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List of Multiple Destination Letters 2012

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DM 141 ITU Centres of Excellence Training Workshop on “The Digital Dividend : Challenges and Consumer Interests”, Athens, Greece, 14-16 March 2012
DM 142
Workshop and Frequency Coordination meeting on the Transition to Digital Terrestrial Television and the Digital Dividend, Bamako (Mali), 12-15 March 2012

ITU Asia Pacific Centres of Excellence Training Workshop and ITUAtelier et réunion de coordination des fréquences sur la transition vers la télévision numérique et sur le dividende numérique, Bamako (Mali), 12-15 mars 2012

DM 143 Invitation to the Sixth Steering Committee Meeting of the HIPCAR Project1, Barbados, 8 February 2012
DM 144
ITU Regional Seminar on economic and financial aspects of telecommunications for member countries of Study Group 3 Regional group for Latin America and the Caribbean (SG3RG-LAC) – Asuncion, Paraguay, 13-14 March 2012

ITU Seminario Regional sobre aspectos Económicos y Financieros de Telecomunicaciones para Países Miembros del Grupo Regional Comisión de Estudio 3 para América Latina y El Caribe (SG3RG-LAC) – Asunción, Paraguay, 13-14 de marzo de 2012

DM 145 Invitation to the workshop on SADC Harmonised Legal Cyber Security Framework for Southern Africa, 27 February to 2 March 2012, Gaborone, Botswana
DM 146 Workshop on “Digital TV” for Portuguese and Spanish speaking countries in Africa, Luanda, Angola, 05- 09 March 2012
DM 147
Connect Arab Summit, Doha, Qatar, 5-7 March 2012
DM 148 The Europe–Asia Pacific-Commonwealth of Independent States (EUR-ASP-CIS) Cross-Regional Seminar on Current Methods for Combating Cybercrime (28-30 March 2012, Odessa, Ukraine)
DM 149
Sommet "Connecter le monde arabe", Doha (Qatar), 5-7 mars 2012

Sommet "Connecter le monde arabe", Doha (Qatar), 5-7 mars 2012

DM 150
Workshop and Frequency Coordination meeting on the Transition to Digital Terrestrial Television and the Digital Dividend, Kampala (Uganda), 16-20 April 2012

Atelier et réunion de coordination des fréquences sur la transition vers la télévision numérique et sur le dividende numérique, Kampala (Ouganda), 16-20 avril 2012

DM 151 Invitation to the Preparatory Meeting for Connect the Americas, Trinidad and Tobago, 22 to 23 March 2012
DM 152 Invitation to the Preparatory Meeting for Connect the Americas, Trinidad and Tobago, 22 to 23 March 2012
DM 153 Семинар-встреча, посвященный Всемирному дню «Девушки в области ИКТ» (26 апреля) и Всемирному дню электросвязи и информационного общества (17 мая): 19-20 апреля 2012 года, Зональное отделение МСЭ для стран СНГ, г. Москва, Российская Федерация
DM 154 Working Group on Human capacity Building Initiatives
DM 155 Connect Arab Summit 2012: invitation to the ministerial meeting
DM 156 Connect Arab Summit 2012: invitation to the multi-stakeholder meeting
DM 157 Connect Arab Summit 2012: invitation to drafting group meeting
DM 158 Connect Arab Summit 2012: information on the organizational arrangements for the Opening Ceremony
DM 159
ITU Regional Workshop on ICT Competencies Development in the Telecommunication and Education Sectors in Africa, Bujumbura, Burundi, 14-18 May 2012

Atelier Régional sur le développement de compétences en TIC dans le secteur des télécommunications et de l’éducation en Afrique, Bujumbura, Burundi, 14 - 18 mai 2012

