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CCIF, CCIT, CCITT, and World Telecommunication Standardization Assemblies

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CCITT - Vth Plenary Assembly (Geneva, 1972)

4 - 15 December 1972 - Geneva, Switzerland

What is an Assembly?

Assemblies provide overall direction to the activities of ITU’s standardization and radiocommunication sectors (formerly the International Consultative Committees – CCIF, CCIT, CCITT, CCIR). They approve a list of technical subjects related to telecommunications (called Questions) and refer them to a number of Study Groups composed of experts from different countries. They establish or disband Study Groups according to need and elect the chairs and vice-chairs for the groups. Assemblies also adopt the Recommendations developed by their sector’s Study Groups. For more information about the standardization sector and its history, visit the Focus on Standardizaton page.

Materials available on the History of ITU Portal

Historically, proceedings of various types were published following each assembly. The nature of these publications changed over time. On the History of ITU Portal, you will find the parts of the proceedings that summarize the discussions and administrative decisions that were made at each assembly. All original versions of the complete set of publications produced by each assembly are available for consultation at the ITU Library & Archives.

To learn more about the work and outcomes of this assembly use the tabs below to access related publications and additional information.

CCITT - Vth Plenary Assembly (Geneva, 1972)
Use the tabs below to explore the different publications, documents, and resources related to this event. The History of ITU Portal uses Persistent Identifiers for its digitized documents. To copy a Persistent ID, hover the cursor over the document link and then right-click on it.


Green Book: Volume I: Minutes and Reports of the Plenary Assembly; Resolutions and Opinions; Recommendations Series A, B, and C; List of Study Groups, Working Parties, and Questions.(English)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Green Book: Volume II-A: General Tariff Principles; Costing. Lease of Circuits for Private Service; Telephone Operation and Tariffs: Recommendations (Series D and E) and Questions (Study Groups II and III)(English)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Green Book: Volume II-B: Telegraph Operation and Tariffs: Recommendations (Series F) and Questions (Study Group I)(English)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Green Book: Volume III-1: Line Transmission: Recommendations (Series G, H and J) and Questions (Study Groups XV, XVI, Special Study Groups C and D)(English)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Green Book: Volume III-2: Line Transmission: Recommendations (Series G, H and J) and Questions (Study Groups XV, XVI, Special Study Groups C and D)(English)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Green Book: Volume III-3: Line Transmission: Recommendations (Series G, H and J) and Questions (Study Groups XV, XVI, Special Study Groups C and D)(English)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Green Book: Volume IV.1: Maintenance: Recommendations (Series M, N and O) and Questions (Study Group IV)(English)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Green Book: Volume IV.2: Maintenance: Recommendations (Series M, N and O) and Questions (Study Group IV)(English)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Green Book: Volume V: Telephone Transmission Quality, Local Networks and Telephone Sets: Recommendations (Series P) and Questions (Study Group XII)(English)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Green Book: Volume VI.1: Telephone Signalling and Switching: Recommendations (Series Q) and Questions (Study Groups XI and XIII)(English)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Green Book: Volume VI.2: Telephone Signalling and Switching: Recommendations (Series Q) and Questions (Study Groups XI and XIII)(English)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Green Book: Volume VI.3: Telephone Signalling and Switching: Recommendations (Series Q) and Questions (Study Groups XI and XIII)(English)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Green Book: Volume VI.4: Telephone Signalling and Switching: Recommendations (Series Q) and Questions (Study Groups XI and XIII)(English)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Green Book: Volume VII: Telegraph Technique: Recommendations (Series R, S, T and U) and Questions (Study Groups VIII, IX, X and XIV)(English)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Green Book: Volume VIII: Data Transmission: Recommendations (Series V and X) and Questions (Study Group VII and Special Study Group A)(English)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Green Book: Volume IX: Protection: Recommendations (Series K and L) and Questions (Study Groups V and VI)(English)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Selected CCITT Recommendations Relating to International Sound and Television Programme Transmissions(English)download PDF PDF (acrobat)


