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Appendix 30B FSS Plan

The World Radiocommunication Conference 2007 (Geneva, WRC-07) adopted revised provisions and updated technical parameters for Appendix 30B of the Radio Regulations.
In accordance with resolves 1 of Resolution 149, the revised Appendix 30B entered into force as of 17 November 2007.  
Pursuant to resolves 2 of the above-mentioned Resolution, the Bureau has computed the complete reference situation of the Appendix 30B Plan and the associated List of assignments (i.e. for all test-points) as of 17 November 2007, based on the decisions of the Conference. The reference situation will be used for subsequent application of the provisions of Articles 6 and 7 of Appendix 30B.  
Circular Letter CR/280 provides details on the implementation of the revised Appendix 30B and Resolution 149
 The details of the information published by the Bureau for satellite networks subject to Appendix 30B are contained in the zipped Version 8 database below.

Appendix 30B FSS Plan Version 9 Database

Type Name Modified File Size   17/9/2024   26264 KB  
NOTE 1Circular Letter CR/306 provides details on the production version of the software package required for the new examinations under Annexes 3 and 4 to Appendix 30B as instructed in Resolution 149.
NOTE 2 – Reference situation of the Aggregate C/I ratio on 12 May 2015 for the Plan Allotments in Appendix 30B. (PDF)
NOTE 3 – Download the complete reference situation of the Appendix 30B Plan at the time of 'WRC-07'  2.35MB (see Circular Letter CR/278). The updated reference situation is included in the latest Appendix 30B database.
NOTE 4 - The following software needs to be installed in order to perform an analysis on the latest version of the Appendix 30B Plan:
The Bureau has produced video presentations to assist administrations in using the new GIBC software package:
 gibc_ap30b_ci (MPEG-4 or avi format) shows how to perform C/I degradation analysis with respect to Appendix 30B Annex 4 protection criteria using GIBC-Appendix 30B.
 gibc_ap30b_pfd_sa (MPEG-4 or avi format) shows how to perform PFD and Service Area coverage analysis using GIBC Appendix 30B application.
 AP30BTexCap_A6B (MPEG-4 or avi format) shows how to update reference situations (AP30B#A6B and AP30B#A7).
 AP30BTexCap_A6A  (MPEG-4 or avi format) shows how to establish the reference situation of the examined network and store examination results, affected administrations and networks in the SNS-format AP30B database.
 AP30BTexCap_A6A_ViewResults (MPEG-4 or avi format) shows how to view and print the Annex 4 C/I examination results