DM 160 13th Forum on Telecommunication/ICT Regulation and Partnership in Africa (FTRA 2012), Libreville (Gabon), 18 to 20 June 2012
DM 161 A bright Future in ICTs Opportunities for a New Generation of Women Report
DM 162 Региональный форум МСЭ по вопросам развития для стран Европы и Региональный семинар по вопросам перехода к цифровому наземному телевизионному радиовещанию, приграничной координации частот и цифровому дивиденду для стран Европы и СНГ, Варшава, Республика Польша,
7–9 мая 2012 года
DM 163 ITU Regional Development Forum for Europe and Regional Seminar on Transition to Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting, Borderline Frequency Coordination and Digital Dividend for Europe and CIS Countries, Warsaw, Republic of Poland, 7 - 9 May 2012
DM 164 Workshop on “Management of Internet Domains and National Numbering Plan” for Portuguese and Spanish speaking countries in Africa, São Tomé & Principe, 16-19 April 2012
DM 165 Registration - Web text (Connect Americas)
DM 166 Implementation of Resolution 40, World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC-10), on the Group on Capacity Building Initiatives (GCBI)
DM 167
Seminar on Costs and Tariffs for Study Group 3 Regional Group for Africa (SG3RG-AFR), Cotonou, Bénin, 8 - 9 May 2012

Séminaire sur les coûts et les tarifs pour le Groupe régional de la Commission, d'études 3 pour l'Afrique (SG3RG-AFR), Cotonou, Bénin, 8 - 9 mai 2012

DM 168 Regional Workshop and Frequency Coordination meeting on the Transition to Digital Terrestrial Television and the Digital Dividend, Barbados, 21-25 May 2012
DM 169 Train-the-Trainer workshop on “Designing and Delivering eLearning” for Portuguese and Spanish speaking countries in Africa, Maputo, Mozambique 28 May – 01 June 2012
DM 170 Семинар МСЭ для стран – членов РСС «Переход с IPv4 на IPv6: регуляторные и технические аспекты», Кишинев, Республика Молдова, 24-25 мая 2012 года
DM 171 This number is cancelled
DM 172 Connect Arab Summit, Doha, Qatar: thank you letters for participation in the roundtables
DM 173 Ежегодный региональный форум МСЭ по развитию для стран СНГ «Политика и стратегия развития ИКТ в регионе СНГ и аспекты регулирования», Кишинев, Республика Молдова, 22-23 мая 2012 года
DM 174 This number is cancelled
DM 175 Invitation to Contribute to Girls in ICT Day Project
DM 176
Workshop on “VSAT Systems ” for Portuguese and Spanish speaking countries in Africa, Maputo, Mozambique , 19-23 November 2012
DM 177
12th Global Symposium for Regulators (GSR) Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2-4 October 2012

12ème Colloque mondial des régulateurs (GSR) Colombo (Sri Lanka), 2-4 octobre 2012

12º Simposio Mundial para Organismos Reguladores (GSR) Colombo (Sri Lanka), 2-4 de octubre de 2012

DM 178 ITU Regional Seminar on Costs and Tariffs for Member Countries of the Regional Group for Asia and Oceania (SG3RG-AO), 28-29 May, 2012 Bali, Indonesia
DM 179
12th Global Symposium for Regulators (GSR) Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2-4 October 2012: invitation to ITU-D Sector members

12ème Colloque mondial des régulateurs (GSR) Colombo (Sri Lanka), 2-4 octobre 2012: invitation aux membres du secteur UIT-D

12º Simposio Mundial para Organismos Reguladores (GSR) Colombo (Sri Lanka), 2-4 de octubre de 2012: invitación a los miembros del Sector UIT-D

DM 180 ITU Annual Regional Development Forum for Africa, 9 – 11 May 2012, Kigali, Rwanda
DM 181 Workshop on “Open Access to the Internet: Reasonable Network Management and Business Models” for Portuguese and Spanish speaking countries in Africa, Praia, Cape- Verde, 4 to 8 June 2012
DM 182
Sub-regional workshop on Digital Television Migration and Digital Dividend Montevideo (Uruguay), 30 May to 1 June 2012

Taller Sub-regional sobre Transición a Televisión Digital Terrestre y el Dividendo Digital, Montevideo, Uruguay, 30 de Mayo al 1 de Junio 2012

DM 183 Capacity Building Workshop on Guidelines on Access to Submarine Cables, 7- 8 May 2012 Kigali, Rwanda
DM 184 ITU Multi-stakeholder Forum on Emergency Telecommunications (Bogota, Colombia, 24-26 July 2012)
DM 185 Observers to Council 2012
DM 186 Regulatory Associations meeting, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 1 October 2012
Global Symposium for Regulators, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2-4 October 2012
DM 187 Workshop on “Spectrum Management,” for Portuguese and Spanish speaking countries in Africa, Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, 27-29 June 2012
DM 188
Connect Americas Summit, Panama City, Panama, 17-19 July 2012: invitation to register

