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ITU Asia Pacific CoE Training on Distributed Ledger Technologies (Blockchain) Ecosystem and Decentralization

​​​​​​​​​​3-6 September 2018, Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel, Bangkok

The ITU Asia-Pacific Centre of Excellence (ITU ASP CoE) training on "Distributed Ledger Technologies (Blockchain) Ecosystem and Decentralization" for the Asia-Pacific Region will be conducted from 3-6 September 2018. This training is organized jointly by the ITU, the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) and the Ministry of Digital Economy and Society (Thailand) as part of the Policy and Regulation Programme under the auspices of the ITU ASP COE. The training will be delivered in English at Bangkok, Thailand.

​This programme aims to:

  • build knowledge of policy makers, regulators, industry and academia in the areas of Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs) ecosystem;
  • provide insight on enabling environment (policy, legislation and regulation), technologies, security and applications relating to DLTs;
  • share use cases and experiences from application areas (e.g. finance, agriculture, telecom);
  • build skills on 'creating a Blockchain infrastructure'.

This training is targeted at managers, engineers and staff from regulators, policy makers, telecom operators and academia, who are interested in from policy makers, regulators, industry and academia engaged with distributed ledger technologies (Blockchain). Registration for this program should be made online at the aforementioned link no later than 20 August 2018. The training is available free of charge with the kind support of the Ministry of Digital Economy and Society (Thailand) and the NBTC (Thailand).

ITU-T Focus Group on DLT (Visit Website)

ITU-T Focus Group on Digital Currency including Digital Fiat Currency (Visit Website​)


Jean-Marc Seigneur
Leon Perlman
Gerard Sylvester
Suporn Pongnumkul​
Pavan Gupta​

3 September (Day 1)

0800-0900 Registration

0900-1030 Opening Session
                  - ITU
                  - NBTC

1030-1115 Session 1: Understanding the technology behind DLT

Objective: To provide a technical overview of DLT: blockchain, consensus algorithm, smart contract, directed acyclic graph (DAG), decentralized application (dApp), token.
- Dr. Jean-Marc Seigneur [Presentation​]

1115-1145 Coffee Break

1145-1230 Session 2:  DLT ecosystem, applications and use cases

Objective: To provide a practical overview of DLT applications, use cases and experiences.
- Dr. Leon Perlman


1230-1400 Lunch

1400-1500 Session 3:  Designing a decentralized application (dApp) with a DLT

Objective: To learn how to select the most appropriate DLT for a specific dApp and get an overview of current DLT development platforms.
- Dr. Jean-Marc Seigneur​ 

1500-1530 Coffee Break

1530-1700 Session 4: Working group exercise

Objective: After creating small teams, each team starts designing its dApp, selecting the most appropriate DLT and development platform.
- Dr. Jean-Marc Seigneur​​

1800-2230 Dinner

4 September

0900-1030 Session 5: DLT Applied to Cryptocurrencies

Objective: To provide an overview of the existing cryptocurrencies as well as their tools
- Dr. Jean-Marc Seigneur

1030-1100 Coffee Break

​1100-1230 Session 6: Initial Coin Offering (ICO), Token Generation Event (TGE) and Tokenomics

Objective: To learn the main steps of an ICO/TGE, understand their risks and be able to define the tokenomics of a dApp or DLT project.
- Dr. Jean-Marc Seigneur

1230-1400 Lunch Break

1400-1500 Session 7: Application and use cases of DLT in other sectors

Objective: To share experiences on application of DLT in various sectors
- Mr. Gerard Sylvester, Regional Knowledge and Information Management Officer, FAO Regional Office for Asia-Pacific


- Dr. Suporn Pongnumkul, Senior Researcher of Computational Process Analytics Research Laboratory, NECTEC


1500-1530 Coffee Break

1530-1700 Session 8: Working group exercise

Objective: Each team refines the tokenomics of their dApp and depicts the main steps of their potential ICO or TGE.
- Dr. Jean-Marc Seigneur​


5 September

​0900-1030 Session 9: DLT Policy, legislation and regulation

Objective:  To provide an overview of DLT policies, legislation and regulations.
- Dr. Leon Perlman


1030-1100 Coffee Break

1100-1230 Session 10: DLT Security Issues

Objective: To provide an overview of security issues in DLTs.
- Dr. Leon Perlman​


1230-1400 Lunch Break

1400-1530 Session 11: Working group exercise

Objective: Each team starts preparing their presentation for tomorrow final session.
- Dr. Jean-Marc Seigneur​

1530-1600 Coffee Break

1600-1700 Session 12: Working group exercise

Objective: Each team finalizes their presentation for tomorrow final session.
- Dr. Jean-Marc Seigneur​


6 September

​0900-1000 Session 13: DLT Trends

Objective: To give an overview of the most recent trends in DLT

-Dr. Jean-Marc Seigneur ​

ITU-T activities on Blockchain 


1000-1030 Coffee Break

​    1030-1100 Session 14: DLT Use case presentations
 Mr. Pavan Gupta, Joint Advisor, Telecom Regulatory Authority of India​

   1100-1230 Session 15: Working group exercise
  Objective: Each team presents their DLT/dApp project to all attendees.
     - Dr. Jean-Marc Seigneur


    1230-1400 Lunch