Committed to connecting the world

GSR14 Consultation


This year's consultation

This consultation focused on consumer protection in a digital world. It identified measures needed to protect the rights of ICT consumers without stifling innovation that will enhance consumer's experience of living in a competitive, safe and trustworthy digital environment. The world community of regulators identified pro-active policy and regulatory measures in the following areas:

  • Redefining consumer protection needs along the value chain, from ICT networks to apps and services;
  • Identifying priorities and responsibilities of ICT stakeholders (government, industry and consumers) in a digital environment;
  • Expanding the regulator's mandate and enforcement measures to ensure effective consumer protection in a converged digital environment (in particular in dealing with privacy, data protection, protection against fraud, misuse, etc.)

Contributions were coordinated by Dr Mohammed Al Amer, Chairman of the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) of Bahrain.

GSR14 Best Practice Guidelines