Sommet Connecter les Amériques, Panama (Panama), 17-19 juillet 2012: invitation à s'inscrire

Cumbre Conectar las Américas, Ciudad de Panamá, 17-19 de julio de 2012: invitación a registrarse

DM 189 ITU Forum on Conformance and Interoperability for the Americas. Brasilia, Brazil, 12 – 15 June 2012
DM 190 ITU Centres of Excellence Network for Europe - eLearning course on “Future Internet”, 29 May - 25 June 2012
DM 191 Capacity Building Workshop on Guidelines and Toolkit on Universal Service and Access , 21- 22 June 2012 Libreville, Gabon
DM 192 Pacific Broadband Forum 2012, 26-28 July 2012, Sheraton Resort, Denarau Island, Fiji
DM 193 Invitation to participate as an expert in an ITU-D Study Groups Innovation Challenge
DM 194 TU workshop for the CIS countries “Enhancing of Public-private Partnership in the CIS Countries within the framework of the Activities of the ITU Sectors” to take place in Cholpon-Ata, Kyrgyzstan 22-24 August 2012
DM 195 Girls in ICT Day Showcasing event
DM 196
Girls in ICT Day Certificate of Recognition

Certificat de reconnaissance – Journée des jeunes filles dans le secteur des TIC

Certificado de Reconocimiento del Día de las Niñas en las TIC

DM 197 Региональный форум МСЭ «Актуальные вопросы регулирования в сфере телекоммуникаций и пользования радиочастотным ресурсом» для стран СНГ и Европы, Киев, Украина, 11-13 сентября 2012 года
DM 198
Regional ITU Seminar on Costs and Tariffs of Telecommunication/ICT for CIS Countries, Odessa, Ukraine, 24-26 October 2012
DM 199 Connect Americas Summit: : information on the organizational arrangements for the Opening Ceremony
DM 200
Invitation to attend the Drafting Group and Ministerial meetings of the Connect Americas Summit to be held on 17 July 2012, Panama City, Panama

Invitación a participar en el Grupo de Redacción y reuniones ministeriales de la Cumbre Conectar las Américas que se celebrará el 17 de julio de 2012, Ciudad de Panamá

DM 201 Connect Americas Summit: invitation to the multi-stakeholder meeting
DM 202 Семинар-встреча МСЭ для стран СНГ «Активизация государственно-частного партнерства в странах СНГ в рамках деятельности секторов МСЭ», г. Чолпон-Ата, Кыргызстан, 22-24 августа 2012 года
DM 203 ITU Handbook for the Collection of Administrative Data on Telecommunications/ICT
DM 204
Girls in ICT Day Celebrations

Célébration de la Journée des jeunes filles dans le secteur des TIC

Celebraciones con ocasión del Día de las Niñas en las TIC

DM 205 Joint WHO-ITU Meeting on “National eHealth Strategy Development: Country experience and next steps”, WHO Headquarters, Geneva, 25-26 July 2012
DM 206 Personal invitation to be a speaker at the forthcoming Connect Americas Summit, Panama city, Panama, 17-19 July 2012
DM 207 Expert Level Training on Telecom Network Cost Modeling for Regulators in Arab States Region, Giza, Egypt, 2-6 September 2012
DM 208 Workshop on “Economic Regulation in the Telecommunications Sector,” for Portuguese
and Spanish speaking countries in Africa, Maputo, Mozambique, 23-27 July 2012
DM 209
ITU Regional workshop for CIS on “Current Trends in Telecommunication Network Development: Theory and Practice”, Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan, 20-22 September 2012
DM 210 Invitation to ITU IDA Executive Training Program: “Enabling Frameworks for ICT Development – The Singapore Experience”, 3-7 September 2012, Singapore
DM 211
Special measures for VVIP and VIP participating in the Connect Americas Summit, Panama City, Panama, 17-19 July 2012

Medidas especiales para las personalidades y altas personalidades que participan en la Cumbre Conectar las Américas, Ciudad de Panamá (Panamá), 17-19 de julio de 2012