Livre vert : Tome I: Procès-verbaux et rapports de l'Assemblée plénière ; Résolutions et voeux ; Avis séries A, B et C ; Liste des Commissions d'étude, des Groupes de travail, et des questions.(Français)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Livre vert : Tome II-A : Principes généraux de tarification ; prix de revient ; location de circuits à usage privé ; exploitation et tarficiation téléphoniques : Avis (séries D et E) et questions (Commission II et III)(Français)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Livre vert : Tome II-B : Exploitation et tarification téléphoniques : Avis (série F) et questions (Commission I)(Français)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Livre vert : Tome III-1 : Transmission sur les lignes : Avis (série G, H et J) et questions (Commissions XV, XVI, spéciales C et D)(Français)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Livre vert : Tome III-2 : Transmission sur les lignes : Avis (série G, H et J) et questions (Commissions XV, XVI, spéciales C et D)(Français)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Livre vert : Tome III-3 : Transmission sur les lignes : Avis (série G, H et J) et questions (Commissions XV, XVI, spéciales C et D)(Français)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Livre vert : Tome IV.1 : Maintenance : Avis (séries M, N et O) et questions (Commission IV)(Français)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Livre vert : Tome IV.2 : Maintenance : Avis (séries M, N et O) et questions (Commission IV)(Français)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Livre vert : Tome V : Qualité de transmission téléphonique, réseaux locaux et appareils téléphoniques : Avis (série P) et questions (Commission XII)(Français)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Livre vert : Tome VI.1 : Signalisation et commutation téléphoniques : Avis (série Q) et questions (Commissions XI et XIII)(Français)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Livre vert : Tome VI.2 : Signalisation et commutation téléphoniques : Avis (série Q) et questions (Commissions XI et XIII)(Français)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Livre vert : Tome VI.3 : Signalisation et commutation téléphoniques : Avis (série Q) et questions (Commissions XI et XIII)(Français)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Livre vert : Tome VI.4 : Signalisation et commutation téléphoniques : Avis (série Q) et questions (Commissions XI et XIII)(Français)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Livre vert : Tome VII : Technique télégraphique : Avis (séries R, S, T et U) et questions (Commissions VIII, IX, X et XIV)(Français)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Livre vert : Tome VIII : Transmission de données : Avis (séries V et X) et questions (Commission VII et spéciale A)(Français)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Livre vert : Tome IX : Protection : Avis (série K et L) et questions (Commissions V et VI)(Français)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Recueil des Avis du CCITT relatifs aux transmissions radiophoniques et télévisuelles internationales(Français)download PDF PDF (acrobat)


