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Digital solutions for a circular electronics value chain


The current linear economy model is highly unsustainable and vulnerable to economic shocks from the disruption of resources, as seen in the COVID-19 pandemic. A systemic transformation towards a circular electronics value chain is vital for stability and sustainability. Digital technologies can support transparency, efficiency, ease, and accountability in existing economic systems to shift towards circularity. 

The thought paper, Digital solutions for a circular electronics value chain explores the applicability and scope of digital technologies for enabling circularity in the lifecycle of electronic devices. 

The paper maps out major digitalization trends and highlights use cases of digital technologies across the electronics value chain, ranging from simple digital platforms and online materials marketplaces to AI-enabled e-waste recognition. Such examples are drawn from both established and emerging digital solutions, while case studies pro​vide a deeper look into real-world applications of digital technologies across the electronics value chain.

The thought paper​ was released on 14 October, International ​E-waste Day 2021 (#eWasteDay). A webinar took place on 26 October, 14:30-16:00 (CEST), which complemented the launch of ​the thought paper and brought together key organizations including producers, producer responsibility organizations, and digital sustainability solution providers, for a panel discussion on leveraging digitaliz​ation across the electronics value chain.​