DM 212
2012 Global Symposium for Regulators (GSR) Consultation

Consultation sur le Colloque mondial des régulateurs (GSR) 2012

Consulta sobre el Simposio Mundial para Organismos Reguladores (GSR) de 2012

DM 213 1st Chief Regulatory Officers Meeting , 1ST October, 2012 (as part of the 12th Global Symposium for Regulators, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2-4 October 2012)
DM 214
Draft Final Communiqué, Connect Americas Summit, Panama, 17-19 July 2012

Proyecto final de Comunicado, Cumbre Connectar las Américas, Panamá, 17-19 de Julio de 2012
DM 215 Availability of in-country assistance - HIPCAR Project Phase-out
DM 216
Global Forum on Human Capacity Development: “Digital Inclusion: Preparing Human Capital for the Knowledge Based Economy”, Cape Town, Republic of South Africa, 22-25 October 2012

Forum mondial sur le renforcement des capacités humaines: "Inclusion numérique: Préparer le capital humain à une économie du savoir", Le Cap, République sudafricaine, 22-25 octobre 2012

Foro Mundial sobre Desarrollo de Capacidades Humanas: “Integración digital: preparación del capital humano para la economía basada en el conocimiento”, Cape Town, República Sudafricana, 22-25 de Octubre de 2012

DM 217 Release of the ITU World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators Database, 16th edition
DM 218 Availability of in-country technical assistance - ITU-EC HIPSSA Project
DM 219 Regional Forum for Europe on Broadband: A Pilar of Social and Economic Development
DM 220
Availability of in-country technical assistance - ITU-EC HIPSSA Project

Disponibilité d'une assistance technique - Projet UIT-CE HIPSSA

DM 221 Connect Americas 2012 Summit: thank you letters to panelists
DM 222 3rd Meeting of the Expert Group on Telecommunication/ICT Indicators (EGTI), 23-24 September 2012, Bangkok, Thailand
DM 223
Connect Americas 2012 Summit: thank you letters

Cumbre Conectar las Américas 2012:

DM 224 ITU Experts Group Meeting on m-Health: Towards Cure, Care and Prevention, ITU Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland, 25-26 September 2012
DM 225
Cross-border frequency coordination: Harmonized Calculation Method (HCM) for Africa

La coordination des fréquences transfrontalière: Méthode de calcul harmonisée (HCM) pour l'Afrique

DM 226
Reminder to benefit from in-country technical assistance before Project closure

Rappel pour pouvoir bénéficier d’une assistance technique dans le pays avant la clôture du projet

DM 227 Membership of the ITU Telecommunication Development Sector (ITU-D)
DM 228 Fellowship to participate at the ITU TELECOM WORLD 2012 (14 -18 October 2012)
DM 229 Workshop on “Concepts for a new Regulatory Framework” for Portuguese and Spanish speaking countries in Africa, São Tomé and Príncipe, 8-11 October 2012
DM 230 Workshop on “VSAT Systems” for Portuguese and Spanish speaking countries in Africa, Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, 17-21 September 2012
DM 231 11th Annual ITU Tariff Policies Survey 2012
DM 232 This number is cancelled
DM 233 Regional Forum on Cybersecurity for Europe and CIS : Sofia, Bulgaria, 23 – 25 October 2012
DM 234 Regional Regulatory Seminar on Transition to Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting and Digital Dividend for Europe, Budapest, Hungary, 5-7 November 2012
DM 235 Women With the WAVE: High Level Forum on Digital Inclusion of Women and Girls, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 10-11 October 2012
DM 236
1) ITU Forum on Conformance and Interoperability for the Arab and African Regions, 5-7 November 2012, Tunis (Tunisia)
2) Training Course on Conformance and Interoperability Testing, 8-10 November 2012, Tunis (Tunisia)

