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ITU-IMPACT conducted CIRT Readiness Assessment in Cyprus (10th- 12th March 2014)

​​​​4-3.jpgThe International Telecommunication Union and the International Multilateral Partnership Against Cyber Threats (ITU-IMPACT) had successfully conducted an assessment for Cyprus on the government’s cybersecurity requirements and expectations toward the establishment of a Computer Incident Response Team (CIRT) to serve its agencies.

The activity took place in Nicosia from 10 to 12 March 2014 in collaboration with Office of the Commissioner of Electronic Communications and Postal Regulation (OCECPR). Participants comprised of relevant stakeholders from various government agencies such as the law enforcement, judiciary, and critical infrastructure.

ITU-IMPACT’s expert had a discussion with the participants for their feedback to build a comprehensive strategy in establishing the governmental CIRT. Topics covered at the assessment include ITU-IMPACT’s role in countries cybersecurity readiness and the various aspects of CERT operations. Moving forward, a report containing key issues, findings, analysis, recommendations and a phased implementation road map for the setting up of a National CIRT will be handed over to OCECPR.

“The CIRT Readiness Assessment has been a success and we are very satisfied with the delivery by ITU-IMPACT expert. Various stakeholders who participated had also expressed their positive feedback on the exercise to us,” said Mr. Sotiris Keliris, Officer of Electronic Communications from OCECPR. He added, “Through the assessment and particularly the interactive discussions that took place, we believe we have a better understanding of the daily CERT operations and also the challenges we will face in the near future as a country.