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ITU ASP CoE Training on Traffic engineering and advanced wireless network planning

​​30 September - 3 October 2019, Hotel Radisson Blu, Bangkok, Thailand

The ITU Asia-Pacific Centre of Excellence (ITU ASP CoE) Training on " Traffic engineering and advanced wireless network planning" will be held from 30 September to 3 October at Hotel Radisson Blu, Bangkok, Thailand. This face-to-face training is organized jointly by the International Telecommunication Union, National Broadcasting and Telecommunciations Commission (Thailand) and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia as part of the Fixed and Wireles Broadband programme under the auspices of the ITU Centres of Excellence for Asia-Pacific Region. The training will be delivered in English language.

The objective of the programme are 

  • ​To build knowledge of policy makers, regulators and telecom operators in the areas of 4G, 5G and IoT ecosystem and related network planning
  • To share best practices on traffic engineering and network planning in evolving scenario.
  • To build skills on how to develop a roadmap for 5G and IoT.

30 September

​0900-0945 Opening Session

Mr. Sameer Sharma, Senior Adviser, ITU Regional Office for Asia-Pacific

Prof. Tharek Abd Rah​man, Professor in Wireless Communication, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Air Marshal Thanapant Raicharoen, Deputy Secretary-General of National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission, Thailand​

0945-1030 Session 1: Where are we now: 4G, 5G and IoT Ecosystem and ITU

Objective: To provide an overview of wireless broadband ecosystem including drivers, policy, regulations, business, technology others.

- Mr. Ashish Narayan


Information of ITU-T SG 20 and U4SSC [Presentation​​

1030-1100 Coffee Break

1100-1230 Session 2:  4G to 5G networks and standard releases

Objective: To provide an overview of various technologies and standards of 4G​​

- Prof. Sami Tabbane


1230-1400 Lunch Break

1400-1500 Session 3:  IoT systems overview

Objective: To provide the main characteristics and features of IoT services and present IoT present systems and standards.

- Prof. Sami Tabbane


1500-1530 Coffee Break

1530-1700 Session 4: Working Group Exercise

Objective: To identify the IoT services to fit with the country needs. Elaborate a proposed business model for introducing IoT.


1 October

0900-1030 Session 5: 3GPP IOT Systems Introduction

Objective: To present the evolution of LTE towards LTE-M and NB-IoT for IoT services introduction.

- Prof. Sami Tabbane


1030-1100 Coffee Break

1100-1230 Session 6: Fixed IP core and backbone architecture and evolution towards IoT and 5G networks

Objective: Explore how the evolution of fixed IP and backbone networks and interconnects has progressed .​

- Dr. Philip Smith


1230-1330 Lunch Break

1330-1430 Session 7: 5G networks and 3GPP Release 15

Objective: Present 5G networks architecture and main technologies (radio interface, cloud and virtualization etc.)

- Prof. Sami Tabbane


1430-1500 Session 8: Campus Networks – 5G The Road to Industrial Internet of Things

Mr. Thomas Kessler, Detecon​

1500-1530 Coffee Break

1530-1700 Session 9: Working Group exercise

Objective: Which technology and which regulatory framework for IoT and 5G transition. Elaborate a proposal for developing an digital ecosystem in the country based on these networks and services.


2 October

0900-0945 Session 10: Country practices on 5G

Objective: Present Thailand practices on 5G spectrum pl​anning.

- Dr. Pratompong Srinuan​, NBTC


0945-1030 Session 11: IoT network dimensioning and planning

Objective: Present the parameters and methodology for planning an IoT network, starting from the expected services to be proposed.​

- Prof. Sami Tabbane


1030-1100 Coffee Break

1100-1230 Session 12: IP core network and backbone dimensioning and planning

Objective: Discuss the planning of IP network with focus on the core.

- Dr. Philip Smith


1230-1400 Lunch Break

1400-1530 Session 13: IP core network and backbone dimensioning and planning (continued)

Objective: Discuss the planning of IP network with focus on IXP, peering and interconnect.

- Dr. Philip Smith


1530-1600 Coffee Break

1600-1700 Session 14: IoT network development roadmap – Working Group Session

Objective: To dimension and plan the introduction of an IoT network.​

3 October

0900-1030 Session 15: 5G networks and 3GPP Release 15 (continued)

Objective: Present 5G networks architecture and main technologies (radio interface, cloud and virtualization etc.), mMTC and URLLC.

Prof. Sami Tabbane

1030-1100 Coffee Break

1100-1230 Session 16: 5G transition

Objective: Present 5G networks transition and update on 5G projects in the world.

Prof. Sami Tabbane​


1230-1400 Lunch

1400-1530 Session 17: IP core network and backbone dimensioning and planning (continued)

Objective: Discuss the planning of IP network with focus on IXP, peering and interconnect​

Dr. Philip Smith


1530-1600 Coffee Break

1600-1700 Session 18: IoT network development roadmap – Working Group Presentations

Objective: To present the IoT roadmap developed by working groups in Session 8 and Session 12.