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Digital transformation based on ICT innovations for the development of the digital economy


The event "Digital transformation based on ICT innovations for the development of the digital economy", was co-organized by ITU and the State University of Telecommunication of Ukraine. This event was held virtually on 15 December from 9:30 to 15:20 CET. 

Development through digital transformation is a complex issue and touches on many enablers, from broadband availability to policies and sectoral e-strategies, as well as specific programs fostering digital inclusion or the development of innovation communities. The concept of digital transformation has become ever more important since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, and various stakeholders, including the United Nations (UN) have assisted countries in their respective capacities relying substantially on the digital component. Extending the availability of products and services and empowering citizens, workers, and students in their daily engagements and needs in times of lockdown has become a clear priority of all countries. The ability to leverage the progress made in the digital sphere has become an important factor in determining resilience during the COVID-​​​19 crisis.

As the situation is developing into a new normal where “digital" is not only a solution to an emergency but a long-term investment against risk, this event provided a platform to discuss and present the various dimensions of digital development as ICTs become increasingly important for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.​

The morning session focused on addressing emerging technologies driving digital transformation at the national level with the case study of Ukraine. During the afternoon, two special sessions of the UN System were held, as follow: 

Approaches of the UN System to support digital transformation (13:10-14:30 CET)

This session, held within the framework of the UN Digital Transformation Group for Europe and Central Asia (UN DTG4ECA) provided a platform to present the ongoing efforts of the UN in accelerating digital transformation across the region to achieve all the 17 SDGs. It was the occasion to showcase a series of actions, activities, initiatives, and partnerships that advance digitalization and digitization processes.​​ The unique examples of multi-agency cooperation were presented in the context of the UN cooperation framework, with the objective to strengthen the delivery of topics of common interest in terms of accuracy and reach.  

​Learn more about this session at the dedicated webpage here. ​

ITU-UNEP-UNITAR E-waste Monitoring for the Western Balkans (14:30-15:10 CET)

This session focused on one collaborative initiative of the UN System which aims to advance sustainable development through addressing ICTs related challenges. It was the occasion to present the ITU-UNEP-UNITAR  “E-waste Monitoring for the Western Balkans" to the regional community as well as to the government representatives and statistical offices of the 5 countries in focus, namely: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia. E-waste constitutes one of the fastest-growing streams of physical waste in today's global environment and is a threat to sustainable development.

​Learn more about this session at the dedicated webpage here.​