea IMT-2020
Presenter: Mr. Juseop Sim (Korea)


​15:00China IMT-2020
Presenter: Mr. Yi Wan (China)


15:20 Q & A for Session  2
​15:30Coffee break
Session 3 Presentations by registered independent evaluation groups
 Presentations by the registered independent evaluation groups (e.g., structure, organization, future plans, etc.)
​15:50​5G Infrastructure Association (5GPPP-EU)
Presenter: Mr. Werner Mohr (Nokia Solutions and Networks)


​16:00​ATIS WTC IMT-2020 Evaluation Group (WTSC-USA)
Presenter: Mr. Francesco Pica (Qualcomm)


​16:10​China Evaluation Group (ChEG-China)
Presenter: Dr. Xu Xiaoyan (CAICT)


16:20​Canadian Evaluation Group (CEG-Canada)
Presenter: Mr. Venkatesh Sampath (Ericsson)


​16:30​Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF)
Presenter: Dr. Nigel Jefferies (WWRF)


​16:40​Telecom Centres of Excellence (TCOE-India)
Presenter: Dr. R K Pathak (TCOE)


​16:50​5GMF IMT-2020 Evaluation Group (5GMF-Japan)
Presenter: Mr. Takaharu Nakamura (Fujitsu)


​17:00​TTA 5G Technology Evaluation Special Project Group (TTA SPG33-Korea)
Presenter: Mr. Seong-Jun Oh (Korea University)


​17:10​Trans-Pacific Evaluation Group (TPCEG/ITRI-USA)
Presenter: Mr. Tzu-Ming Lin (ITRI)


17:20 Q & A for Session 3
17:30 Wrap up and Closing

Note: The program and time schedule are subject to change.


The workshop will be held on the second day of the 28th meeting of WP 5D from approximately 09:00 to 17:00 hours on 4th October 2017, at the same venue (see Circular Letter 5/LCCE/68).


WP 5D delegates, representatives from possible RIT/SRIT proponents, registered independent evaluation groups.


The workshop will be conducted in English only.

Critical deadlines

  • Deadline to request a speaker slot (1 September 2017)

To prepare for the workshop at the venue, and to develop the detailed program, it is requested that the IMT-2020 technology proponents and the registered independent evaluation groups wishing to make a presentation send their intention to the Convener (Dr. Hakan Ohlsen, no later than 1st September 2017 (cut-off date).

  • Deadline for the submission of the presentation materials (preferably before 19 September 2017)

Presentations and supporting materials for this workshop should be sent to the Convener (Dr. Hakan Ohlsen, and ITU-R Study Group 5 Counsellor (Mr. Sergio Buonomo, preferably before 19 September 2017, but no later than 16:00 hours UTC on 26 September 2017. The 26 September date is the same cut-off date established for inputs to the 28th meeting of WP 5D. Presentations may refer to specific inputs to the WP 5D meeting to avoid duplication of supporting materials.

An early submission of material prior to the cut-off date allows for discussion and feed-back from the Convener.

  • Deadline for participants to register

The deadline for participants to register is: 19 September 2017


  • Participants registered for the WP 5D Meeting

Participants to the 28th meeting of Working Party 5D are automatically registered to the Workshop. A separate registration for the workshop is therefore NOT required.

  • Participants NOT registered for the WP 5D meeting must separately pre-register for the workshop before 19 September 2017.

A separate form for registration to the workshop is required for participants not already registered for the 28th meeting of WP 5D.

The pre-registration form may be found here:  

Participants from possible RIT/SRIT proponents or registered independent evaluation groups who register for the Workshop will be able to join the WP 5D meeting #28 as invited observers, in accordance with the provisions of Resolution ITU-R 9-5.


Summary of ITU-R Working Party 5D Workshop on “IMT-2020 terrestrial radio interfaces”: Workshop_conclusions.pdf