Libro Verde: Tomo I: Actas e Informes de la Asamblea Plenaria; Resoluciones y Ruegos; Recomendaciones Series A, B y C; Lista de las Comisiones de Estudio, Grupos de trabajo, y de las Cuestiones en Estudio.(Español)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Libro Verde: Tomo II.A: Principios Generales de Tarificación; Precio de Coste - Arriendo de Circuitos de Uso Privado; Explotación y tarificación telefónicas: Recomendaciones (Series D y E) y Cuestiones (Comisiones de Estudio II y III)(Español)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Libro Verde: Tomo II.B: Explotación y Tarificación Telegráficas: Recomendaciones (Serie F) y Cuestiones (Comisión de Estudio I)(Español)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Libro Verde: Tomo III-1: Transmisión en Línea: Recomendaciones (Series G, H y J) y Cuestiones (Comisiones de Estudio XV, XVI, Especial C y D)(Español)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Libro Verde: Tomo III-2: Transmisión en Línea: Recomendaciones (Series G, H y J) y Cuestiones (Comisiones de Estudio XV, XVI, Especial C y D)(Español)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Libro Verde: Tomo III-3: Transmisión en Línea: Recomendaciones (Series G, H y J) y Cuestiones (Comisiones de Estudio XV, XVI, Especial C y D)(Español)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Libro Verde: Tomo IV.1: Mantenimiento: Recomendaciones (Series M, N y O) y Cuestiones (Comisión de Estudio IV)(Español)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Libro Verde: Tomo IV.2: Mantenimiento: Recomendaciones (Series M, N y O) y Cuestiones (Comisión de Estudio IV)(Español)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Libro Verde: Tomo V: Calidad de Transmisión Telefónica, Redes Locales y Aparatos Telefónicos: Recomendaciones (Serie P) y Cuestiones (Comisión de Estudio XII)(Español)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Libro Verde: Tomo VI.1: Señalización y Conmutación Telefónicas: Recomendaciones (Serie Q) y Cuestiones (Comisiones de Estudio XI y XIII)(Español)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Libro Verde: Tomo VI.2: Señalización y Conmutación Telefónicas: Recomendaciones (Serie Q) y Cuestiones (Comisiones de Estudio XI y XIII)(Español)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Libro Verde: Tomo VI.3: Señalización y Conmutación Telefónicas: Recomendaciones (Serie Q) y Cuestiones (Comisiones de Estudio XI y XIII)(Español)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Libro Verde: Tomo VI.4: Señalización y Conmutación Telefónicas: Recomendaciones (Serie Q) y Cuestiones (Comisiones de Estudio XI y XIII)(Español)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Libro Verde: Tomo VII: Técnica Telegráfica: Recomendaciones (Series R, S, T y U) y Cuestiones (Comisiones de Estudio VIII, IX, X y XIV)(Español)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Libro Verde: Tomo VIII: Transmisión de Datos: Recomendaciones (Series V y X) y Cuestiones (Comisiones de Estudio VII y Especial A) (Español)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Libro Verde: Tomo IX: Protección: Recomendaciones (Series K y L) y Cuestiones (Comisiones de Estudio V y VI) (Español)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Colección de las Recomendaciones del CCITT Relativas a las Transmisiones Radiofónicas y de Televisión Internationales(Español)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
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Mr. A Baczko (Poland)

List of participants

List of Participants of the CCITT Plenary Assembly (Geneva, 1972)(English)download PDF PDF (acrobat)


"Opening of the Vth Plenary Assembly of the CCITT: Election of New Director of the Committee." Telecommunication Journal 40, no. 1 (1973): 7.(English)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Croze, R.J. "The Vth Plenary Assembly of the CCITT." Telecommunication Journal 40, no. 6 (1973): 310-314.(English)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
YearConference NameAcronymConference TypePlace


CCIF - Preliminary Meeting (Paris, 1923)

Plenary Assembly - CCIFParis


CCIF - Ist Plenary Assembly (Paris, 1924)

Plenary Assembly - CCIFParis


CCIF - IInd Plenary Assembly (Paris, 1925)

Plenary Assembly - CCIFParis


CCIT - Ist Plenary Assembly (Berlin, 1926)

Plenary Assembly - CCITBerlin


CCIF - IIIrd Plenary Assembly (Paris, 1926)

Plenary Assembly - CCIFParis


CCIF - IVth Plenary Assembly (Como, 1927)

Plenary Assembly - CCIFComo


CCIF - Vth Plenary Assembly (Paris, 1928)

Plenary Assembly - CCIFParis


CCIF - VIth Plenary Assembly (Berlin, 1929)

Plenary Assembly - CCIFBerlin


CCIT - IInd Plenary Assembly (Berlin, 1929)

Plenary Assembly - CCITBerlin


CCIF - VIIth Plenary Assembly (Brussels, 1930)

Plenary Assembly - CCIFBrussels


CCIT - IIIrd Plenary Assembly (Bern, 1931)

Plenary Assembly - CCITBern


CCIF - VIIIth Plenary Assembly (Paris, 1931)

