Committed to connecting the world

Programmes and Projects

WTDC-14 Regional Initiatives

CIS 1: Creating a child online protection centre for the CIS region
Objective: to provide ITU Member States in the CIS region with centralized advisory and technical assistance on various aspects of child online protection

Implementation time frame: January 2015 - August 2016

Additional information: CIS 1 overview and implementation reports

Major outputs:
  1. Multimedia online training course on safe use of the Internet
  2. Database of technical solutions for child online protection (content filtering) and software (automated system) for choosing optimal technical solution 
  3. Automated distribution system of "black" (unsafe) and "white" (safe) lists of Internet resources
  4. ITU Regional Workshop for CIS and Georgia on Complex Aspects of Cybersecurity in Infocommunications (Odessa, Ukraine, 15-17 June 2016)
CIS 2: Ensuring access to telecommunications/ICT services for persons with disabilities
Objective: to assist ITU Member States in the CIS region in developing regulations and technical solutions, as well as in implementing specialized training programmes to ensure the accessibility and user-friendliness of ICTs for persons with disabilities

Implementation time frame: January 2015 - September 2016

Additional information: CIS 2 overview and implementation reports

Major outputs:
  1. October 2015: ICT Training Center for motor impaired users and visually impaired users in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic (project report)
  2. November 2015: ICT Training Center for visually impaired people in the suburb of Chisinau, Republic of Moldova 
  3. August 2016: ICT Training Center for blind users, for users with visual impairments, muscle and skeleton disorders, and hearing and speech disorders (Yakutsk, Republic of Sakha, Russian Federation). Photos from the opening ceremony
  4. September 2016: ICT Training Center for persons with hearing and speech disorder in Minsk, Republic of Belarus (+ photos from the opening ceremony)
CIS 3: Introduction of training technologies and methods using telecommunications/ICT
for human capacity building
Objective: to assist ITU Member States in the CIS region in setting up and developing national programmes for introducing telecommunications/ICTs into education

Implementation time frame: January 2015 - September 2016

Additional information: CIS 3 overview and implementation reports

Major outputs:
  1. Software (Automated System) for diagnosis of human susceptibility to one or more channels of information perception 
  2. Recommendations on implementing ICT in education (in Russian) 
  3. Recommendations on creating and structuring e-learning resources (in Russian) 
  4. Workshop "Using telecommunications/ICTs for quality and safe educations" for management and informatics teachers of general education schools, Odessa, Ukraine (report in Russian)
CIS 4: Development of broadband access and adoption of broadband
Objective: to assist interested Member States in developing broadband access, including in rural and remote areas, using energy-efficient technologies

Implementation time frame: January 2017 - September 2017

Additional information: CIS 4 overview and implementation reports

Major outputs:
  1. Recommendations on selecting appropriate technology of broadband deployment in rural and remote areas of CIS and Georgia (in Russian) 
CIS 5: Building confidence and security in the use of ICTs
Objective: to build the capacity of Member States in the CIS region in building confidence and security in the use of ICTs, within the framework of the concept of information ecology for sustainable development and combating the potential negative consequences of the impact of the information environment

Implementation time frame: January 2015 - December 2016

Additional information: CIS 5 overview and implementation reports

Major outputs:
  1. Professional standards for several qualifications dealing with building confidence and security in the use of ICTs
  2. ICT Research and Training Center dedicated to capacity building in the area of confidence and security in the use of ICTs created in Moscow, Russian Federation
  3. Research paper covering legislative, policy and technical aspects of building confidence and security in the use of ICTs in CIS countries (in Russian)

Direct Assistance

Professional Trainings for Informatics Teachers within Connected Schools Initiative in the Kyrgyz Republic​

Objective: to train informatics teachers in rural areas of the Kyrgyz Republic

Implementation time frame: Februry - April 2017

Additional information: Overview and report (in Russian)