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Medición de la Independencia Formal de Autoridades Regulatorias en Telecomunicaciones utilizando un adaptación del Índice Gilardi

Medición de la Independencia Formal de Autoridades Regulatorias en Telecomunicaciones utilizando un adaptación del Índice Gilardi
Year: 2016
Persistent link: http://handle.itu.int/11.1002/pub/80f1a6d1-en
This study focuses on measuring the formal independence of the Telecom/ICT National Regulatory Authorities. In this report, an index based on the work of Gilardi (2002, 2005) was used to measure this independence in the Spanish-speaking countries of the Americas region. The estimation of this index will allow a better understanding of the degree of independence of regulators in Regulatel Member States. Such independence is an essential element to know the institutional strength of a regulatory agency and its ability to achieve its objective of simulating competition, reducing the market failures generated in network economies such as the telecommunications sector. This study is a contribution from the ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) to the work being done within the framework of the Grupo de Trabajo sobre Fortalecimiento Institucional del Foro de Reguladores Latinoamericanos (Regulatel). This publication is available only in Spanish.

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