Committed to connecting the world

Quality of Service (QoS) Regulation

​​​Citizens throughout the world rely on ICTs to conduct their everyday socio-economic activities which call upon quality of services. Ensuring QoS in this environment is therefore becoming critical. Telecommunication networks are interconnected on a national, regional, and global basis, and the quality of telecommunication services applied in one network or one country influences the end-to-end quality of that service, so the quality cannot be considered only at national or regional level, but also needs to be considered global.  A harmonized and common approach to regulating QoS would enable greater quality prospects irrespective of the locations of the consumer and service provider. 

QoS Regulation Manual!

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QoS Manual

The QoS Regulation Manual serves as a one-stop shop for QoS regulation in ICTs. It refers to different standards and regulatory practices from various regions and countries worldwide.
It is intended to be used as a guiding tool for telecommunication/ICT regulatory agencies or ICT Administration (e.g., ICT Ministry) in charge of Quality of service (QoS) and Quality of Experience (QoE) parameters and measurements, as defined by the ITU-T, as well as enforcement mechanisms.



2. Quality of Service (QoS) framework (technical)
3. QoS Regulatory Framework - Role of NRAs      
4. Traffic Management
5.  QoS Parameters and KPIs    
6.  Broadband QoS measurements  
7.  Economic principles of QoS regulation 
8.  Network neutrality and its regulation      
9.  Consumer Protection and Privacy  
10. QoS enforcement 
11. Conclusion and guidelines


- ​ITU-T Study Group 12 on Performance, QoS and QoE (Work Programme
Technical Recommendations