1) Forum UIT sur la conformité et l’interopérabilité pour les régions Arabe et Afrique, 5-7 novembre 2012, Tunis (Tunisie)
2) Formation sur les tests de conformité et d’interopérabilité, 8-10 novembre 2012, Tunis (Tunisie)
DM 237 ITU Centres of Excellence Network for Europe - eLearning course on “Mobile Broadband: LTE/LTE-Advanced, WiMAX and WLAN”, 20 November – 17 December 2012
DM 238 Invitation to the launch of the Joint ITU-WHO work plan on m-health for NCDs at ITU Telecom World 2012, Dubai, 17 October 2012, 9.00-10.00am, Room “Abdu Dhabi A”
DM 239 - DDR Postponement of Meeting, Invitation to participate in 12-13 November 2012 Brainstorming Retreat for WTDC-14
DM 239 - DIR Invitation to participate in 10-11 October 2012 brainstorming retreat in preparation for WTDC-14
DM 240 Foro de las Distintas Partes Interesadas sobre el Rol de las Telecomunicaciones/TIC en el Manejo de Desastres y Cambio Climático, Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala, del 5 al 7 de noviembre de 2012
DM 241 Workshop on “Universal Access, Services and Financing” for Portuguese and Spanish speaking countries in Africa, Praia, Cape Verde, 29 October - 3 November 2012
DM 242
Harmonized Calculation Method (HCM) for Africa Workshop, 29-31 October 2012 – Analog to Digital Migration Update, 1-2 November 2012, Nairobi, Kenya

Méthode de calcul harmonisée (HCM) pour l'Afrique, du 29 au 31 octobre 2012 – Mise à jour de la migration de l’analogue au numérique, 1er au 2 novembre 2012, Nairobi, Kenya
DM 243 12th Global Symposium for Regulators (GSR12), Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2-4 October 2012: thank you letter to presenters
DM 244 12th Global Symposium for Regulators (GSR), Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2-4 October 2012: thank you letter to moderators
DM 245 12th Global Symposium for Regulators (GSR), Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2-4 October 2012: thank you letter to panelists
DM 246 Invitation to participate in Brainstorming Retreat in preparation for WTDC-14 (Geneva, 12-13 November 2012)
DM 247 GSR12 – Breakfast for Heads of Regulatory Agencies
DM 248 Regulatory Associations meeting, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 1 October 2012
DM 249 Workshop on “VSAT Systems ” for Portuguese and Spanish speaking countries in Africa, Maputo, Mozambique , 19-23 November 2012
DM 250 Brainstorming Retreat in preparation for WTDC-14 (Geneva, 12-13 November 2012)
DM 251 ITU Regional Experts Group Meeting for Europe on Increasing Role of Public Private Partnerships in the ICT Ecosystem - 25 Years of Telecom/ICT Sector Reform in Europe, and Beyond, ITU Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland, 14-15 November 2012
DM 252 ITU/NBTC Training Workshop on the Use of Telecommunication/ICTs for Disaster Management", 20-23 November 2012, Pullman Hotel G Silom, Bangkok, Thailand
DM 253 Workshop on “Business Aspects of Interconnection and Evolution to NGNs” for Portuguese and Spanish speaking countries in Africa, Luanda, Angola, 19-24 November 2012
DM-254 Global ICT Forum on Human Capacity Development, Cape Town, South Africa, 22 - 25 October 2012
DM 255
Regional Development Forum (RDF) for the CIS region, 18 February 2013 and Regional Preparatory Meeting (RPM) for the CIS region, Chisinau (Moldova), 19-21 February 2013

Региональный форум по вопросам развития (РФР) для региона СНГ, 18 февраля 2013 года, и Региональное подготовительное собрание (РПС) для региона СНГ, 19−21 февраля 2013 года, Кишинев (Молдова)

DM 256 Workshop on “Submarine Cables” for Portuguese and Spanish speaking countries in Africa, Praia, Cape Verde, 17-21 December 2012
DM 257 5th Steering Committee Meeting of the Centres of Excellence Network for Portuguese and Spanish speaking countries in Africa, Geneva, Switzerland, 17-18 December 2012
DM 258 Distance Learning course on “Strategic Marketing for the Telecommunication Sector” for Portuguese and Spanish speaking countries in Africa  10 December  2012-31 January 2013
DM 259
Seminar on Costs and Tariffs for Study Group 3 Regional Group for Africa (SG3RG-AFR), Cairo, Egypt, 4 - 5 February 2013 Séminaire sur les coûts et les tarifs pour le Groupe régional de la Commission d'études 3 pour l'Afrique (SG3RG-AFR), Caire, Egypte, 4 - 5 février 2013
DM 260 Invitation to the Joint ITU-D and ITU-T workshop on "e-Health services in low-resource settings: Requirements and ITU role", Tokyo, Japan, 4-5 February 2013, hosted by the Ministry of Internal affairs and Communications (MIC), Japan
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