Committed to connecting the world

GSR14 Agenda Day 2

 Wednesday 4 June 2014                                                                                         

Global Regulators - Industry Dialogue (GRID)
​09.00 – 10.30 

Session 3:  Big data - an opportunity or a threat?

Maximizing the potential of data and why it matters for consumers, industry players and governments
• Understanding the issues at stake
• The link with open data (crowd sourcing, cloud computing, etc.)
• Is there a need to regulate data management and service providers?
• How to prevent market dominance in this area and protect the rights of the data owners?
• Addressing privacy, copyright and IPR, transparency and digital security issues

Presentation: GSR discussion paper on Big data (co-authored by Mr Viktor Mayer-Schönberger)Presentation , Mr Andy Haire, Chairman, AJH Communications, Ilc
Moderator: Mr Mohamed Al Ghanim, Director General, Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA), United Arab Emirates, GSR07 Chair.
  • Dr Vijayalakshmy K. Gupta, Member, Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) 
  • Mr Zhigang Ma, Deputy Chief Engineer, Institute of Economy and Policy Research, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), China
  • Dr Mustafa Aykut, Coordinator, International Affairs and Policy Coordinator, Türk Telekom 
  • Mr Khaled Koubaa, Head of Policy, Google 
  • Mr Peter Pitsch, Executive Director, Intel

Coffee break
​10.45 – 12.00 

Session 4:  Is it time to rethink spectrum licensing?

• Taking into account the need for more spectrum, spectrum sharing and refarming: how to balance licensed spectrum obligations and costs with those of license-exempt operators?
• How to ensure a level playing field among licensed and license-exempt operators providing mobile services?
• Is it time to rethink the licensing framework, mechanisms and fees? Is auctioning still the way forward?

Presentation: GSR discussion paper on New Frontiers in Spectrum Licensing Presentation , Mr John Alden, vice President, Freedom Technologies  
Moderator: Mr Jacques Stern, Board Member, Autorité de Régulation des Communications Electroniques et des Postes (ARCEP), France              
  • Mr François Rancy, Director, Radiocommunication Bureau (BR), ITU 
  • Mr Piro Xhixho, Chairman, Electronic and Postal Communications Authority, Albania 
  • Mr Hideo Fuseda, Director of Mobile Communications, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Japan 
  • Mr Luigi Gambardella, Vice President and Head of Relations with international organizations, Telecom Italia
  • Dr Robert Pepper, Vice-President, Cisco Systems, Inc. 

Lunch Break
14.00 – 15.30

Network Debate: Meeting the demand for capacity, are we getting there?

• Rolling out ultra-high speed wired and wireless broadband, where are we?
• What are the main barriers to reduce network deployment costs?
• Innovative regulatory, policy and commercial approaches (e.g. telco-built CDNs, Network Functions Virtualization (NFV))
• Infrastructure sharing approaches and cross border cooperation

Moderator: Mr Kamal Shehadi, Chief Regulatory Officer, Etisalat and GSR09 Chair 
  • Prof. João Confraria, Member of the Board, Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações (ANACOM), Portugal 
  • Mr Gonzalo Ruiz Días, president, organismo Supervisor de Inversión Privada en Telecomunicaciones (OSIPEL), Peru 
  • Mr Paarock VanPercy, National Communications Authority (NCA), Ghana 
  • Mr Deepak Mathur, Senior Vice President APMA, SES 
  • Mr Pablo Pfost, Head Group Regulatory Affairs, Telefonica

Coffee break​ ​
​15.45 - 17.00

​Session 6 : New business models driven by digital communications and services

• A financial perspective on the business case of application providers, OTTs, cloud providers, start-ups, etc.
• Understanding their business models
• How to generate revenues in the digital ecosystem? Shifting revenue streams
• Is cost sharing a solution?
• In light of the call for light regulation, is there a need to regulate? How to do so in a globalized world?

Presentation: GSR discussion paper on The impact of data on ICT business models │Presentation, Mr René Arnold, Head of Department Markets and Perspectives, WIK-Consult GmbH
Moderator: Mr Mohamed Bubashait, General Director, Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA), Bahrain
En Hesham El Alaily, Executive President, National Telecommunication Regulatory Authority (NTRA), Egypt 
Mr Mohamed Sharil Tarmizi, Chairman, Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC), Malaysia 
Mr Jim Beveridge, Director, International Technology Policy, Microsoft 
Ms Lauren Van Wazer, Vice President, Global Public Policy, Akamai Technologies