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Question 3/1 workshop on Emergency Preparedness for Disaster Management

​​​​​​​​Time and place: Thursday, 11 May 2023, 16:00 – 17:30 hours​, Geneva

Natural or man-made disasters can negatively impact societies, causing disruption of the normal functioning of social and economic life. The combination of hazards, vulnerability and inability to reduce the potential negative consequences of risk results in disasters. Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) play a pivotal role in disaster prevention, mitigation and management. The main objective of this workshop is to share experiences and knowledge on early warning systems by using emerging ICTs such as 5G and AI with ITU-D members. The discussion results may be helpful for producing the annual report of Question 3/1.
It is mainly focused on early warning systems (EWS) for disaster preparedness in, but not limited to:
(1) Disaster prediction and detection
– Disaster prediction, including the acquisition and processing of data concerning the probability of future disaster occurrence, location and duration; and
– Disaster detection, including the detailed analysis of the topical likelihood and severity of a disaster event.
(2) Emergency alerting
– Emergency alerting on broadcasting, including alerting messages and evacuation information sent from TV and radio;
– Emergency alerting on mobile phones in the areas to be affected;
– Emergency alerting on digital signages in the towns to be affected; and,
– Emergency alerting on social network services.
(3) Use of emerging ICTs for disaster preparedness
– Disaster preparedness by using emerging ICTs, such as 5G network and AI


[16h00-16h05] Welcome and setting the scene

Ms Alison Balzer, Co-Rapporteur Question 3/1, USA [Biography]​

[16h05-16h10] Opening Remarks

Opening Remarks of Mr Cosmas L. Zavazava, BDT Director (delivered by Ms Vanessa Gray)


[17h10-17h25] Q&A and interactive discussion

Mr Serigne Abdou Lahatt Sylla, Co-Rapporteur Question 3/1, Senegal​ [Biography]​

[17h25-17h30] Summary of the workshop and closing remarks

Mr Serigne Abdou Lahatt Sylla, Co-Rapporteur Question 3/1, Senegal