Plenary Assembly - CCIFParis


CCIF - IXth Plenary Assembly (Madrid, 1932)

Plenary Assembly - CCIFMadrid


CCIF - Xth Plenary Assembly (Budapest, 1934)

Plenary Assembly - CCIFBudapest


CCIT - IVth Plenary Assembly (Prague, 1934)

Plenary Assembly - CCITPrague


CCIF - XIth Plenary Assembly (Copenhagen, 1936)

Plenary Assembly - CCIFCopenhagen


CCIT - Vth Plenary Assembly (Warsaw, 1936)

Plenary Assembly - CCITWarsaw


CCIF - XIIth Plenary Assembly (Cairo, 1938)

Plenary Assembly - CCIFCairo


CCIF - XIIIth Plenary Assembly (London, 1945)

Plenary Assembly - CCIFLondon


CCIF - XIVth Plenary Assembly (Montreux, 1946)

Plenary Assembly - CCIFMontreux


CCIT - VIth Plenary Assembly (Brussels, 1948)

Plenary Assembly - CCITBrussels


CCIF - XVth Plenary Assembly (Paris, 1949)

Plenary Assembly - CCIFParis


CCIF - XVIth Plenary Assembly (Florence, 1951)

Plenary Assembly - CCIFFlorence


CCIT - VIIth Plenary Assembly (Arnhem, 1953)

Plenary Assembly - CCITArnhem


CCIF - XVIIth Plenary Assembly (Geneva, 1954)

Plenary Assembly - CCIFGeneva


CCIF - XVIIIth Plenary Assembly (Geneva, 1956)

Plenary Assembly - CCIFGeneva


CCIT - VIIIth Plenary Assembly (Geneva, 1956)

Plenary Assembly - CCITGeneva


CCITT - Ist Plenary Assembly (Geneva, 1956)

Plenary Assembly - CCITTGeneva


CCITT - Special Assembly (Geneva, 1958)

Plenary Assembly - CCITTGeneva


CCITT - IInd Plenary Assembly (New Delhi, 1960)

Plenary Assembly - CCITTNew Delhi


CCITT - IIIrd Plenary Assembly (Geneva, 1964)

Plenary Assembly - CCITTGeneva


CCITT - IVth Plenary Assembly (Mar del Plata, 1968)

Plenary Assembly - CCITTMar del Plata


CCITT - Vth Plenary Assembly (Geneva, 1972)

Plenary Assembly - CCITTGeneva


CCITT - VIth Plenary Assembly (Geneva, 1976)

Plenary Assembly - CCITTGeneva


CCITT - VIIth Plenary Assembly (Geneva, 1980)

Plenary Assembly - CCITTGeneva


CCITT - VIIIth Plenary Assembly (Málaga-Torremolinos, 1984)

Plenary Assembly - CCITTMalaga-Torremolinos


CCITT - IXth Plenary Assembly (Melbourne, 1988)

Plenary Assembly - CCITTMelbourne


World Telecommunication Standardization Conference (Helsinki, 1993)

WTSC-93World Telecommunication Standardization AssemblyHelsinki


World Telecommunication Standardization Conference (Geneva, 1996)

WTSC-96World Telecommunication Standardization AssemblyGeneva


World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (Montreal, 2000)

WTSA-2000World Telecommunication Standardization AssemblyMontreal


World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (Florianópolis, 2004)

WTSA-04World Telecommunication Standardization AssemblyFlorianópolis


World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (Johannesburg, 2008)

WTSA-08World Telecommunication Standardization AssemblyJohannesburg


World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (Dubai, 2012)

WTSA-12World Telecommunication Standardization AssemblyDubai


World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (Hammamet, 2016)

WTSA-16World Telecommunication Standardization AssemblyYasmine Hammamet


World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (Geneva, 2022)

WTSA-20World Telecommunication Standardization AssemblyGeneva